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abaddon (destruction) abirei lev (stubborn of heart)
ach ahuv (a beloved brother [in Moshiach]) ach'av mashtin b'kir (him 
that urinates against 
the wall, i.e. all males)
Ach'av (Ahab, King Ahab of Israel)
ach (brother)
achad asar (Eleven, the Eleven)
achai (my brethren) acharei (after) acharim (end-times things)
acharit hashanim (future years)
acharit hayamim (last days, [Messianic] latter days)
acharit shanah (end of the year)
acharit yam (the extreme end of the sea) acharit (future, end, last, 
final outcome, latter 
end, i.e., future destruction) acharon (afterward, in the future, last) 
acharonim (last 
ones) achavah (brotherhood) achayot, akhayot (sisters)
Achazyahu (Ahaziah of Judah)
achdus (union, unity) achdut of yichudim (unity/ harmony of 
unifications) achdut (unity) 
achei Yosef asarah (Yosef's ten brothers) achei Yosef(the brothers of 
acheicha (thy brethren) acheinu (our brethren, countrymen) acher 
(another) acherim (others)
achi avicha (the brother of thy father) achi (brother, my brother)
achich (your brother) achicha(thy brother)
achichem acher (your other brother) achichem hakaton (your younger 
brother) achichem (your 
brother) achim b'Moshiach (brothers in Moshiach) achinu hakaton (our 
youngest brother) 
achinu (our brother) achiv (his brother) achor (behind) achot ketannah 
(little sister)
achot yafeh (beautiful sister)
achot (sister) achoteinu (our sister) achoti (my sister) achraius 
accountability) achuzzah (possession estate)
achuzzat Bnei Yisroel (possession, estate of the Sons of Israel) 
achuzzat ha'aretz 
(ancestral heritage of the land)
achuzzat kever (burial estate)
achuzzat olam (everlasting possession, perpetual heritage) achyon 
(nephew) achzav (deception) 
ad bo asher lo hamishpat (until he comes to whom the right it is) ad 
bor (till the pit, till 
ad dor vador (from generation to generation)
ad es HaKetz (until the End)
ad haohr (until daylight, sunrise)
ad hasof (unto the end) ad kahn (sufficient for the purpose, enough) ad 
kdei kach (so much) 
ad mah (until when?) when?)
ad marom (to the height) ad mosai (how long?, how much longer [will 
this go on]?)
ad olam (forever)
ad olemei ad (for all eternity)
ad-hennah (until now) ad-olam (forever)
adam bote'ach (man that trusteth, hath confident faith)
Adam Chadash Echad (One New Humanity)
adam chai (any man alive)
Adam haacharon (last Adam)
adam hakadmoni (old [unregenerated] humanity) Adam HaSheini (the second 
adam meiven yodei'a (a man of wisdom and knowledge)
adam (humankind, man, mankind, mortals; of mortals)
adamah shemenah (fertile land)
adamah tovah (good ground, good soil) adamah (earth, ground, land, the 
soil, tiller of 
adamah (mud)
adarim (flocks, herds) adashim (lentiles) adat aritzim (band of violent 
men) adat Aviram 
(the assembly of Aviram) adat chanef (congregation of hypocrites) adat 
(community of Moshiach) adat Hashem
(congregation of G-d) Adat l'Umim (assembly of the nations, peoples) 
adat mere'im 
(congregation of evil men)
adat (herd)
adderet se'ar (garment of hair, hairy mantle) adei-ad (forever) 
adematenu (our land, our 
aderaba (to the contrary)
aderet (cloak, mantle) adinah (voluptuous, wanton one) adir (majestic) 
Adir (Prince, 
Leader, the Majestic One, i.e., Hashem)
admat aphar (dust of the ground)
admat Ami (land of My people)
admat Hashem (land of Hashem)
admat nekhar (foreign country)
admat Yisroel (the land of Israel)
admoni - red, ruddy

adom (red, red stew) adomoni (ruddy, of healthy red complexion) Adonai 
echad ("G-d is one" 
DEVARIM 6:4) Adonav (his master) Adonei hahar (owner of the hill)
Adoneichem (your L-rd) Adonim (masters)
Adonoi Teshuati (L-rd of my salvation) aesek (scale) af Balak (anger of 
af Dovid (Dovid's anger) af Elohim (G-d's anger, wrath of G-d) af 
hagadol (great wrath) af 
Sha'ul (anger of Sha'ul)
af (anger, nose)
afar, aphar (dust) Afikoman (broken off Matzah at Pesach)
afsei aretz (ends of the earth)
agalah chadashah (new wagon/cart) agalah (cart, wagon) agalim (calves, 
calf idols)
agalot (wagons)
agam haeish (lake of fire)
agam (pool, lake, pond) agamim(pools, lakes) aggadot, aggadah (stories, 
agmat nefesh (grief, sadness, tzubrochen, broken hearted)
agmei nefesh (grieved) agorat kesef (a silver coin)
agudah (union, association, bound together union)
aguddah echat (one unit) aguddot motah (bindings of the yoke bar) 
agunah (woman whose 
husband's whereabouts are unknown) ahavah harabba (great love)
ahavah shel achvah (brotherly love) ahavah (agape, love) ahavas hakesef 
(love of money)
ahavas Hashem, ahavat Hashem (G-d's love; the love of G-d)
ahavas Moshiach (love of Moshiach)

ahavat nafsho (with the love of his own nefesh/self) ahavat (love of) 
ahuvei Hashem (beloved ones of G-d) ahuvi (beloved) airusin, erusin, 
eirusim (betrothal, 
engagement) aizen (well founded, incontrovertible) akarah (barren woman 
[i.e. Yerushalayim 
emptied out by the Golus that Isaiah sees coming]) akav (attacked at 
the heel)
akavish (spider) akedah (binding) akeret (barren woman) akev (heel, 
[at] the heel, 
supplanters, deceivers) akh (fireplace) akhaperah (I will appease, 
pacify) akhayot, 
achayot (sisters)
akhbar (mouse) akhbarim (mice) akhuzah (possession, property, estate) 
akov (is deceitful) 
akrabei ha'aretz (scorpions of the earth) akrabim (scorpions) akrav 
(scorpion, scorpions)
al (on, not)
al ha'aretz (over the world)
al haadamah (upon the earth)
al hakol hu HaElohim mam'vorach l'Olam va'ed. Omein. (over all is G-d 
blessed forever. 
Amen.) al killayon
al menat (in order that) al ratzon (with acceptance)
al tira, ish chamudot (fear not, O man greatly valued, beloved) al 
tirah (fear not) al-
alamot (after the manner virgins, i.e., in the treble-see Ps 46) al-ken 
(therefore) al-sus 
(on horse) alah (oath, imprecation, curse)
alamot (virginal unmarried young women, young unmarried virgins; alamot 
is plural of almah, 
"virgin," alamot,

"virgins;" see Shir HaShirim 1:3; Yeshayah 7:14; Bereshis 24:43; Shemot 
2:8; Mishlei 30:19, 
where the word means explicitly or implicitly "virgin" and where "young 
woman" is not an 
adequate rendering, in this case, since the King was hardly interested 
in only "young women" 
in his harem,
alefim (thousands)
aleh te'enah (fig leaf) aleh (leaf) avoneinu (our iniquities) alilot 
(actions) aliyah 
leregel (pilgrimage) aliyah (ascent) aliyyah (upper room) aliyyat 
hamekerah (upper room of 
cooling) aliyyat kir (walled upper room)
aliyyat hasha'ar (upper room over the gate) aliyyot (upper chambers, 
upper rooms) aliyyot 
(upper rooms) alluf (companion, husband, confidant) alluf (guide, 
friend) almah (unmarried 
young virgin)
almanah (widow) almanot (widows) almenut (widowhood) almon (widowhood) 
aloh (false 
swearing) alon (oak)
Alphey Yehudah (Clans of Yehudah)
als (since) alter (old)
alterer ben (older son) aluf (chief) alufei (chiefs) alummim (sheaves 
of wheat)

alummot(sheaves [of harvest])
Aluphei Yehudah(leaders of Yehudah)
Am Berit (People of the Covenant)
am bote'ach (unsuspecting people) am dal(poor people)
am hatzava(personnel of the army)
am HaYehudim (Jewish people)
am Imkei Safah(a People of Indecipherable Language)
am Kadshecha(People of Thy holiness, Thy Holy People)
am Kedoshim(the Holy People)
am kesheh oref(a stiffnecked people; obstinate people)
am nachalah (a people of inheritance) am oni(afflicted people) am 
rav(much people, great 
people, army) am sakhal(foolish people)
am segullah(treasured people)
am seridei cherev(the people that survived the cherev [as a remnant]) 
am sorer(stubbornly 
rebellious people) am torati velibam(the people with My torah in their 
heart) am 
tzafon(people of the north)
am(people, army) amah(servant, maid servant, handmaid) 
amahot(maidservants) Amakim(G-d of 
Valleys) amakim(valleys)
amal Yisroel(misery of Yisroel)
amal(grief, labor, toil, misery, trouble, suffering, tzoros) amarot 
tehorot(pure words)
Amecha(Thy people) amehot(handmaids) Ami, Ammi(My People) Amecha (Thy 
People) Ammenu(our 
people, our own people) ammim rabbim(many peoples)
ammim, amim (peoples, nations)
Ammo, Amo(His People) ammud anan(pillar of cloud)
ammud ashan(pillar of smoke)

ammudei HaKehillah (pillars of the Kehillah)
ammudim(for the portico roof)
ammudim(pillars) amol(formerly) amolike times(olden times)
Amora(Gomorrah) ana'fim(the branches) anaf(branch) anan boker(morning 
anan edim(cloud of witnesses) anan(cloud) ananim(clouds) anashei 
hatarim (merchants)
anashei levav(men of understanding) Anashim Achim (Men, Brothers)
anashim arba'ah(four men)
anashim arelim (uncircumcised men) anashim hazedim(arrogant men)
anashim medukarim (wounded men) anashim metzoraim (leprous men)
anashim reikim(outlaw men)
anashim(men) anav(humble) anavah(meekness, humility, shiflut/ 
anavat ruach(a spirit of meekness)
anavim(grapes, ripe grapes)
anavim, anayim, anaviyim(humble ones, oppressed ones)
Ani Adonoi rofecha(I am Hashem that healeth thee).
Ani Hu(I am, I am He) Ani Ma'amin(I believe) Ani modeh(I confess) Ani 
ohev(I love) Ani 
tzameh(I thirst) Ani yadati Goeli chai(I know that my Redeemer liveth)
Ani zovei'ach laHashem(I sacrifice to Hashem) Ani(lowly, humble, poor) 
anivvei aretz(poor of 
the land)
aniyei hatzon(the poor of the flock) anochiyut(selfishness) anshei 
adateynu(the men of our 

anshei bogedot (treacherous persons) anshei chayil(capable men, valiant 
men) anshei damim 
umirmah (bloody and deceitful men)
anshei damim (bloodthirsty men, bloody men)
anshei hamishmar(the men of the guard) anshei matzutecha(them that 
contended with thee, they 
that war against thee) anshei resha(men of wickedness)
anshei rivecha(they that strive with thee) anshei shlomecha(the men 
that were at peace with 
anshei shlomeinu(men of our fraternity) anshei tamid(a regular detail 
of men) anshei 
tzedek(men of righteousness) anshei Yisroel(men of Israel)
anshuldiks! (pardon!) anu ma'aminim(we believe)
anush(incurable [in wickedness])
anvei ha'aretz(humble of the land)

aphar anachnu(dust we are)
Apikoros(Epicurean) apikoros(skeptic, unbeliever) 
apikorosim(unbelievers) Apollyon(that is, 
"Destroyer") appiryon(palanquin, mobile throne carried on a litter on 
the shoulders of men) 
arain getun(engrossed) aral sefatayim (uncircumcised lips, stumbling 
speech, sealed lips)
Aram(Syria, the Syrians) Aramim(Syrians) Aramit(Aramaic) 
aratzot(countries) aravah(desert) 
arayim(lions) arayot(lions, the lions) arazim(cedars, cedar trees)
arba me'ot ish(four hundred men)
arba me'ot vachamashim shanah(four hundred arba ruchot(four winds) 
arba'ah anashim(four men)
arba'ah charashim(four craftsmen)
arba'ah chodashim(four months)
arba'ah rashim(four heads)
arba'ah yamim(four days) arba'at alafim ish(four thousand men) 
arba'at(four) arba'im 
anashim(forty men)
arba'im shanah,(forty years)
arba(four) arbah(four)
arbah chayyot(four living beings) arbah esrey shanim (fourteen years) 
merkavot(four chariots) arbah pinot(four corners)
arbah pinot ha'aretz(the four corners of the earth)
arbah ruchot(four winds) arbah ruchot HaShomayim (the four winds of 
arbatayim(four times) arba'a anashim(four men) arbeh(locust, locusts) 
arei hametzurot 
(fortified cities)

Arei Kadsheicha(Thy holy cities)
arei metzurah(fortified cities)
arei miklat(cities of refuge)
arel(uncircumcised, uncircumcised person, uncircumcision, foreskin)
arelah(uncircumcised) arelim(uncircumcised, uncircumcised ones) 
arelot(foreskins) arevot 
Mo'av(plains of Moav)
ariel(altar hearth, i.e. see Ezekiel 43:15)
arim lematzor(cities for defence)
arim(cities, towns) arlat ben(foreskin of son)
arlei lev(uncircumcised in heart)
arlot(foreskins) armah(prudence) armenot(mansions) armon Bais 
Melech(citadel of the palace 
of the king) armon(citadel, palace, castle)
arod(wild donkey, onager)
arom(half-naked, naked, stripped)
Aron HaEdut(Ark of the Testimony)
Aron nerot(lamps) aron otzaram(chest of treasury)
Aron(Ark) arov(flies) aroyot(lions) Artachshasta(Artaxerxes) 
Artzeinu(our Land) Artzot 
HaChayim(the Land of the Living) arum(craftiness, cunning, crafty, 
wiley) arumim(crafty 
ones) arummim(naked ones) arur(cursed) arurah(cursed woman, cursed, 
arurim(cursed ones) arusah(fiancee) arvot(cleverness) arvut(pledge) 
aryeh hamet(dead lion) aryeh(lion) aryot(lions) asach(a lot of) 
asarah anashim(ten men) asarah melachim(ten kings)

asarah shalitim(ten rulers)
asarah yamim(ten days) asarah(ten) asaret(ten) aser(tenth) Aseres 
HaDibros/Aseres Hadevarim 
(The Ten Commandments)
Aseres Hadibros(The Ten Commandments) aseret alafim(ten thousand)
Aseret Hadevarim(Ten Commandments)
aseret hashevatim(ten tribes)
aseret yamim(ten days) ash(moth)
asham(guilt, guilt offering, trespass offering)
ashan haIr(smoke of the City)
ashei resha(evil men) ashem(guilty) ashemim(guilty ones) Asher yomar 
lakhem ta'asu(Do 
whatever he tells you) [BERESHIS 41:55]
asher(blessed) asher (which) asherah(sacred trees, poles)
Asherim(i.e. sacred poles of the Asherah cult of Canaan) ashirim(rich 
ashirut(riches) ashma(guilt) ashmah(guilt, trespass) ashmat Yisroel(the 
guilt of Israel)
ashmateinu(our guilt) ashmatenu(our guilt) ashmoret haboker(morning 
ashmoret hatikhonah (middle watch) ashmot(guiltinesses) ashmurah(watch, 
division of time)
ashmurot(night watches) ashok(oppressor) ashpah(quiver)

ashrei(blessed, happy) Ashrey(Blessed/Happy) Ashur(Assyria) asim(barns, 
asir(prisoner, prisoners)
asirim(prisoners, captives, those bound with chains) asur(forbidden, 
Atah haIsh(Thou art the Man)
atah(are you, you are, now)
Atah(Thou) atak(insolence) atarah(crown, diadem) atarot(crowns)
ateret ge'ut(crown of pride)
ateret HaChayyim(the diadem of Life)
Ateret HaKavod(Crown of Glory)
ateret tiferet(beautiful crowns)
ateret zahav gedolah(a great crown of gold) ateret(crown) atidim(ready, 
prepared) Atik 
Yamim(Ancient of Days, i.e. Hashem) atikeha(corner structures) attudei 
aretz(he-goat world 
leaders) attudim(he-goats, leaders)
attun (furnace)
atzabei Kena'an(idols of Canaan)
atzabim(idols, images) atzat (counsel of) atzei algummim (algum trees)
atzei arazim(cedar logs) atzei ya'ar(trees of the forest)
atzel(sluggard, lazy one)
atzeret bogedim(band of treacherous traitors) atzeret(assembly, a 
solemn assembly) 
Atzeret(solemn assembly, i.e., Shemini Atzeret) atzlah(slothfulness, 
atzlanit(sluggards) atzlut(slothfulness, lazy idleness) atzmi'ach(I 
will make sprout)
atzmiach(to branch, to sprout)
atzmot hayeveshot (dry bones)

atzumim(powerful ones) atzur(bond, restricted, barred)
atzuvat ruach(grieved in spirit)
atzvat lev(heartache) av sela(bed rock) Av(Father) avaddon(destruction) 
servants) avadim chamishim anashim bnei chayil(fifty ablebodied men) 
avadim(male servants, 
man servants, officers, officials, servants, slaves, subjects) avanim 
avanim shleimot(uncut stones)
avanim(stones, gemstones, rocks) Avdecha(Thy Servant) Avdi Avraham(My 
Servant Abraham)
Avdi Ya'akov(My servant Jacob)
Avdi(My Servant) Avdut (slavery) avedah(lost property, missing thing) 
avel bamishpat 
(perversion of justice) avel(iniquity/gross injustice, mourning, wrong, 
fault, sons evil)
avelim(mourners) avelut(mourning) aven(evil, lashon hora, iniquity, 
wickedness, deceit, 
nothing) averah(transgression, disobedience to the commandment) 
averos(sins) Avi(Father) 
Avi HaOhrot(the Father of Lights)
Avi khol(Father of all) Avi shbaShomayim(My Father who is in Heaven) 
Avi tzaddik(the father 
of a righteous one) Avi yetomim(A Father of orphans)
Avi Ad(Everlasting Father)
avihem(their father) avilim(little children) Avinu(Our Father) Avinu, 
yitkadash shmecha 
(hallowed be thy Name) Avir Ya'akov(Mighty One of Jacob, the Mighty One 
of Ya'akov)
Avir Yisroel(the Mighty One of Yisroel) aviv(his father) 

avlah(injustice, perverseness, wickedness, iniquity) avnei 
chefetz(precious stones)
avnei habarad (hailstones)
avnei shoham(onyx stones)
avnei zikaron(memorial stones)
avnet bahd(linen sash) Avnet(Sash) Avnetim(Sashes)
Avod Elohim (to serve G-d)
avodah gedolah(labor strenuously)
avodah hakashah(hard bondage)
avodah kashah(hard bondage, hard labor) avodah shebalev(service of the 
heart, public 
avodah va'avodah(vessels for every kind service) avodah zarah avodah 
zarah(idol worship, 
avodah(labor, service, ministry, work, servitude)
Avodah(Service,Ministry) avodas Beis Hashem (service/ministry the House 
Hashem) Avodas 
Dahm(Blood Service)
avodas kodesh(kohen's service, ministry) Avodas Kodesh(worship) Avodas 
Avodat Avodah(the Work of the Service, Ministry)
avodat HaMishkan(the work, service of the Mishkan)
avodat mamlechut(the service of the kingdoms) avodateinu (our labor)

