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Yitzchok Reisman the Scribe
Sofer Stam
A Torah Scribe

Welcome to Torah Scroll .com

Yitzchok  Reisman has been practicing as a Sofer Stam (scribe who writes Torah Scrolls, Tefillin, and Mezuzot) for over 45 years. During that time, he has been involved in many projects, including Torah writing, Torah restoration, Stam education and travelling Stam inspection campaigns.  Working out of the Lower East Side of New York, Yitzchak Reisman is committed to the old world style of practicing as a Sofer, having learned from esteemed teachers of the past generations.

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Antique Torah scroll
Yitzchok Reisman, a world renowned expert, has spent many years traveling around the world to study old and ancient Jewish writing in different communities.  He is one of the few in the world that can accurately date and determine the origins of antique Jewish writings.  In the course of his work he has come across several previously unknown, rare Torah scrolls and bound manuscripts of Jewish writings.  Among those manuscripts is a Chinese Torah Scroll from Kaifeng dated as old as the 16th century, a Middle Eastern folio of Tanach from the 11th century,  and most recently a  Torah scroll written in Spain that is over 700 years old. For more information about Yitzchok Reisman see about the Sofer page.


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Gematria - Tabela

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