avodot hakodesh (ministries) avon ketz(final punishment) avon(iniquity, 
offense, sin, 
wickedness, guilt of wrongdoing, punishment for guilt, punishment for 
being sinful)
avoneinu(our iniquities) avonot HaOlam Hazeh(sins of this world) avonot 
avonot(iniquities, punishments) avonotechem (your iniquities) 
avonoteinu (our 
iniquities) avot(fathers) Avot(Patriarchs, the Patriarchs) avoteicha
(your fathers) Avoteihem (their fathers)
avrech (bow down) ayil haechad(one ram) ayil hamillu'im(ram of 
ordination) ayil 
millu'im(ram of ordination) ayin hamayim(spring of waters)
ayin yamin(right eyes) ayin(eye, spring, well) ayir(young donkey) Ayn 
Eloheihem(Eye of 
their G-d)
ayn oseh tov(there is none that doeth good) ayyalot(deer) az(then)
aza(certain) Azah(Gaza)
Azarah HaGedolal(the Great Temple Courtyard area)
azreini(help me) azuv(free) Azuvah("Forsaken") Azzah(Gaza) 
Azzati(Gazathites) b'bayit(at 
home) b'chol(all over) b'chol haOlam(all over the world)
b'chol lvavchem(with all your heart)
b'derech hatevah (naturally)
b'elah(in a tree/oak tree)
b'hishshafto(when he is judged, brought to trial)
b'keri(contrary, hostile)

b'mishmar(in custody, in the custody ward, under watch)
b'nei habasar(children of the flesh/old humanity without hitkhadshut)
b'nei HaElohim(children of G-d)
b'nei HaHavtachah (children of the promise)
b'nei mavet(sons of death, deserving of death)
b'ri'ah(creation) b'roshim(cypress wood) b'seder(in order) 
b'sheker(falsely) b'Shem Kadsho(in His holy Name)
b'Shem Yehoshua(in Yehoshua's name) b'shem(by name) b'Shimcha(in Thy 
Name) b'sinah(in 
hatred) b'tefillah(in prayer) b'tzedek(in righteousness)
b'yirah(with fear) ba'al af(angry man) ba'al chemah(illtempered man)
Ba'al Chemah(L-rd of Wrathful Fury)
ba'al gaavah(a haughty person)
ba'al habor(owner of the pit)
ba'al hashor(owner of the ox)
ba'al kanaf(bird) ba'al machlokes (quarrelsome person) ba'al 
mashchit(master of 
destruction) ba'al melitzot (rhetorician, fine talker)
ba'al mezimmot(master of schemes)
ba'al nefesh(man given to gluttony)
ba'al tzavva'a(testator, person who makes the will)
ba'al(husband, married of a husband, leader, chief man)
ba'alat habais (the mistress of the house) ba'alat keshafim(the 
mistress of sorceries) 
ba'alat ov(medium, a person with a familiar spirit)
ba'alei ga'avah (conceited, haughty persons)

ba'alei hashpa'ah(people of influence)
ba'alei Ke'ilah(citizens of Ke'ilah)
ba'alei khitzim(archers) ba'alei zchus (privileged) ba'alim(husbands) 
ba'ar(a boorish, 
ignorant person, brutish person, senseless person, dolt) ba'aretz(in 
the ground, on the 
ground) ba'avur(because of, on account of this) ba'boker(in the 
morning) ba'erev(in the 
evening) ba'seter(in secret) ba'tzolen
(pay, reimbursement) baal teshuva(person who turns to G-d in 
repentance) baal(husband, 
owner) baalei hamum(the maimed) Babel HaGedolah(Babylon the Great)
baboker baboker(morning by morning) baboker(at morning) baca(weeping) 
bachir(elect One, chosen one)
bachor(one being chosen) bachotz(outside) bachur oseh milchamah (chosen 
men, which were 
bachur(chosen one) bachutz(in the street) baderech(on a mission, on the 
way/road) badinen 
(serving) BaGad(What Good Fortune!)
bahlt(since) bailus(sovereignty, ownership, dominion) bais (house, 
dynasty) Bais 
Ach'av(House of Ahab)

bais achihem habechor (the house of their firstborn brother)
bais achiv(the house of his brother)
bais akavish(spider's web)
Bais Arizim (House of Cedarwood)
bais avadim(house of bondage)
bais avanim(place of stones)
Bais Avdecha (Dynasty of Thy Servant)
bais Avicha(house of thy father)
bais aviha(house of her father)
bais chayil(house of worthiness)
bais evel(house of mourning)
bais habor(dungeon)
bais hakeleh(prison)
bais hakhoref(winter house, winter also spelled choref)
bais HaMelech(the Palace)
bais hameri(rebellious house)
Bais HaNashim Sheni(a second House of the Women, Harem)
Bais HaShen(House of Ivory)
bais hasokharim(house of merchants)
bais hayotzer(the house of the potter/Creator)
bais immi(the house of my mother)
bais keleh(dungeon)
Bais Malkhut(royal residence)
bais mere'im(house of evildoers)
bais meri(house of rebellion)
bais metzudot(fortress)
bais mishmeret (seclusion)
bais mishteh(house of feasting)
bais ne'eman(enduring dynasty)
bais olam(eternal home)
Bais Pharaoh(Pharaoh's Palace)
bais sar hatabachim (house of the captain of the bodyguards)
bakar(cattle, herd, oxen)
bakasha(request, pleading)
bakki (expert,meiven)
balailah(at night)
ballahot(terrors, terrible thoughts)
bamah hagedolah(the great high place)
Bamah("High Place")
bamah(high place)
bamidbar(in the wilderness)
bamot olam(ancient heights)
bamot te'lu'ot(gaudy high places, cult prostitution brilliantly colored 
harlot "beds")
baneinu(our sons)
banim mekulalim(accursed children)
banim shovavim (backsliding children)
banim zarim(strange, illegitimate children)
banim(children, grandchildren, sons)
banim(sons, children)
bannai chacham(wise builder)
banot Chet(Hittite women)
banot hashir(daughters of song, singing)
banot ya'anah(ostriches)
Bar Elohin(Ben Elohim, Hebrew; Bar Elohin, Aramaic, Son of G-d)
bar levav(pure heart)
bar(cleanness, open, wild)
bara Elohim(G-d created)
barad(hail, stones of hail, hailstones)
barah(choice one)
barei lev(pure in heart)
barei levav(pure of heart)
bari vshalem(safe and sound)
bariim(healthy ones)
barishonah (at first)
baruch atah bair(blessed shalt thou be in the town)
baruch atah(bless you) 
Baruch hagever asher yivtach baHashem(Blessed is the man that trusteth 
in Hashem)
baruch hu(it [the people] is blessed)
baruch(blessed, blessed is)
barzel(iron, iron [axehead], iron [of the axe], iron [tool])
basar pigul(unclean meat) 
basar vadam(flesh and blood)
basar(fallen human nature, old fallen and unregenerate nature)
basar(fallen humanity sold under the power of slave master Chet Kadmon 
Original Sin, Rom 
basar(flesh and blood, kinspeople, flesh, meat)
baseter(in a secret place, in secret, secretly)
basherte(destined mate)
basherter(destined mate)
bat chorin(daughter of freedom)
Bat Gedud(Daughter of Troops i.e. warlike Yerushalayim)
bat haketannah(younger daughter)
bat hashovevah (backsliding daughter)
bat hashovevah (backsliding Daughter)
bat kol(voice)
bat yachidah(only daughter)
batei hasohar(prisons)
batei kela'im(dungeons)
bateinu(our houses)
batenim(pistachio nuts)
batim(buildings, houses, families, shrines)
batim(houses)of chemdah (desire, i.e. thy finest dwellings)
batlanim(unemployed or lazy loafers, idlers)
batza(covetousness, selfish gain)
batzek(dough, deaf 
dough, having no indication of fermentation, see IC 5:7) 


batzorot(droughts) Bavel(Babylon) Bavelah(Babylon) bavust(famous)
Bayit HaGibbor(the House of the Strong Man) Bayit(House, Palace, 
[Davidic] Dynasty) bazak(a 
flash of lightning)
bazunder(unrelated and separate)
ba'al mishpat(Adversary in court, the one bringing charges) bcha (in 
you) bchadrei chadarim
(in a most secret place) be shomer over(guard) be'akbah(in cunning, in 
be'alim(husbands, owners)
be'emes(in truth) be'emunah(faithfully, honestly, with integrity)
be'er hamayim(well of water)
be'er(well) be'erot(wells) be'ichud(united) be'ikvot(in the footsteps) 
bebrit hanissuim (in 
covenant of marriage) bechi(weeping) Bechir(Chosen one, Chosen ones, 
the Chosen one)
bechir(chosen one) bechirah(choice, selection, choosing, election, 
divine election, first 
born [daughter])
bechirei HaElohim(chosen ones of Hashem) Bechireicha(Thy chosen ones)
Bechirim(Chosen ones) bechor(first born, firstborn) 
bechorah(birthright, firstborn 
birthright, right of the firstborn, inheritance, portion the firstborn) 
bechorei dalim(the 
firstborn of the poor ones)
bechurim(youth) bedavka(deliberately) bederech (on the road) 
bedievedike(expedient) bedikah(examination) bedil(tin)
beemes(in actuality) beemes(really, truly)
beerech(approximately, dacht zich) beetzem(in fact, intrinsically) 
begadim acherim(other garments)
begadim(clothes, garments, raiment) beged iddim(filthy rags, a garment 
of menstruation) 
beged(cloth, garment, clothes, garments) begile rosh(with head 
behechrach(necessarily) behemah sheketz (abominable beasts) behemah 
temeiah (contaminated 
animal [carcass])
behemah(animal, animals, beast, beasts, cattle, herd, livestock) 
hippopotamus) beis em(mother's house) beis habamot (house of the 
[idolatrous high places], 
local fertility shrines
beis hakevoros (cemetery)
Beis Hamikdash Otzar (Beis Hashem Treasury) Beis Hamikdash sherut 
(service in the Beis 
Beis HaRishon(Beis HaMikdash of Shlomo) beis netivot(meeting place of 
trodden paths, 
crossroads) Beis Ya'ar HaLevanon (House of the Forest of Levanon)
Beit HaMalkhut(the Royal Palace)
beit hasohar(prison) Beit-Aven("House of Iniquity" pejorative name for 
Bethel) Beit-
Tzaidah(Bethsaida) beiti (my house) beitzim(eggs) beka'ot(valleys) 
bekareinu(our herds) 
bekarim(mornings) bekavod(suitable) bekeshe(kaftan) bekhi gadol(great 
bekhi(weeping) bekhorot(firstlings) bekitzur(briefly, concisely) 
beleidikt(offended) beliya'al(a wicked fate, i.e. a terminal illness)

bemetzius(in fact) bemeysharim (in equity, in fairness) bemotayv(in his 
deaths, intensive 
plural should be translated singular, death, see Isaiah 53:9) ben 
acher(another son) ben 
Adam(human being) Ben Adam(Moshiach, DANIEL 7:13-14) ben ain lo(have no 
ben Amatecha(the son of Thy handmaid)
ben arba'im shanah(forty years old)
ben avlah(son of wickedness)
ben chacham(wise son) ben chayil(son of worthiness) ben 
Chorin(freedman) Ben HaAdam(the 
Son of Man)
ben haamah(son of the bondwoman)
Ben HaAvaddon(the Son of Destruction, Perdition, the state of final 
spiritual ruin, 
Ben HaElyon(Son of the Most High)
ben hameratze'ach(son of a murderer)
ben haoved oto(son that serveth him) ben maskil(son of wisdom)
ben mavet(son of death, a son of death, worthy of death, he shall 
surely die) ben 
nakhar(foreigner) ben nolad(a son shall be born)
Ben Omri(Ahab Son of Ommri)
ben yakir(dear son) Ben Yechid (only son, only Ben HaElohim who shares 
the nature of 
ben zachar(male child) ben zekunim(the son of his old age) ben(son, 
vassal) ben hamet(dead 
son) Beni Ahuvi
beni haahuv(beloved son) beni(my sonp) beno(his son)

benoigeia(regarding Benot HaYerushalayim (Daughters of Yerushalayim), 
benoteinu(our banot, 
our daughters)
bentsh(custom of saying grace after meals, bentshen)
beotzev(with sorrow) berach(had blessed) berakhah(blessing) 
berekhah(pool) Bereshis(In the Beginning, Genesis) beri'ot(fat ones) 
berishonah(in the first 
Beritot(covenants) beroshim(cypresses, juniper)
Beruch Hashem(the blessed of Hashem) Berukhim atem l'Hashem (Blessed be 
ye of Hashem)
besareinu(our flesh) beseder(in order) beser(better) besere(better) 
beseter(in secret, in 
the covert)
beshita(as a matter of conviction or principle) beshum oifen 
(absolutely) besod(in secret) 
besod(secretly) besorah tovah(good news) besorah(good news, news, 
Besorah(Good News) besurah(glad tidings) Besuras HaGeulah (Good News of 
besuroh(news) Bet Din (Jewish Religious Court of Law) Bet 
HaKnesset(House of Assembly, shul, 
synagogue, shtibel) betach(boldly, confidently, in safety) beten(belly, 
womb, fruit of the 
womb, body, womb, i.e. birth; see Psalm 51:5)
beterem(beforehand YIRMEYAH 1:5)
betler (beggar, shnorer) betoch(in the midst of, within)
betulah achot(virgin sister)
betulah(virgin) betulai(my virginity) betulim(virginity, proofs of 

betulot hayafot(fair virgins)
betulot(virgins) betza(covetousness, greed, profit, gain, dishonest 
gain, illgotten 
gain, unjust gain)
Betzi'at HaLechem (Breaking Bread) betziat halechem(have a meal, 
breaking of bread, the 
breaking of the bread)
betzibbur(kri'ah betzibbur is congregational public reading of the 
Kitvei Hakodesh in shul) 
betzilloh(in his shade, shadow)
betzim(eggs) Beulah("Married") bevitachon(confidently) beytzah(egg) 
beytzim(eggs) bezadon 
zadon (in presumption, arrogance) Bias HaMoshiach(the Arrival/Coming of 
Bias(Coming, Parousia) bibrit hanissuim(in covenant of marriage) 
bichlal(entirely) bigdei 
haserad(knit garments)
Bigdei Kodesh(Holy Garments)
bigdei nakam(garments of vengeance)
bigdei serad(elaborately woven garments) bigdei yesha(garments of 
bigoral(by lot) bikah(plain, valley) bikkur cholim(visiting the sick)
bikkurah(first ripe fruit)
Bikkurim(first-fruits, "Firstfruits" BERESHIT 1:11-13; SHEMOT 23:16) 
beshbonot(audit) bimesibba(reclining [at tish])
Bin-Hayemini(Benjamite) binah(understanding, comprehension) Bincha 
chai(your son lives)
bincha(your son) binecha(thy son) binnuy(construction) Binyamin 
binyan(building, edifice)
binyanim(buildings, structures)

BIRA'DAH(trembling, "with trembling") birkat oved(blessing of the 
perishing) Birkat 
Shalom(Greetings of Peace)
Birkat Shomayim(the Blessing of Heaven) birkayim(knees)
birkei Yosef(knees of Yosef)
Birkhat(Blessing) Birkhati(My Blessing) bishas maise(at the same time)
biShmi HaGadol(by My great Name)
bishmi(by My Name, in my name, on My Name) Bishmi(in my Name 
biShmi(in My Name) bitachon(confidence, trust, confident trust) 
biteinu(our daughter) 
Biti(my daughter) bitto(his daughter) bitzediyyah(with intention, by 
laying in wait)
bizyoinos(humiliation) bizzayon(contempt) Blaib shtein! (Stop!) 
blaib(remain, continue 
bnai dodeihen(sons of their uncles, i.e. cousins)
Bnei "HAAMAH" Sons of the Slave Woman)
Bnei Adam(all mankind, Sons of Adam, those of low estate)

bnei alvah(children of unruliness)
bnei ammecha(children of thy people)
bnei avlah(children of wickedness) bnei basar(carnallyminded believers) 
bnei bayit(avadim 
born in my bais)
bnei be'ulah(children of the married woman) bnei Belial
bnei beliyaal(reprobate, worthless men) bnei chalof(sons of 
destitution) bnei chayil(sons of 
valiant, valiant men, men fit for military service)
Bnei Chayil(valiant men) Bnei Chet(Heth) bnei Chorin(freedmen) bnei 
elim(sons of the mighty)
bnei evyon(children of the needy
Bnei HaAm(Common People) Bnei HaKhofshi'yah(Sons of Lady Freedom, the 
Bnei HaMalchut(Sons of the Kingdom) bnei haMeri(sons of Rebellion)
bnei haneurim(children born in one's youth) Bnei HaNevi'im(prophets) 
bnei HaOlam HaZeh(the 
Sons of This World) bnei hapilageshim(sons of the concubines) bnei 
harah(sons of the evil 
bnei hata'aruvot(sons of the hostages) bnei haYerushsha(heirs) bnei 
hayitzhar(sons of oil)
bnei immi(my stepbrothers)
bnei ish(those who are highborn)
bnei onenah(you children of a sorceress) bnei oni(all the oppressed 
afflicted people)
bnei orev(young ravens) bnei Regesh(sons of Thunder)
bnei rogez(sons of anger)
bnei sha'on(sons of tumult)
Bnei Shet(Shuthites) Bnei Shikkulayich(the Children of thy Bereavement, 
i.e. the sons 
born while the
Mother was bereaved of other children lost) bnei temutah(sons of death, 
i.e. appointed to 
Bnei Yisroel(Sons of Yerushalayim)
bnei zililut da'as(sons of sober mindedness) bo hashemesh(sunset) bo 
Yosef(coming of Yosef)
Bo'u u're'u!(Come and see!)
Boaz("Strength is in it")
bochur(young man) boged(the unfaithful, traitor, betrayer, treacherous 
person, treacherous 
betrayer, treacherous) bogedei aven(wicked boged [traitor]) 
bogedim(betrayers, traitors, 
treacherous ones, unfaithful ones, unfaithful) Boh!(Come!) 
boker(morning, until morning)
Boneh Tziyon b'damim (they build up Tziyon with dahm) Boneh 
Yerushalayim (builder of 
Jerusalem) Boneh(Builder) bonim(builders) Bonim(Builders) bor 
hagadol(great pit) bor(pit, 
dungeon, cistern, well) Boreh Ketzot HaAretz (Creator of the Ends of 
the Earth)
borot rabbim(many wells) borot(pits, cisterns) borur(obvious) 
boser(sour grape, ripening 
grape) bosh(embarrassed) boshet alumayich(the shame of thy youth) 
boshet hapanim(shame of 
boshet panim(shame-faced disgrace)
Boshet(Shame) boshet(shame, shameful [idol])
botechim(ones trusting) bocherim(young men) bracha(blessing) 
bren(fervor, hitlahavut) Bri'at 
HaOlam(the creation of the world) bria chadasha(a new being)
bris milah(circumcision)

Brit HaKodesh(Holy Covenant) Brit HaShevuah(the Covenant of the oath) 
brit hefer(he broke) 
Brit Rishonim(covenant of their ancestors) brit(covenant, treaty) 
briyah(food) brought nachamah (comfort)
Brucha at miNashim (Blessed art thou among women)
bubbemeises(old wives tales)
bul etz(product of a tree, i.e. a block of wood)
but horeiti(I will teach)
buttel(cancelled out) butz(fine linen robe) buz(contempt, 
Carkemish(carchemish) carmel(fertile land, fruitful field) 
Casluchim,(whom came the Pelishti 
(Philistines) CHABAKUK(HABAKKUK) chabburot haYehoshua (wounds/stripes 
of Yehoshua
chaburah(stripe laceration, stripes/lacerations) chaburot(wounds) 
chacham(wise, wise man, 
wise person) chachamim(wise men, wise ones)
chachamot(wise women) chachemot sarot(wisest ladies)
chadal ishim(rejected by men)
chadarim(chambers, rooms)
chadash(new) chadasha(new, new garment/cloak) chadashah(new thing) 
chadashim and yeshanim 
(new and old) chadashim(new g-ds) chadashot(new things) 
chadel(fleeting, frail) 
chafash(freed) chafaz(haste, alarm, consternation)

chafeshim(free ones) chafetz hatov(good desire)
chafetz(desire, pleasure,will,good pleasure,good pleasure of his will) 
delighted) chafetzah (willing mind) chafshi(free) chafatsti(I am 
pleased) Chag 
HaAsif(Festival of Ingathering,Harvesttime)
Chag HaMatzot(the Feast of Pesach)
Chag HaPesach(the Feast of Pesach)
Chag(pilgrim feast, holy day)
chagavim(grasshoppers) CHAGGAI(HAGGAI) chaggim(feasts)
Chai Hashem("As the L-rd lives")
Chai l'olam(live forever)
chai(alive) chaiyal(soldier) chaiyalim(soldiers) chalakim(portions, 
i.e. tribal portions or 
allotments) chalakot(smooth things) chalal(slain,wounded) 
chalalim(dead ones, slain ones,wounded, wounded ones) chalavim(fats) 
chalifot semalot(changes of clothing) chalifot(courses, shifts)
Chalilah lanu(far be it from us)
Chalilah li(far be it from me! May it never be! G-d forbid!) 
challah(loaf, cake) challat matzah(loaf of matzah)
chalom(dream) chalomot(dreams) chalon(window)
chalonot atumot(closed niches)
chalonot(windows) chalukat Bais Av(family subdivisions) 
chalutzim(pioneers) cham(hot)
chamah(anger,wrath) Chamas!(Violence!) chamat gever(husband's rage)
chamat HaMelech(wrath of the King)

chamat(fury) chamdanut(covetousness/ greediness,greed) chamesh 
achim(five brothers)
chamesh chodashim(five months)
chamesh elafim anashim (five thousand) chamesh esreh shanah (fifteen 
years) chamesh 
kikrot(loaves) chamesh meot(five hundred)
chamesh(five) chametz,chometz(leaven, leavened bread) chamisha 
be'alim(five husbands)
chamishah chalukei avanim(five smooth stones)
chamishah chodashim(five months)
chamishi (the fifth) chamishim ish(fifty men) chamishim shanah(fifty 
years old)
chamishim(fifty) chamishto(a fifth part thereof)
chammah(sun) chammanim(sun-pillar idols)
chammneichem(your pillars for worshipping the sun)
chamor(donkey) chamoreinu(our donkeys) chamorim(donkeys)
chamot, shviger (motherin-law,)
chamudim(favorite [idols]) chamudot(best ones) chanef(hypocrite,man 
without G-d,irreligious 
man, profane, irreligious,profligate) chanefei lev(irreligious in 
Chaneini(be merciful) chaneinu(have mercy on us)
chaninah(favor, mercy, pardon)
channeni(be gracious/ merciful unto me) Channeni(be merciful) 
Channukah(Festival of 
channun(favor,grace, gracious,compassionate) Channun(Gracious) 
chanupah(profaneness) charadah gedolah ad me'of(exceedingly great 
charaf(taunted, defied, disgraced)

charash barzel (ironsmith)
charash chacham(skilled craftsman)
charash etzim(carpenter) charash even(engraver in gemstones)
charash(ironsmith, blacksmith,workman, artisan,craftsman) charashei 
tzirim (crafters of 
images, idols)
charashim(artisans, craftsmen, carpenters; also kharashim) charavah(dry 
ground [see 
Yehoshua 3:17]) charavot(swords) charedi(orthodox) Charedim(Orthodox,G-
d fearing Jewish 
religious ones)
charevot olam(ancient ruins)
chari af(fierce anger, great anger) charitim(money purses) charitzei 
hecholov(cuts of 
charon af [Hashem] habah (the coming burning wrath of Hashem)
Charon Af Hashem(Burning Furious Wrath of Hashem, fierce anger of 
Hashem) Charon Af 
Hashem(the burning anger of G-d) charon af(fierce anger, burning 
anger,see Ro 1:18,burning 

charon (anger, wrath, fierce wrath) chartummei Mitzrayim (magicians of 
Egypt) chartummim 
(magicians) chartzubbot resha (chains of wickedness/injustice) 
charullim (nettles) charutz 
(maimed) charvot olam (the old ruins)
Chas v'Shalom! (G-d forbid!)
chasadim (lovingkindnesses)
chasdecha (Thy chesed, kindness, steadfast love)
chashekhim (darknesses) chashivut (prominence) chashuve nashim 
(prominent women) chashuve 
Yevanim (prominent Greeks) chashuve (importance, prominent)
chasid (loyal, displaying chesed, the one having chesed, the g-dly one)
chasidim (plural of chasid, pious devotee) chassidus (piety) 
Chassuna,Chasunoh (Wedding 
Feast) chata'ah gedolah ad m'od (utterly sinful) chata'ah (sin 
offering) chataim (sins)
Chatanu (We have sinned) Chatati (I have sinned) Hashem HaTzaddik (God 
is our righteousness) 
chatom (seal up) chatoteinu (our sins) chatt'aim (sinners) chatta'ah 
(sin) chatta'im 
(averos, sins, sinners)
chatta'im (chote'im, sinners)
chatta'ot (sins) chattaim (sins)
chattat hakippurim (sin offering of the atonement)
chattat (sin, sinner, sin offering, sin atoning sacrifice, 2C 5:21)
chattatechem (your sin) chattatenu (our sin) chattot (sins) chattotecha 
(thy sins) 
chattoteinu (our sins) chattotenu (our sins) chatzi HaMalchut (half of 
the kingdom) 
chatzir,khatzir (green grass, herbage)
chatzot halailah (midnight)
chatzotzerot (trumpets, trumpeters, battle trumpets)
chatzrot Hashem (courts of the L-rd) Chavah (eve) chavalim (pains, 
birth pains, pangs, birth 
chavalim (cords, ropes) chaver leneshek (comrade-in-arms) chaver 
(fellow, companion, 
comrade) chaverim (friends, comrades,fellowship) chavol (pledge, 
borrower's pledge) chavolah 
(pledge, collateral) chavrusashaft (association, influence or 
hashpa'ah) chavura (becoming 
involved, fellowship, joining a fellowship) chavurah (company, 
fellowship, society) chayah 
(living creature) chayalim (warriors of valor)
Chayi! (Live!) chayil (strength, valiant, warriors valor, wealth)
chayil gadol (a great army)
chayitz (wall, partition, temporary wall)
Chayyah harishonah (the first Beast) chayyah ra'ah (wild beasts, evil 
wild beast) Chayyah 
(Beast, AntiMoshiach)
chayyah (living, living creature, healed, whole, restored alive, 
beasts) chayyat hasadeh 
(wild beast, wild beasts, beasts of the field) chayyat yad (life of 
Chayyei Ein Sof (Endless Life)
chayyei menuchah (life of rest)
Chayyei Olam (Eternal Life, Everlasting Life) chayyeichem (your life) 
Chayyim Chadashim (New 
Chayyim l'Hashem baMoshiach Yehoshua (alive to G-d in Messiah Yehoshua)

chayyim (alive, alive ones, life, living, vigorous)
Chayyim (Life)
chayyot hagedolot (great beasts)
chayyot (creatures) chazak (strong, be strong, powerful) chazakah 
(force, strong, strong 
chazekeinu (our own strength)
chazir, chazirim (swine) chazon (vision, prophetic vision, appearance, 
revelation, prophecy)
chazon lailah (night vision)
chazon nifratz ([prophetic] vision open/spread out/common, i.e. 
prophetic vision was 
uncommon) chazon shav (vain visions)
chazon sheker (false vision)
chazora (review) chazut kashah (harsh vision)
chedar hamekerah (inner cool room)
chedar mishkav (bedroom) cheder b'cheder (a room within a room, inner 
cheder becheder (an inner room, a room in a room)
cheder hamittot (bedroom)
cheder ([bed]room, room) chedvah (joy, rejoicing) chefetz (pleasure) 
chefetz Hashem 
(pleasure/will of Hashem)
cheftza (really something)
chefet (delight, desire, wish, pleasure, personal advantage)
cheil (army)
cheimah gedolah (great fury)
cheishev haephod (belt of the ephod) cheishev (belt)
cheker Eloah (depths of G-d)

cheker(searchable) chelavim(fat portions) cheled(world, duration, 
duration of life) chelek 
k'chelek(like portions)
Chelek Ya'akov(Portion of Jacob)
chelek(alloted portion of inheritance) chelek(allotment, inheritance, 
portion, allotted 
portion, allotted share) chelekah(parcel) chelev eilim(fat of rams)
chelev(fat, choicest portions)
chelkat mechokek (lawgiver's chelek) chelvei HaShelamim(fat of the 
peace offerings) 
Chemah(anger, wrath, fury)
chemah(anger, hot temper, wrath, fury, burning heat, indignation, rage) 
chen vachesed(favor and grace)
Chen VChesed(favor and mercy/lovingkindness) chen(favor, unmerited 
favor, grace, gracious, 
chepping(annoying) cheredat Elohim(a panic from Elohim) cherem(ban, ban 
of destruction, 
cursed thing under ban of utter destruction, devoted thing, utter 
destruction, holy war) 
cheres(potsherd, piece of broken pottery) cheresh(deaf, deaf man) 
chereshim(deaf ones, deaf 
people, deaf persons)
cheret(metalworking tool)
Cherev Hashem(Sword of Hashem)
cherev(sword, war) cherpah(reproach, scorn, disgrace, shame)
cherpat almenut(reproach of widowhood) cherpat enosh(the 
reproach/reviling of man)

cherpat olam(everlasting disgrace, perpetual reproach)
cherpat(scorn, abuse, disgrace)
cherpot(reproaches) cherut(freedom) chesed gadol(great mercy)
chesed(loving-kindness, loving-kindness, loyal loving-kindness) 
cheshbon [plan] and 
action), account, bill, plan, the scheme, plan of things, calculation) 
Sh'lomo(desire of Solomon) chesron(that which is lacking)
chet b'yad ramah(wilful sin with a high hand of defiance" BAMIDBAR 
Chet Kadmon(Original Sin)
chet mavet(sin worthy of death)
chet(sin) chevel(company, band, cork, rope, measure, portion, lot, 
pain) Chevlai Moshiach 
(birthpangs of Moshiach) Chevlei HaMavet, chevlei leydah(birth pains, 
pangs of childbirth)
Chevlei mavet(pangs of death)
Chevlei Moshiach(birth pangs of Moshiach) Chevlei Moshiach (Messianic 
birthpangs of the end 
of the Age) chevlei oni(cords of affliction)
chevlei Sheol(cords of Sheol)
chevlei yoledah(birth pangs of a woman in childbirth)
cheyl Goyim(wealth of the Nations)
chezkat hayad (strength of the hand) chezyonot(visions) chidot(enigmas, 
riddles, hard 
questions) chilah(pain) chillel(He hath defiled) Chillul Hashem gidduf 
Chillul HaYom HaShabbos (Desecration of the Sabbath Day) chillul 
Shabbos (desecrates 

chimmadti(I desire, see Shir HaShirim 5:16) chinnom(without cause) 
chinom(without cause) 
chinuch(education) chisvonot rabbim(many schemes)
chittat Elohim(terror of G-d)
Chittim(Hittites) chittin(wheat) Chittit(Hittite) Chivi(Hivites) 
Chivvi(Hivite) chiyuv(duty) 
Chizkiyahu(Hezekiah) Chizku(be strong) chizzayon(vision, revelation) 
encouragement) chochmah(wisdom) chochom(wise, a man discerning and 
wise) Chodashim(months) 
chodesh b'chodesh(month by month)
chodesh harishon(first month i.e. Nisan) chodesh hashmini(eighth month)
chodesh hateshi'i(ninth month)
chodesh(month) Chodesh(Rosh Chodesh = New Moon)
chofshi(free) choilek(taking issue) choiv(debt)
chok olam(perpetual due, portion forever) Chok(Decree, Law)

chok(decree/law, ordinance, statute, requirement, obligation, limits, 
boundary, share, 
portion, set time) Chol(Common Precinct) chol(common, profane, secular, 
unconsecrated, sand)
cholayim ra'im(evil sicknesses)
choleh(ill, being ill, sick)
cholel niflaot ("accomplishing miracles" SHEMOT 4:21; Yn 11:42-43) 
cholelim(players on 
instruments) cholemim(them that dream)
choli(disease, sickness, infirmity)
cholim(sick persons) cholom(chalom, dream) cholomot(dreams) 
cholomoteinu(our dreams) 
cholov(milk) chom hayom(the heat of the day)
chom katzir(heat of harvest)
chom(cham,heat) chomah(wall)
chomah chitzonah(outer wall)
chomat avanim(wall of stones)
chomer chutzot(mire of the streets) chomer haDin(rigor of the Law)
chomer(khomer,clay) chometz of shekhar (fermented drink) 
chometz(leavened bread, vinegar, 
wine vinegar TEHILLIM 69:21) chomot(walls) chonen(generosity) Choravot 
choref(khoref,winter) choresh(thicket) choreshim(plowers) chorev(heat, 
drought, ruin)
chori af haba(the wrath to come)
Chori Af HaElohim HaChai l'olemei haolamim(the wrath of the living G-d 
who lives for ever 
and ever)
chori af(burning wrath) chorim(holes, nobles, rulers)
choser(want, lack)

choshech(dark, darkness) Choshen Mishpat (Breastplate of Judgment)
Choshen(breastplate with the urim and tummim) choshevim(the ones 
choson(bridegroom) chotam hachamishi(fifth seal)
chotam harevi'i(the fourth seal)
chotam hashevi'i(seventh seal)
chotam hasheyni(second seal)
chotam hashishi(sixth seal)
chotam(seal, seal of ownership, signet, signet ring) chotamot(seals) 
chote'im(sinners) choteh(sinner) chotsh(at least) chotzvim(masons, 
chovah musarit(moral duty)
choveket ben(shalt embrace a son) Chovelim(Bindings [of Union)
choveret(set) choverot(joined together)
Chozeh Dovid(Seer of Dovid, Seer David) chozeh(seer) chozek (strength) 
chozim bakochavim 
(stargazers) chozim(seers) chozkah(strength) chufshah(freedom) 
chukim(laws, statutes) 
chukkot Omri(statutes of Omri)
chukkot(customs, statutes, decrees, ordinances) chulshat habasar 
(weakness of the flesh, 
chumra(not of strict adherence to the letter of the law, legalism) 
strict adherence to the 
letter of the law, legalism [legalism itself a
misinterpretation of the Torah])
chuppah(canopy) churban(destruction, ruin)
Churban(Ruin, Destruction of the Beis Hamikdash)

chutzah(street, outside) chutzot
Yesrushalayim(streets of Jerusalem)
chutzot(market areas, streets)
Cush, Kush(Ethiopia) D'ra'on Olam(Everlasting Contempt, Abhorrence) 
da'as HaChet(the knowledge of sin, BERESHIT 3:7) da'as(knowledge, 
rationality, science) 
da'avon nefesh(suffering of soul)
daas(knowledge) dabbir(speak)
dag gadol(great fish) dag(fish)
dagan(grain) dagim(fish)
dahm anavim(blood of grapes)
dahm hahazzayah(blood of sprinkling)
dahm hanaki(innocent blood)
dahm haNevi'im(blood of the Prophets) dahm naki(innocent blood)
Dahm("blood" BERESHIT 22:7; SHEMOT 12:3,6; YESHAYAH 53:7,10) dahm(blood 
guiltiness) daiyagei 
adam(fishers of men)
daiyagim(fishermen) dakka(dust)
dakot basar(gaunt ones in flesh, leanfleshed) daku(broken into pieces, 
DANIEL 2:34)

dal meiven(poor man with understanding) dal(poor, weak, wretched)
daletei Shomayim(doors of Heaven)
daletot(doors) dalim(poor, poor ones, downtrodden, needy) dalot(poor, 
scrawny, thin)
Daltot HaPenimiyyot (Inner Doors) Dameshek(Damascus) damim(blood, 
bloodguiltiness, a 
bridegroom of blood) darchei mufkarim(the ways of lawless ones) darchei 
zimah(the ways of 
licentiousness) dardar(thistle) darkeinu(our way) darkhei Ami(ways of 
My people [i.e. 
Israel's Biblical faith]) darkhei Tziyon (approaches to Tziyon) 
darkhei(way, ways) 
darkheichem(your roads, ways)
darom(south) darshanim,darshan (preachers,preacher) darvon(goad) 
Daryavesh(Darius) Dat 
HaMalkhut(Royal Decree)
dat(decree, law, religion) dati(religious)
davar avdecha(word of thy servant) davar hagadol(great thing)
davar hakasheh(difficult case)
davar harishon(the previous word)
davar kazav(word of a liar)
davar mikol hadavar hatov(any promise from all the good promises) davar 
rah(an evil plan) 
davar sfatayim [words of lips, vain words]) davar(matter, problem, 
concern, report, talk, 
word, thing, promise) Davar(Word, Promise, the Word of Hashem) 
dayagim(fisherman, fishermen) Dayan(Judge of a Rabbinical Court) 
dayanim(religious judges)

dayyot(kites, vultures) deagot(worries, anxieties)
degel(standard, banner, flag)
dehainu(being) delatayim(doors) delatot(columns, doors, gates)
delet(door) dema'ot(tears)
demamah dakkah(a quiet, gentle voice)
demei Yizre'el(massacre at Yizre'el)
demut gashmit(in bodily form)
demut he'atid(a future figure)
demut(appearance, image, icon, likeness, sketch) dera'on(loathsome, an 
derakheinu(our ways) derakhim hara'im(wicked ways)
derakhim (ways, roads) derashot(sermons) Derech(the way)
Derech Ami(the Way, Road of My People) Derech bogedim(way of traitors)
derech chol(ordinary mission)
derech echad(one way, one road, the same road) Derech Etz HaChayyim(the 
Way of the Tree of 
Life) derech gever(way of a man)
derech habatlanim(way of idlers)
Derech HaGoyim(Way of the Gentiles, Gentile territory)
derech hakashah(stubborn way)
Derech HaKodesh(The Holy Road)
derech hanesher(way of the eagle)
derech haseichel(road of understanding) derech hasha'ar(way of the 
entrance) Derech 
Hashem(the Way of the L-rd, the official name of our religion) derech 
hatov(good road, way)
derech hatovah v'hayesharah(the good and upright way)
Derech HaYam(Way to the Sea, Sea of Galilee) Derech HaYashar(Straight 
Derech HaYeshu'at Eloheinu (the way of the Salvation of our G-d)

Derech isha mena'efet(way of an adulterous woman) Derech L'Chayyim(Way 
to Life)
derech mashal (figuratively)
derech merachok(distant journey)
derech netivot(pathway) derech oniyah(way of a sailing vessel) derech 
orkhot(way of paths)
derech otzev(torturous road)
derech shloshet yamim(a three days'journey) derech tevunot(way of 
intelligence) Derech Tzidkat Hashem (Way of Righteousness) derech 
yashar(straight road)
derech yesharah(straight way, staight road) derech zimmah(lewd 
derech(direction, journey, road, a road, way, toward, conduct, life's 
derkutshen(pester) dermohn(made mention) deror(liberty, freedom 
YESHAYAH 61:1 "freedom, 
liberty" VAYIKRA 25:10) derushah(one being sought)
derushim(sought out, pondered)
deshe,desheh(grass, herb, plant) deshen(ashes, fat, fatness, abundance, 
the best food, the 
fat of the land)
deshenim(stalwart, vigorous) devakim(joints)
devar HaMelech(matter of the King)
devar hamishpat(word of judgment)
devar hanevalah (vile/a wicked thing) devar mishpat(verdict) devar 
sefatayim(words of the 
lips, vain words)

devar sheker(false matter)
devar(word, i.e. word of consolation, word, message)
devarim achadim(common words)
devarim harishonim (former words) devarim ra'im(wicked things)
things, words) devash(honey)
develet te'enim (cake of figs)
dever gadol(great plague)
dever(plague, pestilence, cattle disease)
deveykus("cleaving, attachment" DEVARIM 11:22)
deveykus(attachment, attachment to G-d, cleaving, cleaving to) 
Devir(Most Holy Place) 
devorim(bees) dibbah(evil report, slander)
dibbatam ra'ah(a bad/evil report of them) dibur(saying, utterance, 
dima'ot(tears) dimah(tears) dimyon(analogy, comparison)
din oni(cause of the poor)
Din(Judging, the Case) din(sentence, judgment, verdict)
divaile(meanwhile) divrei(words) divrei avonot (iniquities)
divrei chanuppah(words of flattery) divrei Chen(words of Grace)
divrei chizzuk(words of encouragement) divrei haalah(words of this 
oath, imprecation) divrei 
habrit(words of the covenant) divrei haChayyei Olam (words of Eternal 
Life) divrei 
HaChozim(words of the Seers)
divrei hanevu'ah(words of prophecy) divrei hasheker(lying words, words 
of falsehood)
Divrei Hashem(the oracles, the words of G-d, Words of Hashem)

divrei hashirah hazot (the words of this song) divrei havohu(words of 
Divrei Kadsho(His Holy Devarim)
divrei mirmot(deceitful matters)
divrei Moshiach(words of Moshiach)
divrei nevu'ah(words of prophecy)
divrei pinu(words of our mouth)
divrei ruach(vain words) divrei sheker(lying words, words of falsehood)
divrei sinah(words of hatred)
divrei torah(words of teaching)
dod Sha'ul(uncle of Sha'ul)
dod(uncle) dodecha(thy love) dodi(my beloved) dodim(love, loves) 
doiche(rejecting or 
setting aside) doichek(farfetched) doime(similar) domen(dung, 
fertilizer) dor 
acharon(future generation) dor acher(generation following)
dor banecha(the generation of Thy children)
dor dorim(throughout all generations) dor evrato(the generation of His 
wrath) dor 
haacharon(later generation)
dor ikesh upetaltol(a perverse and crooked generation)
dor l'dor(generation to generation) dor rah umnaef(an evil and 
adulterous generation) dor 
rishon(former age) dor sorer u'moreh (stubborn and rebellious 
dor v'dor(generation to generation, throughout every generation) 
dor(generation) doresh el 
hamesim(a consultor of the dead ones, i.e. a necromancer) dorot 
olam(perpetual generations) 

doroteinu(our generations) dov(bear)
drakhei choshech(ways of darkness)
drakhim(ways) drei(idle) dubim(bears, female bears)
dud(kettle) duda'im(mandrakes) dudim(baskets) dumah(silence)
Dumah(the silent [Place of Sheol])
dvar ashmah(a thing of guilt/condemnation)
dvar chochmah(a dvar of wisdom--Ac 16:7) dvar da'as(word of knowledge)
dvar hanevu'ah(word of prophecy)
dvar haritztzuy(message of reconciliation)
dvar hisgalus(a dvar of revelation) dvar malchut(decree) dvar 
nevuah(word of prophecy)
dvarim hanevu'ah(words of the prophecy) dvarim(words) dyo(ink)
ebnei Elyon(sons of the Most High
echad(one, complex unity)
ed beliya'al(corrupt witness)
ed chamas(malicious witness)

ed chamas (malicious, false witness)
ed echad (one witness) ed emes v'ne'eman (true and faithful witness) Ed 
Hashem (Hashem is 
ed kezavim (lying witness)
ed l'ummim (witness to the Nations) ed ne'eman (a faithful witness)
ed re'iyah (eyewitness) ed shekarim (false witness)
ed sheker (false witness) ed (mist) ed (witness)
edah hano'adim (assembly of ones banding together)
edah (assembly, community, congregation, witness)
edei chamas (witnesses of violence, false witnesses)
edei reiyah (eyewitnesses)
edei sheker (false witnesses)
eder harechalim (flock of ewes)
eder katan (little flock)
edim ne'emanim (faithful witnesses)
edim rabbim (many witnesses)
edim (arrogant ones, witnesses)
edot (covenant demands, urgings, reminders, testimonies warnings) edrei 
chaverecha (the 
flocks of thy chaverim, fellow companions) edrei hatzon (flocks of 
edrei tzon (flocks of sheep)
edut,eidus (testimony) Edut (the [Ark] of the Testimony)
ee (isle, island)
efeh (kind of poisonous snake
efer (ash, ashes) efsher (perhaps)
egel masekhah (molten calf)
egel (calf, calf-idol) eglah melummadah (a trained heifer) eglah 
eglat bakar (heifer of the herd)
egrof (fist)

Eh-he-yeh ashair Eh-heh-yeh (I WILL BE THAT I WILL BE) EH-HE-YEH (I 
WILL BE) Eh-heh-yeh (I 
will be ehmah (terror) ehrliche Yid (a good Jew, a truly pious Jew) 
eibik (forever) eidel 
(gentle, courteous)
eidus hane'eman (faithful witness) Eidus HaNe'eman (the Faithful 
Witness) eidus tovah 
(good witness)
eidus (witness, witness of testimony) eifah (measures, measuring 
basket) eifoh hu (where is 
he?) eilei hatzedek (oaks of righteousness) eilim (rams) eimah (dread, 
terror) ein Elohim 
(there is no G-d)
Ein kamocha vaelohim, Adonoi (there is none like Thee among the g-ds, 
ein ketz (without end) ein kmocha Elohim (there is no G-d like Thee) 
ein korei'a (bowed not) 
einayim ivrot (blind eyes)
einayim (eyes)
einot mayim (springs of water)
eirom (naked, nakedness) eirummim (naked ones) eisek (business) eish 
eish ketanah (small fire)
eish zarah makhar (tomorrow) (strange/unauthorized fire)
eishes chayil (virtuous woman)
eith hevel (empty nothings)
eitza (suggestion) eivah (enmity, personal hostility, see Ezekiel ) 
eivot (enmities) 
EKHAH(LAMENTATIONS) El ani (I am a g-d) El Chayyai (G-d of my life)
El De'ot (a G-d who intensively knows)
El Elyon (G-d Most High) el gadol v'norah (a mighty g-d and terrible) 
El Gemulot Hashem 
(Hashem the G-d of Recompense)

El Gibbor ("Mighty G-d") el hane'eman (the faithful g-d) el kanna 
(jealous g-d) El kannah 
(jealous g-d) el lo yoshia (g-d who cannot save) el nechar (foreign g-
d) el rachum (merciful 
g-d) El Sali (G-d my Rock)
el zar (strange, foreign g-d, foreign g-d) el (g-d)
El (G-d)
el-chinnam (in vain) el-mishmar (in custody) elah (oak tree, terebinth, 
tree, oak) elah 
(terebinth) elef dor (a thousand generations)
elef shanim (a thousand years)
elef (unit, thousand, a thousand)
elem (youth, young man) Eli (my G-d) Elil (idol)
Elilim (idolater, idols, false g-ds, images) elim ("great trees") elim 
(oaks, big trees) 
Eliyahu HaNavi (Elijah) Ellinisti Ginoskeis? (Do you know Greek?) 
Elo'ah (G-d)
Eloah Osai (G-d my maker)
Elohai (my G-d) Elohecha (Thy G-d) Elohei Amen (the G-d of [the] Amen, 
the G-d of Truth)
Elohei Avoteinu (the G-d of Our Fathers) elohei ha'ammim (the g-ds of 
the peoples) elohei 
ha'aretz (g-ds of the land)
Elohei HaEmes (G-d of Truth, True G-d)

elohei HaEmori (g-ds of the Amorites) elohei hagoyim hahem (the g-ds of 
these goyim)
elohei harim (g-ds of the hills) Elohei Marom (G-d on High)
elohei massekhah (cast metal g-ds, molten g-ds) elohei nechar (foreign 
g-ds, strange g-ds) 
elohei nekhar ha'aretz (g-ds of the foreigners of the land) elohei 
nekhar (foreign g-ds)
Elohei Olam (the Eternal G-d)
Elohei ruchot hanevi'im (G-d of the spirits of the prophets)
Elohei tzidki (O G-d of my righteousness)
Elohei Yish'einu (G-d of our Salvation) Elohei Yishi (G-d of my 
Elohei Yisho (the G-d of his Salvation) Elohei (G-d of) Eloheichem 
(your G-d) eloheihem 
(their g-ds) eloheinu (our g-ds) Elohim bara (G-d created)
Elohim Chayyim (G-d lives)
Elohim danani (G-d hath judged me)
Elohim ed beini uveinecha (Elohim is witness between me and you)
Elohim gemul (Divine retribution)
elohim ha'adirim (mighty g-ds)
Elohim heChacham (only wise G-d)
elohim (g-ds, the g-ds) Elohim (G-d) Elon (Oak, Terebinth tree)
Elohut (divinity) Elyon (most exalted) the Most High)
em bochur (mother of youth)
Em (Mother)
emek achor (valley of trouble)
Emek Yizre'el (Jezreel Valley)
Emek (valley)
emes (faithfully, truth) Emes (Truth) emesdik (genuinely) emesh (last 

emim (terrors [of death])
Emori (Amorite) emunah me'od (very faithful)
emunah omen (perfect faithfulness)
emunah (faith, truth, faithfulness, fidelity, stability, faithfully, 
truthfully) Emunah 
(Faith, the Emunah of the true Dat HaYehudit)
emunim (faithful ones, the ones being faithful) enosh (a man, man, 
humankind, mankind, 
mortal man)
enut oni (affliction of the afflicted) ephod bad (linen ephod, linen 
robe) ephod (sacred 
vest used for consulting a deity) Ephrayim (i.e. the Northern Kingdom, 
eravon (pledge)
erech apayim (slow to anger)
eres (poison, venom) eretz achuzzatam (the land of their 
eretz ayefah (a parched, thirsty land) Eretz Chadasha (a New Earth)
eretz Chayyim mipesha ami (for the transgression of my people 
eretz chemdah (a land of desire, desirable land) eretz dagan (land of 
eretz gezerah (uninhabited, solitary place)
eretz HaEmori (land of the Amorite) eretz hakena'ani (land of the 
canaanites) eretz HaNegev 
(land in the Southern Desert) eretz hateyman (land of the south)
Eretz HaTzevi (Beautiful Land, i.e., Israel) eretz Kasdim (land of 
Eretz Kavul (Land of Good-for-Nothing) eretz Kena'an (Canaan) eretz 
kena'an (land of trade)
eretz marchakim (a land of places far away) eretz melechah (salt land)

eretz merchak (a far country)
eretz mitzrach (land of the east)
eretz moledet (homeland, native land, land of one's birth) eretz 
moshevoteichem (land of 
your homes) eretz nekhochot (land of straightforwardness) eretz 
neshiyyah (land of 
forgetfulness/oblivion) eretz niddah (unclean land)
eretz noshavet (an inhabited land)
eretz oyev (land of the enemy)
eretz Pelishtim (land of the Philistines) eretz pesalim (land of idols)
eretz rechokah (a far country, a far land) eretz rekhokah (a far 
eretz taluvot (land of burning heat) eretz tzafon (land of the north)
eretz tziyyah (land of drought, parched land) eretz zarah (a strange 
eretz zavat cholov udevash (land that floweth with milk and honey)
eretz (earth, land) erev rav (mixed multitude, a mixed company that was 
large) erev 
(evening) erez (cedar) erlichkeit (sincerity) erom (naked, nakedness)

ershtins (first of all) erusin (betrothal, engagement) ervah 
(nakedness, pudenda)
ervat av (nakedness of their father, i.e. had incest with mother or 
step-mother) ervat 
davar (shameful thing)
ervat ha'aretz (nakedness of the land) ervat immecha (thy mother's 
nakedness) ervat 
(nakedness) ervon (pledge) Es lechem chukeinu ten lanu yom yom (Give us 
day by day the bread 
we need)
eser karnayim (ten horns)
eser ma'alot (ten steps) eser shanim (ten years) eser (ten)
esev kol hosadeh (grass of every field) esev (grass, herbs, vegetation) 
eshel (tamarisk 
tree) eshet aviv (his father's wife)
eshet chayil,aishes chayil (a woman of valor, an excellent wife)
eshet hamet (wife of the dead)
eshet kesilut (the woman Folly)
eshet kheyk (wife of his bosom)
eshet ne'urim (wife of one's youth) eshet yefat to'ar (a woman who is 
beautiful of form)
eshet zenunim (wife of whoredoms)
eshet (wife) eshkelot hagefen (clusters of the vine) eshkolot (clusters 
[of fruit])
esreh shanah (fourteen years)
esrim elef (twenty thousand)
esrim ish (twenty men) esrim v'arba'ah Zekenim (twenty-four Elders) et 
barzel (iron pen) et 
chayyah (time of life)
et harishon (the former time)
et ketz (time of the end)
et marpeh (a time of healing)

et ra'ah (evil time)
et sheker (deceiving pen)
et yoledah (time when she who is in labor) et (pen, stylus, time, 
et (time)
etmol (yesterday) etnan (harlot's wages, temple proceeds of cult 
prostitution, payment, 
etsem haAdam hachet (the essence of the sinful human condition) etz 
haChayyim (the tree of 
etz hate'enah (fig tree, MICHOH 4:4; ZECHARYAH 3:10)
etz nishchat (corrupt tree)
etz pesel (wooden idol) etz rav me'od (very many trees)
etz shel hakarav atzmo (tree of self-sacrifice) etz te'enah (fig tree) 
etz yavesh (dry tree) 
etz (tree, wood) etza (advice, "wisdom," counsel, purpose, plan, plan 
of G-d, scheme, 
etza (counsel, scheme) etzadah (bracelet, band) etzah (counsel, advice, 
purpose,[see Yn 
2:24-25; Isaiah 9:5] wisdom, verdict, plot, plan, divine plan) etzat 
Hashem (counsel, plan 
of G-d) etzba Elohim (finger of G-d)
etzba (finger of contempt)
etzbe'ot (fingers) etzem adam (human bone) etzem (bone) etzev (image, 
statue, sorrow)
etzim (wood, timber) etzot (counsels, plans) evar katon (small member)
evar (member)
evarim (members, limbs) eved maskil (wise servant)
eved rasha (bad servant) eved shlishi (a third servant)
eved (slave, house slave, official, servant, vassal) evel gadol (great 
mourning) evel 

even bochan (a tried stone)
even gedolah (a large rock)
even hagedolah (great stone)
even haroshah (finishing stone)
even levanah (a white stone)
even ma'amasah (a burdensome stone) even negef ("stone of stumbling" 
YESHAYAH 8:14; 28:16) 
even netzurot (hidden things)
even shelemah (perfect stone, just weight) even yekarah (precious 
even (gemstone, stone, ore)
ever (limb, member) evilim (morally bad foolish people) evrah (fury, 
wrath) evrat Hashem 
Tzva'os (wrath of Hashem of Armies)
evrot af (furious wrath) evus (feed-trough, animal feeding trough) 
Evyatar (Abiathar)
Evyon (needy man, needy, poor)
evyonei adam (needy of humankind)
evyonim needy, needy ones, poor)
eymat hamavet (terror of death)
eynayim (eyes) eyvah (enmity) eyvat olam (ancient enmity)


ezer (a helper, help) ezor ohr (belt of leather)
ezor (belt) ezov (hyssop)
Ezrach (native, native born, he that was born among them) ezrah (aid, 
help) ezratenu (our 
help) ezreinu (our help) ezri (my help) fahkert (on the contrary)
farbrengen (inspirational gathering)
fargolgung (persecution) farloiren(lost) farnumen (preoccupied, set 
farshteit zich (of course)
FELI (supremely wonderful [see Yeshayah 9:5(6)]; Exodus 15:11) feretz 
chittah, and se'orah 
(a land of wheat and barley)
fergin (graciously grant)
fest (excellent)
feste (excellent) fier ois (elucidate) fier zich (comport oneself)
fol (beans) forforoisgeier (forerunner)
fort (nevertheless) frai (irreligious) ga'arah (rebuke) ga'avah 
(conceit, haughtiness, 
arrogance, pride, proudly) ga'avtanim (proud boasters)
Ga'on Olam (Everlasting Exhaltation)
ga'on Yehudah (pride of Judah)
ga'on (arrogance, pride)
Ga'on (Glory, pride) gaayonim (the haughty ones)
gader (fence) gadfanut(blasphemy,cursi ng, reviling) gadish (grave-
mound) gadlus (with 
remarkable superiority) gadol chemah (great temper)
gadol sachar (great reward)
gadol v'hafeleh (great and magnificent)
gadol yeter me'od (and even much better)

gadol (eldest, great, great throne, greater, greatness)
gag (housetop, roof, rooftop)
gigot (roofs, rooftops) gahn (garden) gakhon (belly) gal (heap, mound) 
galah (had revealed, 
gale'ed ("heap of witness") galgal (wheel, whirlwind) Galil (Galilee) 
galim (waves)
galloti (have I rolled away)
galmudah(barren, incapable of having children) galui (made known)
gan raveh (well-watered garden)
gan,gahn (garden) Gan (Garden)
ganav balailah (thief in the night)
ganav (thief) ganavim balailah (thieves by night) ganavim (thieves) 
gamin (gardens) 
gannot,ganot (gardens) ganov (stealing)
gantze nachon (entirely correct)
ganzakim (storerooms) gargeer hakhitah (grain of wheat)
garon (throat) gartel (belt) garzen (axe) gashmit (bodily)
gat hagedolah (great winepress, YOEL 4:13 [3:13])
Gat-Shmanim (Gethsemane) gav (along with, height, back)
gavoah ruach (haughtiness)
gazel (robbery, the thing taken as plunder) ge'arah (scolding, rebuke)
ge'ayot (valleys)
ge'im (proud ones, proud arrogant ones [of inordinate ambition]) ge'on 
Yisroel (pride of 
ge'on (pride, arrogance) ge'ulim (redeemed ones) ge'ulim (redeemed 
ge'ut Hashem (majesty/exaltedness of Hashem)
ge'ut (arrogance)

geben (give)
gebul rishah (territory of wickedness) gedayei izzim tovim (good kids 
of goats) geder 
(classification) gederot (hedges) gedi izzim (kid of the goats)
gedi (young goat) gedilim (fringes, tzitzis)
gedolah umarah ad me'od (a great and exceeding bitter cry) gedolah 
(great) gedolim chikkei 
lev (great searching of heart)
gedolim (great ones) gedolot (great things) gedood (troop, detachment, 
raiding party)
gedud (leader of a band of marauders, raider, raiding band, troop) 
gedudim (marauders, 
soldiers of the army) gedufah (taunt) gedulah (greatness) gedulat 
Hashem (greatness of G-d) 
gedullah (greatness) gefanim (vines) gefeirlich (horribly) gefen zot 
(this vine) gefen 
(vine, grapevine) gehinnom haeish (hell of fire)
Gehinnom (Hell) gei zich (go along yourself!)
Gelili (inhabitant of the Galil)

Gelt (money)
gemalim (camels) gemilut chasadim (acts/deeds of lovingkindness, 
benevolence, and caring) 
gemul (recompense, due, desert, retribution YESHAYAH 3:11) gemulot 
(deeds, dealings)
genazim (treasuries [see the word genizah]) genoi (precisely) ger 
(alien, stranger 
proselyte, foreigner) gerim (aliens) gerim (proselytes) gerusha 
(divorcee) gerushot 
(exactions) geshah (fall back, make room, give place) geshem (rain, 
winter rain)
geshmak (pleasure) geshrai,shrai (scream) get (divorce) geulah laolam 
(redemption to the 
geulah peratit (individual redemption) Geulah (Redemption) geulei 
Hashem (the redeemed of 
Hashem) gev (back, eminent place, cult prostitution shrine)
geva'ot (hills) geval (borders, city limit)
gevald! (help!) gevaltike (extraordinary) gevarim (men) gever (man, 
male) geveret ad l'olahm 
(lady forever)
geveret mamlachot (the lady of kingdoms) gevi'a (cup, goblet) gevir 
gevirah habechirah (the chosen lady)
gevirah (lady, mistress, royal lady, queen, queen mother)
Gevirah (Queen Mother) geviyah (body) geviyot (corpses) geviyyateinu 
(our bodies geviyyatenu 
(our bodies) geviyyato (his body, cf DEVARIM 21:23; BERESHIS 47:18)
geviyyot (corpses) geviyyoteinu (our bodies)
gevul Kadosh (His Holy Border)

gevul olam (ancient landmark)
gevul (boundary stone) gevulot (borders) gevura (strength) gevurah 
rabbah (great power)
gevurah (might, power, miraculous power, miraculous power of Hashem, 
strength) gevurat 
Hashem (power of G-d)
gevurot (mighty acts) gey chizayon (valley of vision)
gey gedolah me'od (a very great valley)
gey haharegah (valley of slaughter)
gey tzalmavet (valley of the shadow of death) gey (valley) geya'ot 
(valleys) gezar din 
(verdict) gezel (robbery) gibbor aritz (mighty warrior)
gibbor chayil (man of valor)
gibbor tamim (blameless man)
gibbor (mighty, mighty man, strong man, warrior)
gibbor (strong man) gibborei hechayil (mighty men of valour) gibborei 
ko'ach (mighty ones 
of power) gibborim (mighty men, mighty ones) gidduf (blasphemy) 
giddufim (revilings) 
giddufot (insults, scorn)
gidim (sinews, tendons) gidrot tzon (sheep pens, sheepfolds)
gilat (rejoicing) gilgal (wheel) gillayon gadol (great slab)
gillulim (idol, idols) gilui arayot (sexual immorality) gilulim (idols) 
gishmei berakhah 
(showers of blessing) givah (hill)
giveot Olam (everlasting hills)
giz (fleece)
gizrah (separation, separating courtyard, restricted space, which 
behind the Beis 
gmulim (benefits) Go'ali (my Redeemer)

go'el hakarov (near kinsman redeemer) Go'el (Redeemer, Moshiach) 
goderim (masons) gofrit 
(brimstone, sulphur, burning sulphur)
goilomim (foolish people)
goirem (driving force) goires (listen to) golem (embryo) Golus (exile) 
Golyat (Goliath) 
gomeh (papyrus, bulrushes)
gomelim (ones repaying, rewarding)
gor (very)
goral (lot, lots, allotment, property, allotment by the divine will)
goralot (lots)
goren (threshing floor) gorenah (threshing floor)
govei'a (one being close to death)
goy atzum (strong nation)
goy choteh (sinful nation)
goy gadol (great nation) goy me'olam (an ancient nation)
goy naval (foolish, senseless nation)
goy tzaddik (right-withG-d people)
goy (nation)
Goy (Nation, People) goyim hamoredim (rebellious nations [tribes])
goyim (nations) Goyim (Nations)
gozezim (sheepshearers) Grahda (as a matter of fact, in reality) granot 
(threshing floors)
groise (eminent) guddal (being brought up)
gufa (myself)
gufaniyut (corporeality) gullot (springs)

ha'alah (the curse, Devarim 29:18)
HA'ANANIM (glory clouds) ha'arets acheret (another country) Ha'aretz 
haHavtacha (the 
Promised Land) ha'aretz rachavat (spacious land) ha'aretz (the earth, 
the land)
Ha'Aretz (the Earth) ha'ayenah (the spring) ha'ir hagedolah (great 
ha'ofim (the bakers) ha'oph (the birds) ha-Shem (the Name) HaAcharon 
(The Last) haAchim 
b'Moshiach (the brothers in Messiah)
haAdam Shofech dahm (One who sheddeth man's blood),
haadamah (the earth, the ground, the land) HaAdon (the L-rd) HaAgam 
(the Lake) HaAhavah (the 
Love) Haahuv(beloved) haalmah (the unmarried young virgin) haam hazeh 
(this people) haam 
(the people) haAm ( the People, troops, army, the Army) HaAmmim (the 
Nations) haAniyim (the 
poor) haara (insight) haaretz harishonah (the first earth) haaretz 
hazot (this land)
HaAretz (O Earth, the earth)
haasarah (the ten) haavodah (the bondage) haayenah (the spring) habasar 
(the flesh) 
habatzek (the dough, trans note: see Pesach Haggadah)
habayit (the house) habechirim(the chosen ones)
habechor (firstborn) habechorah (right of the firstborn)
HaBen Hamevorakh (the Son of the Blessed) haben (the son) haberekhah 
(the pool) haberurim 
(the ones being chosen) HaBo're (the Creator) haboker (the morning) 
HaBoreh HaShomayim 
v'haAretz (the creator of Heaven and Earth) HaBonim(the builders)

HaBoreh (the Creator) haboshet (the "shame," i.e. the Ba'al fertility 
cult false religion) 
HaBrit (the Covenant) hachai( the living, the living [one]) HaChai (the 
One living) 
HaChalavim (the fats) HaChayah(Living Being[s])
HaChayyim (the Life) HaChayyot (the living beings)
hachet (the sin) HaChitti (Hittites, the Hittite)
hachitzon (the outer one)
HaChivvi (Hivites) hachnosas orchim (hospitality, lodging) hachodesh 
hazeh (this month)
hachoref,hakoref(the winter)
HaChozim(the Seers) Hachrazah (proclamation kerygma, kyrygma, 
obligatory content of true 
preaching) hadag (the fish)
Hadar Eloheinu (Majesty of our G-d) hadar (dignity, honor, majesty, 
splendor) hadavar hazeh 
(this word)
HaDavar (the WORD) haderech (the way) hadlakah (bonfire) hadom 
(footstool) hador hazeh (this 
generation) haDor (Generation) hadrat kodesh (majesty of holiness) 
HaEdut (The Testimony, 
i.e. the Stone Tablets of the Ten Commandments) HaEl HaGadol V'HaNorah 
(the great and 
dreadful G-d)
haelah (the oak tree) haelleh(these) HaEmes (the Truth) HaEmori (the 
Amorite, the Amorites) 
haemunah (the faith) haerev (the evening) haetz (the tree) HaEtz (the 
Tree, the Boim, 
Joshua 8:29; II Sam 18:9; Deut 21:23) haetzim (the trees, the wood)
haeven (the stone [of the fertility cult of Ba'al worship]) haeven (the 

hafachpach (crooked, tortuous)
hafarah (revocation) hafekhah (upheaval, destruction, overthrow) hagan 
(the garden) hagbah 
(lifting up, as of the Torah Scroll when it is lifted up in shul) 
hagedolim (the great 
hagedullah (the great thing)
hagedulot (all great things)
hagefen(the vine) hagefen haamittit (the true vine)
hagillulim (all the idols)
hahar hazeh (this mountain)
HaIr hazot (this City) HaIr (the City. Yerushalayim) haish haoreach 
(the wayfaring man, 
traveling man)

haIsh (the Man) haivriyyot (the Hebrew women)
HaKadosh (The Holy One) Hakayitz(the summer) Hakatenot, hakasenos (the 
tunics) hakatuv 
lachayyim (recorded for life) hakedeshim (the male and female cult 
prostitutes) hakehillot
(congregations) hakeleh (prison) hakemarim (the idolpriests)
HaKeru'im (the Invited ones, the summoned called ones, the Called Ones)
hakesef (silver basin, silver tables)
HaKetz HaOlam (the End of the Age/World) hakhchashah (denial) hakhnasah 
(income) HaKinot 
(the Laments) HaKodesh (The Holy Place)
hakol bo (all came, came to pass)
hakoret ([forest] cutter)
halachah (the teaching to be followed and the path of life or way of 
walking thereby 
halailah (the night, this night, tonight) Halelu Hashem (Praise Hashem)
Halicha b'Derech Emes (conduct in the Way of Truth)
halichah (walk [lifnei Hashem])
halichot (goings, ways) halichot (traveling companies)
Hallelu Hashem (Praise ye Hashem)
hallelu (praise ye) hama'alot (the stair steps)
HaMabbul (The Flood) hamakhber (the bedcover)
Hamakom Hazeh (this place)
HaMamlachah (the Kingdom)
Haman harah (vile Haman) hamarechet (showbread) hamavet (death) 
hame'arah (the cave) 
HaMechokak (Law-Giver) HaMekora'im (the Called Ones)
hamekudashim (consecrated and

ritually pure, consecrated, set apart as kadosh)
HaMelech HaNegev (the King of the South) hamenuchah (the place of rest)
hamepekadim (the overseers, supervisors) hamesim (the dead ones) hamet 
(the dead, the dead 
[one]) hamishpat (court, the judgment)
HaMizbe'ach (altar) hamon hagadol (vast multitude) hamon harav (great 
hamon (crowd, multitude) hamoshiach (the anointed)
hamotzi (led out) hamufkadim (oversight) hamvorach l'olamim Omein (who 
is blessed forever 
hane'arim (the young men)
hane'eman (the faithful) hanechalot (the inheritances) hanevalah 
(wickedness) hanevu'ot 
(the prophecies)
hanivzim (the despised YESHAYAH 53:3) hannivcharim (the elect, the 
chosen ones) haNogah (of 
Brightness/ Venus, the Morning Star, 2K 1:19)
HaOlam (Eternity) haonesh (the punishment) HaOt [The Sign]
haovedet (the lost, that which was lost) hapedut (the ransom, the 
payment of ransom for the 
Geulah redemption-Shmuel Bais 7:23 that comes about through the Go'el 
Moshiach Tzidkeinu)
hapenimit (innermost court)
HaPerizzi (Perizzites) haposhe'im (the transgressors, the ones 
Har Esau (Mount of Esau) har gavo'ah (high mountain)
Har HaBais (Temple Mount)
har haemori (hill country of the amorites) har hagadol(great mountain)
har hamashchit (destroying mountain)

har hamor (mountain of myrrh)
Har HaZeytim (Mount of Olives)
Har Kadesh (Holy Mountain)
Har Mitzar [mountain near Mt Hermon] har mo'ed (mount of assembly)
har serefah (burned out mountain)
har (hill, hill country, mount, mountain, mountains)
Har Tzevi Kodesh (Beautiful Holy Mountain)
hara'ah hazot (this evil)
hara'ah (the trouble, the evil, disaster) hara'ot (the evils; the worst 
harah anochi (I am with child, I am pregnant) harah (evil, the evil) 
harah mikedem (mountain 
east of)
Harav hazeh (this Great People)
harbeh me'od (a great many)
harbeh (much)
harsha'ah (condemnation)

harsha'im (wicked, guilty, condemned ones) HaReshit (The Beginning) 
harevi'i (fourth) harim 
(hills, mountains) harishah (the wickedness)
harishon adam (the first man)
harishon (the first) HaRishon (The First) harishonah (the first) 
haro'eh (the seer) harrei 
kedem (eternal mountains)
harsha'ah (condemnation, condemnation as guilty) hartzige (heartfelt) 
hartzubot (fetters, 
HaRuach Hakodesh (The Holy Spirit) hasadeh (a parcel ground)
hasagos (aspiration) haschala (start) haSha'ar laHashem (gate to 
appoach G-d's presence, 
access of the Tzaddikim TEHILLIM 118:20)
hashachar (the dawn) hashelamim (sacrifice of hashelemah (at peace) 
hashelishi (the third) 
Hashem barah chadashah (Hashem hath created a new thing)
Hashem Elohei Yeshuati (G-d of my salvation) Hashem hoshi'a (He saves)
Hashem Shammah ("Hashem is there")
Hashem tamid (always, continually)
HASHEM TZADDIK ("G-d is righteous") Hashem Yishi (G-d my savior)
Hashem's Bechirim (Chosen Ones) hashemurim (the guarded ones)
hasheni (the second) hasheniyah (the second) hashevatim (ten tribes) 
hashevuah (the oath) 
hashishi (the sixth) hashishit (the sixth) hashlamah (completion) 
hashlishit (the third) 
HaShofet (The Judge) HaShofetim (The Judges) HaShomayim (the heavens, 
HaShomer emes l'olam (Who keepeth truth forever)
haskalah (enlightenment)

haskama (approval, commendation) haskamah (consent, approval), hasohar 
(prison) hatachlit 
(the ultimate) hatafah (preaching) hatahor (the clean) hatameh (the 
unclean) hatamid (the 
daily sacrifice)
hatevah (all that go out of the ark), hatohu (the vain/empty 
hatov (pleasing) hatovah (good things, the goodness) hatafah 
(preaching) hatulim (mockery) 
hatumah (the uncleanness)
hatzalah (deliverance) hatzar (the oppressor) HaTzarah HaGedolah (The 
Great Tribulation, Mt 
hatzlocha (successful) hatzon (fold [enclosure] of the sheep) haummim 
(the peoples) havalim 
(vanities, false g-ds, nothingnesses, i.e. idols)
havamina (assumption) havtacha(promise) havtachah (promise, the 
havtachot gedolot (great promises)
havtachot (promises) havvot (perverse things) hay'or (the River, i.e, 
the Nile)
hayam (the sea) hayamim haba'im (the days to come) hayashar (the Right) 
(salvation) hayom hazeh (this day) HaYom (the Day) hayom (today) 
HaZa'am (the "Wrath" 
hazayit (olive tree) HaZekenim (counsel of the Elders)
hazekharim (the males) He'emaneti (I believed) he'evnu (we have done 
Heftzi-Vah ("My Delight is in her") heharim (the mountains) heichalot 
heikhal hamelech (king's palace)
heikhal (palace) heikhelot (palaces)

heilel ben shachar (bright one of the dawn, day star, Lucifer) heimishe 
mekom linah (guest 
room, lodging place)
helech (traveller) hemshech (remaining part)
Hen (Behold, Lo) heter (permit) heterodoxy (a doctrine that has a 
chiluk or difference) 
Hevel (Abel)
hevel (delusion, futile, futility, vain, in vain, vanity, empty, 
worthlessness, meaningless)
Hiddekel (Tigris, see Daniel)
Hinei (Behold) Hinei, mah tov umah na'im shevet achim gahm yachad (how 
good and how pleasant 
it is for brethren to dwell together)

brethren to dwell together in unity) Hineini (Behold, here I am)
Hisgalus haSod (the revelation of the mystery)
Hisgalus (Revelation) hisgalus (revelation, appearance, manifestation, 
hishtachaveh (bow down, worship)
hishtachavi lo (bow to Him)
hishtaltut (domination, taking control) hiskashrus (devotion and 
attachment of a chasid to 
his Rebbe) hispailus (overwhelming awe)
histalkus (passing) hitammelut (bodily exercise or training) hitarevut
(meddlesomeness) hitbagrut (maturity) hitbodedut (seclusion, aloneness 
with G-d) hitbonenut 
(meditation, profound contemplation) hitchaiy'vut (pledge) hitgalut 
haSod (the revelation of 
the mystery)
hitkhabrut (joining, adhesion, fellowship) hitkhadshut 
(regeneration/renewal) hitlahavut 
(enthusiasm, fervor, inspiration) hitnahagut hatovah (good conduct)
hitnahagut (conduct) Hitpalel na (pray now) hitstaddekut (defense, 
apologetic defense) 
hitteharu (they purified themselves)
hitztadkut (defense, apology)
hivvased haOlam (foundation of the world, the establishing of the 
world) hivvased tevel 
(foundation of the world)
hod (comeliness, dignity, eminence, majesty, glory, splendor, honor, 
hoda'a (confession, admission)
hoda'ah (confession) hoda'ah (praise "Yehudah/Hodah/Praise" see 

hodaah (acknowledgement) hodayah rabbah (much thanksgiving) hodayah 
(thanksgiving) Hodu 
L'Adonoi ki l'olam chasdo (Give thanks to Hashem; for His mercy 
endureth forever)
Hodu l'Hashem (thanks be to G-d)
hokhiach (reproof) Holech Derech (Walker of the Road, i.e. whoever is 
the [Redeemed] 
Wayfarer on the Derech HaKodesh)
holech rakhil (walk as the slanderer, gossiper) holekhim b'tamim (them 
that walk uprightly) 
holelim (arrogant, arrogant ones) holelot (madness, madnesses)
holelut (carousing) homer (six bushels) hon emes (true wealth) hon 
(substance, wealth) 
hona'ah (deception, swindling)
hora'ah (teaching) horim (parents)
horiva over (analyzing) Hoshi'ah (help) hoshi'eini (save me, save us)
Hoshi'eini (save me) Hoshia, adoni HaMelech! (Help/save, my master O 
hoshiah (save) Hoshieini (Save me!, save us)
hoshieinu (save us) hovrev Shomayim (the dissectors of the heavens, 
astrologers) Hoy 
(Alas, Woe, doom) Hu (he)
Hu Habah (He who comes, i.e. Moshiach)
hu yevarech hazevach (he doth bless the sacrifice)
Hu yoshieinu (He will save us)
huledet (birth) hungerik (hungry) hutamma'ah (defiled) idud 
(encouragement) iggeret 
hakodesh (holy epistle)
iggeret (letter; epistle) iggrot (letters) ikar,ikkar (farmer) ikarim 
essentials) ikesh (crooked, perverted, false) ikkar,ikar (farmer)

ikkarim (basic principles)
ikkarim (farmers, field workers, plowmen) ikkesh (crooked, devious)
ikkevot (footsteps) ikvei sus (horsehoofs) illem (mute, the mute, the 
people unable to 
utter speech) illemim (mute people) im yirtzeh Hashem (if the L-rd 
wills) Imecha (your 
Mother) Imma lechulanu (the Mother of us all immahot (mothers) Immanu 
El (G-d is with us)
immanu (with us) immechem (your mother) immi (my mother) immo (his 
mother) imrah (fiat)
Imrat Hashem (revelation of G-d, i.e. revelation of G-d which set forth 
saving promises) 
imrei Kadosh (words of the Holy One) imrei yosher (words of rectitude)
imun (training) innuyim (sufferings)

intifadah (uprising) inyan (topic)
Ir Betzurah (Fortified City)
ir damim (bloody city) Ir Dovid (City of David) ir hadamim (bloody 
city) ir hagedolah (great 
Ir HaGedolah (the Great City)
Ir HaHeres (The City of the Sun)
Ir Hakodesh (The Holy City)
ir hamamlachah (royal city)
ir hameluchah (the royal city)
ir hatemarim (city of date palms)
ir ketanah (little city) Ir Kodesh (Holy City) Ir Lo Ne'ezavah (City 
Not Deserted) Ir Matzor 
(Besieged City)
Ir Miklat HaRotzeiach (City of Refuge of the Slayer)
ir mivchor (choice city) ir mivtzar (a fortified city)
ir moshav (an inhabited city)
Ir Oz (a City of Strength) ir (city, town) Ir (City, i.e. Jerusalem)
ir (watcher, angel) irin (watchers) ish (man)
ish acher (another man, a different man) ish acher (wife of another)
ish af (angry man) ish ariri (childless, stripped of the honor progeny 
bestows) ish ashir 
(rich man) ish ba'ar (brutish man, senseless man, dolt) ish baal keri 
(a person with a 
discharge of semen)
ish bachur (chosen men) ish bari me'od (very fat man)
ish besorah (bearer of news)
ish chacham (shrewd man) ish chalak (smooth man) ish chamasim (violent 
ish chamudot (man greatly valued, beloved) ish chemah (angry man) ish 
chemot (man of wrath)
ish chesed (merciful man)
ish da'as (man of knowledge)
ish damim u'mirmah (bloody and deceitful man)
ish echad(one man) ish emunim (faithful man, loyal man) ish emunot 
(faithful man, loyal 
ish etzah (counselor) ish evyon (poor man, pauper)
Ish ha'adamah (a man of the soil),
Ish HaBenayim ("middleman" champion whose single combat saves the day 
and decides the 
ish hacholek (a man of division, a divisive man)
ish haElohim (a man of G-d)
Ish HaMufkarut (Man of Lawlessness) ish harishon (first husband)
ish hazove'ach (man making the sacrifice) ish hechacham (wise man) ish 
illem (mute man) ish 
kazav (liar) ish kheyk (husband of her bosom)
ish kilevavo ("a man after his [G-d's] heart"]
ish koh hayashar be'einav (every man whatsoever is right in his own 
ish lashon (idle talker, slanderer)
ish madon (a man of contention)
ish mahir (diligent, excelling man) ish makhsor (man of poverty, want, 
shortage) ish malveh 
(lender) ish mashchit (man of destruction) ish medaber tahpukhot (man 
speaking perverse 
ish met (dead man)
ish metzorah (a leper) ish mezimot (a man of crafty schemes) ish 
milchamah (man of war)
ish mirmah v'avlah (deceitful and unjust man)
ish mogen (man of armor, as armed warrior)
ish mokhi'ach (admonisher)
ish nikhbad (an honorable man)
ish nochri (stranger) ish oni (poor man)
ish oved adamah (a man who works the soil) ish rah (evil man) ish riv 
(a man of strife, 
opponent in a lawsuit)
ish sa'ir (hairy man) ish saris (official) ish shalom (familiar friend, 
close friend) ish 
tam (quiet man) ish terumot (a man of bribes)
ish to'ar (handsome man) ish tov (good man) ish tzaddik (righteous man)
Ish Yeminecha (the Man of your Right Hand) ish zar (strange man) ish 
zeroa (mighty man) 
isha (woman, wife) isha chachamah (wise woman)
isha chotet (a woman of sin)
isha gerusha (divorced woman)
isha ha'acheret (other woman)
isha haba'ah (the woman coming) isha harah (woman pregnant)
isha li (wife for me) isha yirat Hashem (a G-d fearing wife) isha zarah 
(strange woman)
ishah,isha (woman) ishi (my husband) issa chadasha (new dough, batzek, 
deaf dough, 
having no indication of fermentation) issar (negative vow, prohibition) 
(proscription in the Torah) issurim (negative vows, prohibitions) ittim 
necromancers) ittim (times)

Ivri anochi (I am a Hebrew)
Ivri (Hebrew man)
ivrim (blind, blind men, blind ones, blind people)
Ivrim (Hebrews) Ivriyah (Hebrew woman) ivvaron (blindness) ivver 
(blind, blind man) ivver 
(blind) ivverim (blind persons) ivvrim (blind people) iyim (islands) 
iyumim (threats) iyun 
(investigative research)
iyyim (islands, see Isaiah 42:4) iyyim (wild cats) IZEVEL (JEZEBEL) 
izzim (goats, female 
k'lei haSherut (vessels of service in the Mishkan)
K'lei Kodesh HaElohim (Holy Vessels of G-d) k'lei milchamah (weapons of 
k'li rach (weaker vessel)
k'li (vessel)
ka'aru yadai v'ragelai (they pierced my hands and my feet, see medieval 
Hebrew Scripture 
manuscripts as well as the Targum HaShivim)
ka'as (anger, grief, vexation, provocation, sorrow)
kabbalah (oral tradition) Kabbalas HaMalchus (accepting his sovereignty 
as king) kabbalat 
panim (welcome) kabir (mighty) kabirim (mighty men) kabtzen,kabtzan 
(beggar; pauper)
kachash (denying) kachash (lies) kadashim (consecrated things)
kadashim (holy things) kadashim (money offered as holy donations) 
kaddachat (fever) DEVARIM 
28:22) kadesh (male and female cult prostitutes) kadesh (sodomite 
ritual prostitute) 
kadmonim(earlier, previous generations) kadmoniyyot (the things of old)

kadoor (ball)
kadosh Shmi (My Holy Name)
kadosh (angel) Kadosh (Holy One) Kadosh (Holy) kadoshim Elyon (holy 
ones of the Most High) 
Kadoshim (holy ones) kaf (palm, hollow or flat of the hand) kaftan 
(coat) kahal gadol 
(great multitude)
kahal larov me'od (a very great congregation) Kahal rav (great 
congregation) kahal (assembly, 
company,congregation, community)
kalah (destruction) kalakhat (caldron) kallah (bride)
kallah (daughter-in-law) kallasa (mockery, laughingstock) kalon 
(ignominy, shame, disgrace, 
shameful nakedness)
kam litechiyah (raised to resurrection) kam (stood up) kama (quite a 
number) kamah (set, 
stiff, fixed motionless)
kamoni (like me) kamtzan (miser) kamtzanim (misers) kanaf (wing, corner 
of garment)
kaneh (reed)
Kaniti (I have acquired) kannai (zealot) kanous (zeal) kanous 
(zealousness) kapot (palms) 
kapparah (atonement) kapparah (place or kapporet medium of wrath 
propitiating blood 
atonement sacrifice) kapper (atone) kappot (ladles) kappot (palms) kar 
kardumim (axes) karenot (horns) karkov ([surrounding] border, ledge) 
karnayim (horns) 
karnot (tusks) karov (near, at hand) karoz (herald) karsulayim (ankles) 
Kasdim (Chaldeans, 
Babylonians) Kasdimah (Chaldea) kash (straw, stubble, chaff)
kashah (hard times)

kashah (harshly) kashefanut (sorceries, witchcraft) kashefanut 
(sorcery, witchcraft) 
kasheh (churlish, difficult, harsh) kashes (questions) kashur( tied 
together) kat (sect, 
group) katan (small child) young)
katef (shoulder) katon (little, small) youngest)
katzin (judge; leader; officer) katzir se'orim (barley harvest)
katzir (harvest) reaper, harvester) kavanat halev (the inner heart)
kaved me'od (very grievous)
kaved (hard,severe, insensitive, heavy, dull)
kavod (glory; heavy, honor, respect, reward)

kavod haLevanon (glory of Lebanon) Kavod Hashem (Glory of Hashem)
kavod rav (great glory) kavul kavul(good for nothing)
kavvanah ra'ah (malice) kavvanah tovah (of good intention)
Kayin (Cain) kayits (summer) kayitz (figs)
kayitz (summer fruit, summer)
kazav (a lie, falsehood, falsity, liar, a deceptive thing) kazav (lies, 
lying) kedem 
(before, of old, forever) Kedem (the East) kedesha (cult prostitute)
kedeshah (ritual prostitute)
kedeshim (cult male prostitutes, youthful lusts)
kedeshot (temple prostitutes)
Kedosh Mishkenei Elyon (the Holy Dwelling of the Most High)
Kedosh Yisroel (the Holy One of Yisroel) kedoshah (holy) 
kedoshim,kadoshim (holy ones)
Kedushah (Holiness) 
Kedushah Hameshulleshet (Threefold Holiness)
keerashim (frames) kefim (rocks)
kefirah (heresy, denial) kehal mere'im (congregation of evil doers)
kehillah (assembly, congregation)
Kehillot (Congregations) kehunah (priesthood) Keini (Kenites) kekar 
lechem (loaf of bread)
kela'im (curtains, hangings) kela (slingshot) kelalah (curse, cursing)
kelalot (curses) kelavim azei nefesh (hungry dogs)
kelavim illemim (mute watchdogs) kelavim (dogs)
kelayot (kidneys, i.e. most inward parts) kelei chamas (instruments of 
kelei mashkeh (drinking vessels)

kelei shir Hashem (musical instruments of Hashem)
kelev (dog, male prostitute)
kelev chai (living dog) kelev hamet (dead dog) kelevim (dogs) keli 
acher (another vessel, a 
different vessel)
keli etz (all that is made of wood)
keli horo'im (shepherd's bag)
keli kodesh (minister) keli mashcheh (destroying weapon) keli nechoshet 
(copper vessel)
keli nivchar (chosen vessel)
keli ohr (all that is made of leather) keli oved (broken vessel)
keli sharet (articles for the service) keli (armor bearer, armor)
keli (bag, implements, vessel, weapon, instrument) Kelilat Yofi Masos 
L'Khol HaAretz 
(Perfection in beauty, the joy of the whole earth)
kelim (bags, vessels, instruments, supplies weapons)
kelimah (dishonour, disgrace) kelimat olam (everlasting dishonor) 
kelimateinu (our 
humiliation) kelimmah (reproach, shame)
kelimot (humiliations, shame)
kelimut olam (perpetual, dishonor)
kellimot (disgraces, reproaches) kemakh (flour, meal) Kemarim (the 
idolatrous priests, see 
II Kgs 23:5)
ken (yes)
ken (nest, house, place, post)
Kena'an (Canaan)Kena'ani (Canaanite, merchant, [see Mt 21:12-13; Mk 
kena'ani (merchant) Kena'anim (Canaanites, merchants)
kenaf (wing) kenafayim (wings)

keneged (against, in opposition, opposing) keneged Rav Sha'ul (against 
Rabbi Saul) keneh 
hamiddah (measuring rod) kenut (sincerity) kerach (cold) kerach (ice) 
kerah (summon)
kerah gedolah (a great feast)
kerakh (ice, frost) keranot (horns, powers, i.e. empires) kerav 
(battle) kere'ach (bald 
head) kerem (vineyard) kerem (vineyards) keren (horn, power) Keren 
Yeshuah (Horn of 
keresh (plank)
keri (contrary, hostile) kerov (near and dear) kerovim (near ones, 
kerashim (planks)
keruv mimshach (anointed keruv)
kesef hapidyom (redemption-money)
Kes HaMishpat (Judgment Seat)
kes malchut of Hashem (throne of Hashem) Kes, Kisse (Throne) kesamim 
diviners, those who practice divination) keseder (constantly) kesef 
(money, silver) kesef 
acher (other money)
kesef asham (money from the guilt offerings) kesef male (full price) 
kesef mishneh (double 
kesel (folly, imprudent confidence, stupidity) kesem (oracle, 
divination, pagan fortune 
telling, witchcraft,soothsaying) kesem kazav (lying divination) kesem 
shav (false 

keset (writing case) keset hasofer ([writing] case)
keshafim (witchcrafts) kesharim (conspiracies) keshat ruach (oppressed 
keshatot (bows)
kesheh (obstinate, stubborn)
keshei-lev (hardhearted) kesher (conspiracy, treason, plot)
keshet be'anan (rainbow, BERESHIT 9:16)
keshet milchamah (battle bow, Tehillim 45:5) keshet Yisroel (bow of 
keshet (attention) keshet (bow, power) keshet (rainbow) keshi 
(stubbornness, hardness 
DEVARIM 9:27) kesil (fool, simpleton foolish)
kesilim (fools)
kesitah (money) kesones passim (ketonet/tunic reaching to palms and 
soles) kesot hanesekh 
(pitchers of the drink offering) kesut einayim (covering of the eyes, 
exoneration) kesut 
rosh (head covering)
keta (section) ketanim (small) Ketav (register) ketav (writing, 
ketefayim (shoulders) ketefot (shoulder straps)
ketefot (shoulders, sidewalls)
keter hatzedakah (crown of righteousness) keter malkhut (royal crown, 
crest) ketorah 
(incense) ketoret sammim (incense of spices)
ketoret (incense, offering)
ketsef (wrath, anger) Ketuvim Nevu'iyim (the Prophetic Scriptures) Ketz 
(End, Doom) ketz 
Ketz HaOlam Hazeh (End of the World/Age) ketzef gadol (great fury, 
great wrath) ketzef Hashem 
(wrath of Hashem)
ketzef (wrath)
ketzeh ha'aretz (end of the earth)
Ketzinim (Officers) ketzir chittim (wheat harvest)
ketzot ha'aretz (ends of the earth)
kevarim (graves) kevasim (lambs, sheep) kever aviv (tomb of his father)
kever (grave,tomb) kever chadash (new tomb) kever (sepulchre, burial 
keves (lamb, sheep) kevesh (ramp)
kevesim (lambs,sheep) kevod (glory) kevurah (burial) kevurah (grave) 
keyam (existence) 
kezavim (lies) Kfar-Nachum (Capernaum) kfor (frost) khagor (belt) 
khagorah (sword belt, 
warrior's belt) khagorot (loin covering girdles or loinclothes) khakah 
(fishhook) khakeh 
l'vo'o shel (await the arrival of) khakkah (hook) khalamish (flint [see 
OJBC Lk 9:51]) 
khalil (flute) khalonot (windows)
kham (woman's father-inlaw)
kham (hot)
kham (woman's father-inlaw)
khamah chamah (sun) khamal (pity) khanafim chanefim (hypocrites) khanit 
(spear) khanitot 
(spears) kharadah (shuddering horror)
kharash charash (blacksmith) kharashim charashim (craftsmen, artisans) 
kharavah (arid 
land) kharavot (swords) kharutz (diligent) kharutzim (diligent ones)
khasidah (stork) khatan choson (son-inlaw)
khatzer bais hanashim (courtyard of the house of the women, harem) 
Khatzer HaGedolah (the 
Great Court) Khatzer HaKhitzonah (Outer Court)
khatzer hakhitzonah (the outer court)
ki ein ma'aneh Elohim
khatzer hapenimi (inner courtyard)
khatzer hapenimit (innermost court) khatzer (court, courtyard) 
khatzerot (courts, 
khatzir chatzir (grass) khatzir( grassland) khatzot halailah (midnight)
khatzotzrot (trumpets) khavarim (spells, magic, enchantments) 
khavatzelet (lily) khazonot 
(revelations, visions)
khelek,chelek (part, portion)
khemah (butter, curds) kherpah cherpah (reproach, humiliation, shame, 
disgrace) kheshafim 
(witchcrafts) kheshbon, cheshbon (account report) khetz (an arrow, 
kheyk (bosom, i.e., a concealed bribe, secretly)
kheyk (lap) khidah (riddle) khitzim (arrows,
i.e., lightning flashes) khitzon (outer) khizkei metzach (hardset of 
brow) khoger (one 
girding on) khol (sand)
kholeh,choleh (ill) khomer chomer(clay) khonef chonef(hypocrisy) khoog 
(circle, horizon) 
khoot hameshulash (threefold cord, also an illustration of the Kedushah 
HaMeshulleshet, the 
threefold holiness of the one true G-d) khoref, choref (winter cold)
khosen (treasure, wealth)
khotam chotam(seal) khoten (father-in-law, the father of the wife) 
Khoter (Branch) khozer 
(seers) ki cholat ahavah ani (for I am faint with ahavah, lovesick) ki 
ein ma'aneh Elohim 
(for there is no answer of G-d)

Ki ein masso panim (for there is no partiality) ki hu zeh (a small 
ki l'oham chasdo
(because His mercy endureth forever)
ki solechim gam anachnu lekhol hachayav lanu (for also we ourselves are 
forgiving all that 
are the debtor to us) Ki tov ki l'olam chasdo (For He is good; for His 
mercy endureth 
forever) ki zeh hu (for this is he [Moshiach]) Ki (Therefore) kibbud 
(respect, honor) kibush 
hayetzer (self control)
kibbutzim (heaps, collections)
kichesh, kachash (lying) kidon (javelin, scimitar, curved sword, spear)
kikar lechaem (loaf of bread)
kikikar (talents) kikrot (loaves)
kimat (practically, as good as)
kina gedolah (great jealousy)
kina (jealous, zealous, envy, lament) kinah (dirge)
kinas Beitcha (zeal for Thy Beis [Hamikdash]) kinat Am (jealousy of [G-
d's] people) Kinat 
Betecha Akhalatni (The zeal for the your bais will devour me [TEHILLIM 
69:9] kinat Hashem 
(zeal for G-d)
kinat ish meirei'eihu (the envy of man of his neighbor)
kinder-yohrn (childhood days)
kinim (lice)
kinnor (harp) kinnorot (harps) kinot (zeal) kipor (basin) kipoz 
(bittern) kippurim 
(blood atonements) kir (wall)
kir barzel (wall of iron)
kiravat Elohim (drawing near to Elohim, i.e. revival)
kirtzon ish va'ish (according to the good pleasure of each man)

kirtzono (according to his will)
kiruv rechokim (bringing near the far away ones, Messianic outreach) 
kiruv (near) kirvat 
Elohim (getting close to G-d, revival) Kiryah Ne'emanah (Faithful City, 
i.e. Yerushalayim) 
kiryah (town, city) kiryat melech rav (city of the great king) kise'ot 
l'mishpat (thrones of 
judgment) kise'ot (thrones) kisei kavod (throne of glory)
kisei mamlakhto (throne of his kingdom) kishron hama'aseh (skillful, 
skill, useful result)
kishshuf (magic, sorcery)
kishufim (sorceries) kisot(thrones) Kisse Din (judgment seat)
Kisse Kevodecha (Throne of Thy glory) Kisse Lavan Gadol (a Great White 
Throne) kisse malkhut 
(royal throne)
kisse shen gadol (great ivory throne) kisse'ot (thrones)
kisse (chair,
Kitfot HaEphod (Shoulder Straps of the Ephod) Kitor (smoke, steam) 
kitot (sects) kittel 
(white robe) Kittim (Cyprus) Kitvei Hakodesh (Holy Scriptures)
kitzeinu (our end) Kivrei HaNeviim (the sepulchers of the Prophets)
Kivrot-hataavah (graves of greed)
Kivrot (tombs)
kivsah ketanah (little ewe [female] lamb) kivsah (ewe lamb) kiyor 
(basin) kiyor (laver) 
kiyyor (basin) kiyyorat (basins) kiyyorim (lavers, basins for washing) 
kiyyorot nechoshet 
(basins of bronze) kiyyrot (basins)

Klal Yisroel (Community of Israel)
klal (usually) klalot (curses) klap, klop(blow) klapei (concerning) 
klayot (kidneys)
klei avodah (utensils of service, ministry) klei hasharet (utensils of 
ministry) klei kodesh 
(ministers) klei milchamah (weapons of war)
klei shemen (oil vessels)
kleir (deliberating) klei Shir HaElohim (musical instruments G-d)
klezmer (musician)
klop, klap (blow, punch, slap)
kluhr (obvious) kluhr (pure)
ko'ach lev (strength of understanding) ko'ach (might, power, strength)
Kochav (Star) kochavim (stars) kochot (powers) kodashim (holy things) 
kodem (preceding) 
kodesh hakodashim (the most holy things) Kodesh Kodeshim (most holy, 
Debir in Beis 
Kodesh (Beis Hamikdash) kodesh (holiness) Kodesh (Holy) Kodesh (Holy 
Place, Sanctuary)
Kodesh (Holy Precinct) kodkod (crown of the head)
kofer (bribe, atonement, satisfaction, payment/ ransom, compensaton) 
kofer nafsho (life-
price, atoning payment for his nefesh or soul)

koferim ba ikkarim (deniers of fundamentals)
koferim (unbelievers) koh lechai (good fortune to you!)
Kohanim, mesharetim (ministers, servants) KOHELET (ECCLESIASTES) kohen 
hedeyot (ordinary 
Kohen L'olam (a kohen [priest]
perpetually,(TEHILLIM 110:4)
koidem kol (in the first place),
Kokhav (Star, i.e. Moshiach, see Targums) kokhav gadol (great star)
kokhavim (stars)
kol (everything, all, voice)
kol ach (any brother) kol afsei aretz (all the ends of the earth) kol 
afsei Eretz (all the 
ends of the Earth) kol Am Berit (all the People of the Covenant) kol Am 
Brit (all the People 
of the Covenant) kol Ammei HaAretz (all the nations of the earth)
Kol Ammei HaAretz (All the Peoples of the Earth)
kol asher bote'ach (every one that trusteth)
kol asirei eretz (all the prisoners of the earth)
kol atzei hasadeh (all the trees of the field) kol atzei levonah (all 
kinds of incense trees) 
kol avihem (voice of their father) kol ayin (every eye) kol Bais 
Nekhotoh (Treasure House) 
kol berech (every knee YESHAYAH 45:23) kol berekh (every knee) Kol Chai 
(all living) kol 
chattoteinu (all our sins)
kol chatzer (all grass) kol chemdat Yisroel (all the Desire of Yisroel 
[see Chaggai 2:7]) kol 
cheyl Kasdim (the whole army of the Chaldeans)
kol da'as (all knowledge)
kol dodi (the voice of my beloved)
kol echad (one voice, one sound) kol elohim ("g-ds") kol Elohim (voice 
of G-d)
kol etz (every tree) kol gadol (great voice) kol gadol (loud voice) Kol 
Gey Yinnase Vkhol 
Har Vgivah Yishpalu (Every valley will be filled in and every mountain 
and hill will be 
leveled off)
kol goyei ha'aretz (all the nations of the earth)
kol ha'ammim (all nationalities)
kol ha'ammim (all the peoples)
kol ha'aratz (all the lands)
kol ha'aretz (all the earth)
kol ha'aretz (the whole earth)
kol ha'ir (all the town) kol haadam kozev ("every man a liar" TEHILLIM 
kol haAdam kozev (all men are liars) kol haalah (all the curses)
kol haAm anshei chayill (able men)
kol haAm (all the people)
kol haammim (all the peoples)
kol haaretz (all the world)
kol haaretz (the whole land)
kol habachor (all firstling males)
kol habetulot (all the virgins)
kol hadorot ishruni (all generations will call me happy, BERESHIS 
30:13) kol haedah (all the 
congregation) kol haelohim (all the g-ds)
kol hagoy (all the nation)
kol haleylot (every night)
kol hama'aser (all the tithes)
kol hamekomot (all the places)
kol hamon (voice of a multitude)
kol hamon Yisroel (the whole multitude of Yisroel)
kol hanivrah (all creation)
kol melo
kol haOlam (all the world)
kol hara'ah hazot (all this wickedness)
kol hara'ot (all evils) Kol Hashem (Voice of Hashem)
kol hayamim (all the days, forever)
kol haYesharah (all the right, the straight) kol hayom (all the day) 
kol hayom (ever) kol 
hevel (altogether vanity)
kol kedoshav (all his holy ones) kol Kedoshim (all the Holy Ones) kol 
kehillot (all the 
kol keli chemdah (every delightful vessel) kol kesil (the voice of the 
kol ketzutzei pe'ah (all in the farthest corners) kol Klei HaKodesh 
(all the Holy Articles) 
Kol Korey Bamidbar (A voice of one shouting in the wilderness, YESHAYAH 
kol lashon (every tongue)
kol leshonot HaGoyim (all the tongues of the Nations)
kol levavchem uvkhol nafshechem (all your heart and with all your 
kol ma'aseh Bais Ach'av (all the works of the House of Ahab) kol 
ma'aseihu (all His deeds)
kol ma'aser (tithes) kol machamadeinu (all our desiring) kol makkah 
(all the plagues)
kol makom (every place) Kol Mamlechot HaAretz (All the Kingdoms of the 
kol matteh (whole staff, all supply)
kol mekomot (all places) kol melachah (all manner of workmanship) kol 
melachah (all 
workmanship) kol melachim (all kings) kol melo Elohim (all the 
plentitude of 
G-d) kol melo 
(all the plentitude)

kol mishbarecha (all Thy waves/breakers) kol motah (every yoke of 
kol mul b'arleh (all circumcized in arleh [only])
kol ohf (every bird) kol orkhot (all paths, ways)
kol oyvecha (all thine enemies)
Kol oyveinu (all our enemies)
kol po'al (all work)
kol poalei resha (all workers of evil) kol ra'ash gadol (a voice of a 
great rustling)
kol Rashei HaMattot (all the Heads of the Tribes) kol rechem (every 
womb) kol ruach (all 
winds) kol sason (voice of mirth)
kol sheker (every falsehood)
Kol Shivtei Yisroel (All the Tribes of Israel) kol shofar (sound of the 
kol simchah (voice of gladness)
kol tachanunai (voice of my supplications) kol tefillati (voice of my 
kol tokef (all authority)
kol Tz'va HaShomayim (all the Host of Heaven) kol tzameh (all ye who 
are thirsty) kol 
tzidkot (all the righteous acts)
kol tzidkoteinu (all our righteousness, our righteous deeds/works) kol 
y'mei chaiyyai (all 
the days of my life) kol yadayim (all hands) kol yafeh (beautiful 
kol yameinu (all our days)
kol yemei chayyeinu (all the days of our life) kol yir'ah (all fear) 
kol yonim (voice of 
kol yoshvei ha'aretz (all them that dwell in the land)
kol yoshvei tevel (all the inhabitants of the world)
kol zakhar (all the males)

kol zedim (all the proud)
kol zera hamamlachah (all the royal seed)
kol zimrah (the sound of singing)
kol-adam (man's voice) koleinu (our voice) kolot (thunder)
komah (short of stature) komer (idolatrous priests)
koneh (buyer) kor (cold)
korah (beam, i.e. tree) korban (sacrifice) korban chai (living 
korban isheh (offering made by eish [fire]) KORBAN MINCHAH (GRAIN 
Korban Pesach (Sacrifical Lamb) korban reshit (firstfruit offering) 
korbanot (sacrifices) 
koreia umishtachaveh (kneeling down and worshiping, ESTHER 3:5) koremim 
(vine keepers, 
vineyard workers) Koresh (Cyrus) kos habracha (cup of blessing)
kos hatarelah (cup of reeling, the cup that causes reeling) kos hayayin 
haChemah (wine cup 
of wrath) kos tanechumim (cup of consolation)
kos Yeshu'ot (the cup of salvation)
kos (cup [of blessing]) kosem (soothsayer, practicer of divination) 
kosemim (diviners, 
sorcerers, diviners, soothsayers)
kosem kesamim (a diviner of divination) kosher (fit, right, proper)
kosot (cups) kotel (wall)
kotz (thorn, splinter) kotzer (harvester, reaper)
kotzerim (harvesters, reapers, harvesting) kotzim (thorns) kova 
(helmet) kovua (fixed, 
set) kozvim (liars)
krameinu (our [blooming] vines)
kramim (vines, vineyards) krav (battle)

l'dor dorim
kri'ah b'shalom (calling peace)
kri'ah (calling, divine summons, call) kri'ah (his summons from 
kri'ah (tearing, rending, ritual tearing of clothing to show upset)
kri'at HaNevi'im (reading of the Prophets)
kri'at HaTorah (reading of the Sefer Torah) krovah (relative) krovey 
mishpokhot (relatives) 
krovim (relatives) krum (deviant) kullam (all of them) Kullanu mesim 
(We are all dead ones) 
kur (furnace )
kur habarzel (furnace of iron)
Kushi (Ethiopian) kussemim (spelt) kuttanot (tunics) kuttonet (chiton, 
robe) kvetch 
(complain) kvius (regimen) kviusdik (constant) l'ma'an (for the sake 
Lchi l'shalom (Go in shalom)
l'ezrah (to help/ support) l'hishta'chavot (to worship, to prostrate 
l'hoshi'a (to save) l'ish K'ma'a'sei Hu (to each according to his 
lma'an (for the sake of, inorder that, inorder to, to the intent, in 
order that) l'me'ol 
ma'al baHashem (thereby trespassing against Hashem) l'min olam v'ad 
olam (from forever to 
l'mirmah (deceitfully) l'odor dorim (from generation to generation)

l'olahm (forever more) l'Olmei Olamim (forever and ever)
l'satan (for an adversary, opposer) l'shachat (to destroy) l'shalom 
(about their welfare)
l'sheker (falsely) l'tohu (in vain) la'ad l'olam (forever and ever)
la'anah (wormwood) la'aretz (on the ground) la'avod (to till, to work)
la'shvee (captivity, into captivity)
labetach (in confidence, security)
laboker (every morning) lachafeshi (to the freedom)
lachash (whisper) lachmeinu (our bread) lachutz (to the outside, out, 
abroad, around) lailah 
(night) lailah echad (in one night, the same night) lailah gam yomam 
(night and day)
lailah hazeh (this night)
lailot amal (nights of weariness)
Lake Kinneret (Sea of Galilee)
lakhad (taken [by lot], singled out [by lot]) lakhatz (oppression) 
lamah (why)
lamdan (a Torah scholar with prodigious knowledge)
lammah,lamah (why) landslait (countrymen) lanetzach (always, forever)
lanu (for us, on our side)
la Ohel (keepers of the thresholds of the Tent) lapid (torch) lapidim 
(torches) lashav (in 
vain) lasheker (falsely) lashon acheret (another tongue, different 
lashon hora (evil speech)
lashon remiyyah (a tongue of deceit)
lashon seter (backbiting tongue)
lashon tahpukhot (tongue of perversion, distortion)
lav davka (approximately)

lavan (white)
lavetach (carelessly, in security)
lechashim (amulets) lechem (bread, food, crop)
lechem anashim (bread of sorrow)
lechem atzlut (bread of idleness)
lechem chol (ordinary bread)
lechem chukeinu (our daily bread, Mt 6:11) lechem chukki (my daily 
lechem dimah (bread of tears)
lechem ha'amitti (the true bread)
lechem ha'atzavim (bread of toils)
Lechem HaMa'arekhet (arranged bread [of the Presence])
lechem hapanim (the bread of the presence) lechem hapechah (allowance 
of the governor)
lechem hatamid (perpetual bread) lechem kezavim (deceitful food)
lechem mego'al (defiled food)
lechem oni (bread of affliction)
lechem shemen (oily loaf of bread)
lechem tzar (bread of trouble)
lechi (cheek) legallot ervah (to uncover nakedness, i.e., have sexual 
lehatzeddik (justifying, declaring innocent) lehavdil (to make a 
distinciton, separation) 
leitzim (scornful, ones mocking and reviling) leitzonus (fun, mockery) 
lekach tov (good 
doctrine, good instruction) lekach (doctrine, teaching, belief) lekhi 
(cheek, cheeks)
Lema'an Shmi (for the sake of My Name) lema'an (for the sake of)
lemaskana (finally) Lemi (to whom)
leolam v'ed (forever and ever)
leratzon (acceptable [before Hashem], accepted, acceptable)

lernen (learn, teach) lesakhek (to play, to sport, to frolic) leshakhot 
(chambers, side 
rooms, storerooms) leshon arumim (tongue of the crafty)
leshon limmudim (tongue of disciples, see 8:16) leshon mirmah 
(deceitful tongue)
leshon tarmit (tongue of deceitfulness) leshon (tongue) leshoneinu (our 
tongue) leshonot 
chadashot (new tongues)
leshonot (tongues Ac 2:4)
letz (mocker) letzachek (to revel) letzim (coarse jesting) 
lev (chest, heart, mind, will, opinions, spirit, understanding, [of 
discernment, of 
understanding] lev acher (another heart, a different heart)
lev yam (heart of the sea)
lev yamim (heart of the seas)
levanah (moon) levanim (white ones) levav he'arel (uncircumcised 
hearts) levav (of heart) 
levav (understanding) levaveinu (our hearts) levavenu (our heart) 
levavi (my heart) levavo 
(his heart) levavot (hearts) levayah (funeral) levenah (tile, brick) 
levenim (bricks) 
levonah zakkah (pure incense)
levonah (frankincense, incense)

levush malkhut (royal robe, clothing) levush (clothing, garments, robe) 
leyamim (to days) 
libeinu (our heart) libenu (our hearts) libo (his heart) licht (light)
lidei nisayon (into the powers of temptation) Mt6:13)
Lifnei Haadon (Before The L-rd)
lifnei hivvased tevel (before the foundation of the world) Likro Shenat 
Ratzon Lahashem (To 
preach the year of Hashem's favor) lilit (night creature) limeshachacha 
(to anoint thee)
limmud (instruction) limmudim (disciples, those being taught) limudei 
Elohim (taught of G-
limudei kodesh (sacred studies)
linedavah (voluntarily) liretzonechem (for your acceptance [before 
lishkah (chamber, room) lishkhot hakodesh (holy chambers)
Lishmo'a b'kol Hashem (Listening to the voice of Hashem, mishma'at, 
litechiyyah (to come to life again)
litziat Mitzrayim (going out of Egypt) Litziat ("Going Out") litziat 
(going out) lo adaber 
(I cannot speak)
lo am (a non-people)
lo ammi (not my people) lo el (not g-d) Lo hu (not He) lo ish (not man) 
Lo lanetzach (Not 
ever) lo nissah (he had not tested/proved) lo nissti (I have not proved 
them) lo poreh 
(unfruitful) lo Kiddashtem (not ye upheld as holy) lo shama (did not 
pay heed)
lo tachmod (Do not covet)
Lo Tenassu Es Hashem Eloheichem (Do not put to the test Hashem your G-d 
[DEVARIM 6:16])

lo tinaf (do not commit adultery)
lo tirtzach (do not kill, murder)
lo tishtachaveh (thou shalt not bow down thyself)
lo tufar Torat Moshe (the Torah of Moses may not be broken, BERESHIS 
lo yishma (does not listen)
lo, loh (no, not) loh Ani (not I)
Loh chatati (I have not sinned)
Loh echad (No one)
loh noshanu (we are not saved [from coming judgment and punishment]) 
Loh re'iticha (I never 
saw thee)
loht (myrrh) loin (wages)
Loit (according to) lomdes (cleverness, erudition)
lomdish (intricate and complicated to understand) loveh (borrower, 
lo yikaret lecha ish moshel b'Yisroel (there shall not cut off a man of 
yours as ruler in 
lu yetzuuyar (assuming) luach (tablet)
Luchot Even (Tablets of Stone)
luchot ha'avanim (tablets of stone) Luchot haBrit (the tablets of the 
Covenant, the 
Decalogue, Aseret HaDibrot)
Luchot HaEdut (Tablets of the Testimony) luchot (tablets) Lud (Lydia]
lukach (I am taken away) Luvim (Libya) m'at m'at (little by little)
m'nachesh (one who interprets omens) m'onen (soothsayer) m'vorach 
(blessed) ma'acholet 
eish (food for fire)
ma'agal tov (good path) ma'agal (circuit, path) ma'agalot (paths) 
ma'aglei yosher (right 
ma'akhal,ma'achal (food) ma'akhelet (knife)

ma'al (betrayal, treachery, faithlessness) ma'al (trespass, 
disobedience, breach of faith, 
treachery, breaking faith, unfaithfulness, betrayal of a trust)
ma'allei El (works of G-d)
ma'alot Achaz (sundial of Ahaz)
ma'alot shivah (seven steps/stairs)
ma'alot shmoneh (eight steps/stairs)
ma'alot (steps, stairs) Ma'amad HaBanim (the standing as Sons) ma'amad 
(position, station)
ma'amin (believer) ma'aminah (believing woman)
ma'aminim hameshichiyim [i.e., who have emunah in our Rebbe Melech 
HaMoshiach Adoneinu 
Yehoshua, Act 21:20, Messianic Believers) ma'aminim (believers) ma'aneh 
ma'arakhah (battle array, battle line, battleground) ma'arav (ambush,
west, setting place of the sun)
ma'arekhet tamid (regular offering of the rows of bread)
ma'arkhot Elohim Chayyim (armies of the living G-d)
ma'arkhot Yisroel (ranks of Israel)
ma'aseh (deed, work) ma'aseh choshev (artistic craftwork, embroidery).
ma'aseh hara'ah (an evil work)
ma'aseh rokem (craft or work of embroidering, embroidering craft)


ma'aseh yedei aman
(the work of the hands of an artist) ma'aseh (deed, labor, work) 
[life's] work, 
handiwork) ma'asei aven (works of wickedness) ma'asei haChoshech (works 
darkness) ma'aseichem (your occupation) ma'aser HaAretz (tithe of the 
ma'aser (tithe, tithes) ma'asim gedolim (greater works) ma'asim hara'im 
(evil deeds) 
ma'asim metim (dead works) ma'asim tovim (good works) ma'asim works, 
customs, deeds) 
ma'asor,maaseros (tithes) ma'atzad (chizel) ma'atze'vah (torment, pain, 
grieving [see also Isaiah 66:24 and Daniel 12:2 and Psalm 75:8]) 
ma'avak (struggle, 
ford) ma'ayan (fountain, spring) ma'ayanot (springs, sources) ma'ayon 
fountain) ma'lah (above) ma'ohr (luminary, moon) Ma'on (Dwelling Place) 
(residence, dwelling place, habitation, dwelling, see Yn 14:2 OJBC) 
ma'ot chittim 
(money for wheat financial contributions) ma'oz (fortress, bastion, 
stronghold, protection, refuge) maa'uzim (fortresses) maabarot (fords, 
rivercrossings) maamadot (contributions) financial contributions) 
(west) maarkhot (forces, military lines) mabbul (flood) mach'ov 
machalah (disease, diseases, sickness) machalatzot (extra fine, white 
festal robes) machalifei hakesafim (money changers) machaloket 
controversy, division of dissension, controversy) machaluyim rabbim 
(many wounds) 
machanak (strangling) Machaneh Aram (Syrian Camp) machaneh (camp) 
machanot (camps, 
forces, encamping armies) machar (tomorrow) machashavot (artistic 
artistic works) machashavot (plots) machashevet ra'ah (an evil plan) 
machatallot (deceits, illusions) machavat barzel (iron griddle)
machavo'im (hideouts) machazeh Shaddai (vision of Shaddai) machazikim
(the ones joining) machla (disease, illness, krenk) machlekot (courses, 
groups, divisions of Kohanim and Levi'im, divisions) machlokot 
(divisions, divisions 
of dissension) machlot (illnesses) machmir (stickler) machol (dance) 
(sorrows) machseh (refuge) machsh'vot Ammim (schemes of the peoples)
machsh'vot (schemes, thoughts) machshavot (thoughts, plans) machshe'vot 
machshelah (ruin) machshevot Hashem (thoughts of Hashem) machshevot 
thoughts) machshiv (respect) machsor,makhsor (need, poverty, want, 
madduchei shav (delusion, 

false enticement) madon (strife, quarrel, contention, dissension,) 
Madrikh (Guide, 
Instructor) Madu'a (Why?) Madua (Why?) Mafgi'a (Intercessor) mafte'ach 
Bais Dovid 
(key of the House of Dovid) mafte'ach (key) maftechot Malchut 
HaShomayim (keys of 
the Kingdom of Heaven) maftekhot haMavet (keys of Death) maftekhot 
(keys of the abode of the Dead) magal (sickle) magefah (plague produced 
by Hashem, 
plague, slaughter, stroke) magefah gedolah (great slaughter) magefat 
(plague on the horse) magen,mogen (shield) maggal (sickle, YOEL 4:13 
maggefah (plague) maggefah gedolah (great plague) maggefot (plagues, 
maggid (messenger, bearer of news) Maggidim (Messianic Darshanim, 
Preachers) magor 
(terror, fear) Mah atem (What you [report]?) Mah haavodah hazot 
lachem (What is this avodah to you ?)

Mah lanu vlach? (What to us and to you, what have we to do you?) Mah li 
ulchah, Yehoshua Ben 
El Elyon? (What to me and to you, Yehoshua Son of the Most High G-d?)
Mah li valach? (What have I to do with thee) Mah nishteh? (What shall 
we drink)
Mah ta'aseh? (What are you doing?)
Mah tevakkeshun? (What do you seek?) Mah tov! (How good!) Mah tovu 
ohalecha! (How goodly, 
beautiful, are thy tents!)
Mah yitzdak Enosh im El? (How then can Man be justified with G-d?) Mah 
zeh? (What is this? 
why is this?) Mah zot? (What is this?) mah (what)
mahalach (walkway) mahamorot (watery pits) makal (rod, branch, staff
makel (stick, staff) makel SHAQED (a branch of an almond tree) makevet 
(hammer) makh'ov 
(pain, grief) makhah gedolah (with a great blow) makhaneh,machaneh 
(camp) makhar (tomorrow) 
makheseh (shelter, cover)
makhmad (darling, delight, desire, precious) makhon (place, foundation)
makhovim (sufferings) makhseh (refuge, shelter)
makhsor, machsor (poverty, want) makhtesh (mortar) makkah (blow, wound) 
slaughter) makkah gedolah
(a great stroke/blow) makkah gedolah me'od
(a very great slaughter) makkah rabbah (great slaughter,
many stripes) makkah rabbah me'od (a very great plague) makkat bilti 
sarah (a continual 
stroke) makkot (plagues, strokes, marks of strokes, scars, wounds, 

maklot (rods, branches, staffs,sticks) makom (place of rest, place, 
home, dwelling, haunt, 
post, site, room) makom berosh (chief place)
makom hazeh (this place) Makom Kadosh (Holy Place, i.e. the Beis 
makom kever (burial place)
makom ne'eman (firm place)
makor chayyim (fountain of life) makor dimah (a fountain of tears)
Makor Mayim Chayyim ["Fountain, source of Living Waters," YIRMEYAH 
Makor Mayim Chayyim (Fountain of Living Waters)
Makor Yisroel (Fountain of Israel)
makor (fountain spring) makriv kadosh (holy offering)
malach (angel)
malach chazak (strong angel)
malach hasheyni (second angel)
malach kadosh (holy angel)
malach ohr (an angel of light)
malach (messenger, i.e. Malach HaBrit, HaAdon [see Malachi 3:1]) 
malachim habechirim 
(chosen angels, holy angels) malachim (angels, envoys)
malbish arumim (clothing the naked)
malbush nochri (foreign apparel)
malbush (clothing, vestments, religious robes)
Malcam (Molech) Malchuso (His Kingdom) malchut (reign, royal majesty) 
Malchut ((Messianic) 
Malchut Asa (of the reign of Asa)
Malchut Hashem (Kingdom of God)
Malchut HaShomayim (Kingdom of Heaven) malchut olam (everlasting 
kingdom) Malchuto (His 

male No'am (full of pleasantness)
maleh chukat haTorah (full statute requirement of the Torah)
Malkah (Queen)
Malkat HaShomayim (the Queen of Heaven) Malkat Sheva (Queen of Sheba)
Malkeinu (our King) Malkhut (Kingdom, Realm) malkhutecha (thy kingdom)
Malki (My King) malko'ach (plunder, prey, booty)
malkosh (latter rain, spring rain) malon (inn, lodging place)
malon orkhim (travelers'lodge) malshin (informer, accuser)
maluchah (kingdom) malveh (lender) mamash (definitely) mamashus (real 
worth) mamlachah 
(kingdom) mamlakhot (kingdoms) mamlechot eretz (kingdoms of the earth) 
mamlechot (kingdoms) 
mammon (the wealth of the Olam HaZeh) mamrim (rebellious) mamzerim 
(illegitimate children)
man'ul (lock, door bolt) manhig (leader) manhigim (leaders, one of the 
wealthier Baale-
Battishe Jews, the gedolim of Judaism) manhigut ruchanit (spiritual 
mano'ach (rest, place of rest)

manon lanetzakh (permanent dwelling place to remain forever) maon 
laShechinah (dwelling 
place for the Shechinah)
maon (dwelling place, permanent residence, home)
maoz (stronghold) mapalah (fall, downfall, defeat)
mar hamavet (bitterness of death)
mar'ah (vision, pattern) mar'eh (vision) mar'ot Elohim (visions of G-d, 
i.e. divinely 
granted visions) mar (bitter, bitter thing, bitterness) mar-nefesh 
(bitter in spirit, 
discontented) Marah ("Bitter Place") Marana (our L-rd) marbeh raglayim 
(many feet)
marbitz tzedaka (resting place of charity) mareh hagagol (great sight)
mareh (appearance, vision)
margo'a (rest)
mari (my l-rd)
marom (high, on high, i.e. into the heavens) Marom (Most High)
marom v'kadosh (the high and holy place) marot (visions) marpeh lashon 
(a tongue of healing)
marpeh (healing, remedy)
marut (authority, discipline, rule)
mas (forced labor, tax, tribute)
masach (screen, curtain) masah (trial)
masakh Yehudah (covering of Yehudah, defense, protection)
masakh (covering, curtain)
mase'ot shav and madduchim (false and misleading, burdens, oracles)
masekhah (molten images) masger (prison, smiths, artisans) masha'ot 
(debts, loans) mashach 
(anoint, anointed)
mashach (hath anointed) mashachnu (we anointed) mashal (byword, 
parable, proverb)

mashber (crisis of birth)
mashchit (destroyer, waster, spoiler) mashchit (destruction) mashchitim 
mashgichim ruchaniyim (spiritual overseers) mashiach (anointed) mashkeh 
(cupbearer) mashkeh 
(drink, liquid, drinking vessels) mashkhit (destroyer, i.e. Hashem's 
emissary of judgment, 
see Numbers 22:31 on the Malach Hashem)
Mashkhit Goyim (Destroyer of the Nations, i.e. Babylon) mashkhit (trap) 
mashkof (lintel) 
mashlim (supply what is deficient)
mashu'ot netzach (perpetual ruins) mashu'ot (ruins, destruction) 
maskana (outcome, upshot, 
final analysis) maskil (a wise servant, prudent, successful, wise)
maskit (carved stone, image)
maskiyyot (stone carved, statues)
maskoret (wages) maslul (highway) masmerim (nails) masmerot (nails)
maso panim (favoritism) masor (saw) Masoret HaZekenim (Tradition of the 
masoret torat haShlichim (tradition of the teaching of the Emissaries 
of Moshiach) Masorot 
haAvot (Tradition of the Fathers)
masos (exultation, joy) masot (portions, trials/ temptations [4:12])
masret (pan)
massa panim (respect of persons)
massa (burden, check verse 7:22 massa (burden, load, oracle, prophecy, 
something carried, 
prophetic burden) masseikhah (overspreading veil) massekhah (molden 
image) massekhot (cast 
idols, metal idols,

matteh oz
metal images, molten images)
masso panim (partiality) massot hagedolot (great trials)
massot (trials) masveh (veil, mask) mat'ate (broom) mat'im rabbim (many 
misleaders/deceivers) matamim (savory meat, tasty food)
matan Torah (giving of the Torah)
matanah shleimah (complete gift) matanah (gift)
matanot harippuy (gifts of healing [refuah])Ac 3:6-16)
matanot tovot (good gifts)
matanot (gifts)
matar (rain, rainfall) matarah (aim, goal, objective, target) matbe'ach
(slaughterhouse) mateh (a rod, staff, supply)
matkonet (quota) matmon (treasure) matmonim (hidden treasures)
matnat hachesed (free gift of grace)
matnat hatzedakah (the gift of righteousness) matok (sweetness) 
matsevot (gravestones, 
tombstone monuments) mattah (below)
mattan adam (gift of a man)
mattan Torah (giving of the Torah)
Kehunah (Priesthood) mattan (gift, gifts)
mattanah ruchanit (spiritual gift) mattanah (free gift, gift)
mattanot (gifts, bribes) mattanot kadoshot (holy gifts)
mattarah (object of attack, target) mattat (gift, reward) matteh lechem 
(staff of bread, food 
supply) matteh oz (strong staff)

matteh resha (a rod of wickedness) matteh (rod, staff,tribe) mattot 
(rods) mattot (tribes 
of) matzav (position) matzebot (pillars) matzeivah (pillar) matzevah (a 
pillar, monument)
matzevah (stone pillar, monument)
matzevat even (pillar of stone)
matzevet (monument, idol images, stone pillars, monuments) matzil 
(deliverer, rescuer)
matzliach (prosper) Matzor Yerushalayim (Siege of Jerusalem) matzor 
(rampart, siege, 
stronghold) matzpun naki (clear conscience) matzpun (conscience) 
matztza (bed, mattress) 
matztzvot (memorial columns dedicated to idols)
matzud (net)
matzvat HaBa'al (the image of Baal)
maven, meiven (expert) Mavet (Death) mavo (introduction) mayan 
(fountain) mayim azzim 
(mighty waters)
Mayim Chayyim (Living Water, running water) mayim hazedonim 
(treacherous waters) mayim 
lachatz (waters of affliction)
mayim lo ne'emanu (waters that have not
proved reliable) mayim rabbim (great waters)
mayim rabbim (many waters)
mayim (water) maysharim (altogether level,upright, direct ones)
mazalot (constellations) mazkir (secretary, recorder)
mazleg (fork) mazor (man-trap) ma'aminim b'Moshiach (believers in 
Moshiach) ma'arich 
(extended, long-winded) ma'asei haMoshiach (works of Moshiach)

ma'asros (plural of ma'aser, tithe)
Me El kamocha (Who is a G-d like unto thee) me'ah vchamishim ushloshah 
(one hundred and fifty 
three) me'ah (hundred) me'arah (cave) me'arah paritzim (a cave, a den 
of robbers, criminals)
me'arot (caves) me'ashrei HaAm HaZeh (leaders of this people) me'astem 
(ye have rejected)
Me'at me'at (little by little)
me'at (for a little while, little) me'chodesh l'chodesh (from month to 
month, every month) 
me'emenei eretz (faithful of the land) me'erah (curse) me'eretz (out of 
the ground)
Me'il HaEphod (Robe of the Ephod)
me'il katon (a little robe)
Me'il Tzedakah (the Robe of Righteousness) me'il (mantle, cloak, robe, 
mantle) me'od (greatly 
very great)
me'olam v'ad olam (from everlasting to everlasting, even from of old) 
me'olam (from 
everlasting, of old, since ancient times)
me'on kadosh (holy dwelling place) Me'on Kadosh (Holy Habitation)
me'onah (dwelling-place) me'onot (dwelling places, dens, homes [Yn 14:2 
residences, homes, cf 14:23)
me'ot (hundred) me'oznei tzedek (honest scales)
me'rov yamim (because of many days, i.e. old age) me'urah (hole) 
me'ushar (blessedness, 
me'yuda'i (deep acquaintance, familiar friend, see Psalm 41:9) meah 
kevasim (a hundred sheep)
mearah (cave)

meayen (engaged in research) mechallel kodesh (profane)
mechashefim (sorcerers) mechazek (be strengthened spiritually) mechila 
mechitah (terror) mechittah (terror) Mechitzah (the dividing partition)
mechokek (lawgiver) MECHOKEK (Lawgiver, see Genesis 49:10; Num 21:18)
Mechokkeinu (our Lawgiver)
mecholat Mahanaim (dance of the Mahanaim [see Bereshis 32:3]) mecholot 
(dances, dancing)
medakdeke (painstakingly thorough) medanim (contention, strife, 
discords, dissensions) 
medinot (provinces) meEretz (from the Land) mefake'ach (overseer) 
mefakkechim (stewards, 
mefakkechim tovim (good stewards, supervisors) mefarsem (make known) 
megadef (reviler)

megadefim (revilers) megareia (weakened) megilat sefer (scroll book)
mego'al (defiled) megolalah (rolled) mehaneh (pleasing) meherah 
(quickly) mehumah gedolah 
me'od (a very great confusion, tumult, commotion) mehumah (confusion, 
tumult, public panic) 
mehumot rabbot (great turmoil)
mei (waters of) mei'avonoteinu (for our iniquities)
meid (provide testimony, attest)
meisharim (integrities, uprightness, equity, right things, fair things)
meiven (discerning one) mekabberim (buriers) mekabel Malchut hashem 
(receive the Kingdom of 
mekabel selicha (accepting forgiveness) mekabel (receive, accept, 
received, receiving, 
accepting) mekomot (regions) mekanne (jealous, envious)
mekarev (befriend, welcome and treat well) mekhashefah (witch, 
mekhashfim (sorcerers) mekhashshef (witch) mekhes (tribute) mekhir 
(price, cost) Mekhokek 
(Lawgiver) mekhokekim (ones commanding) mekholeinu (our dance) Mekhonen 
(Founder) mekhonim 
(foundations) mekhonot (movable stands or bases)
Mekhonot (Stands [serving as water carts],[supporting the lavers])
Mekom HaGulgolet (Place of the Skull) mekom kadosh (the holy place)
mekom linah (guest room) mekom megurim (dwelling place)
Mekom Mishpat (Place of Judgment)
mekomot (places, sites) Mekor Chayyim (Fountain of Life)
Mekor, makor (basis, source)

mekudash b'Ruach Hakodesh (set apart as holy in the Ruach Hakodesh)
melach (salt)
melachah (rule, kingdom, task, work)
melachah (workman) melachat machashavet (work of art) melachim atzumim 
(powerful kings) 
Melachim Bais (II Kings) melachim of haadamah (kings of the earth) 
melachim (kings) melakhah 
(task, work) melakhot (queens) melamed (teacher) melamedot es haTov 
(teachers of the Good) 
melammed (instructor, teach)
mele'ot einayim saviv (full of eyes round about)
mele'ot (full) Melech Al Kol HaAretz (King Over All the Earth)
Melech Ashur (King of Assyria)
melech HaAi (literally, the King of Ruin) melech harishon (the first 
king,[ i.e. 
Melech HaTzafon (King of the North)
Melech mikedem (from of old)
melech Yavan (the king of Greece)
melechei ha'aretz (kings of the earth) Melechet hamelech (officials 
over the work the King)
melekhet avodah (laborious work) melekhet HaChomah (work of this Wall) 
melitz echad (one 
mediator, IYOV 33:23, YESHAYAH 43:27; cf DEVARIM 5:5,22 31) Melitz 
Yosher (Advocate, 
Praklit, Advocate, Counselor, Helper in Court)
melitz (go-between, interpreter) melitz (mediator) melitzah (enigma) 
(mediators) melkachayyim (tongs) melo (plentitude) meltachah (wardrobe) 
(kingdom) Meluchah (kingdom) melukhah (kingship)

melunah (watchman's hut) memayet (precluded, excluded)
Memra (Creative Word of G-d in some of the Targums)
memshalah (dominion) Memshalah (Rule, Dominion)
memshalet (dominion) memshelet (authority) mena'afim (adulterers) 
mena'efet (one that 
committeth adultery) menaafim (adulterers) menachamei amal (miserable 
comforters) menachamim 
(comforters) Menachem (Comforter) menachesh (divination) menagen (one 
playing [the 
kinnor/harp]) menagen (player) menaggen (playing music) menahel ruchani 
administrator) menatzakhat HaChayyah (overcomers of the Beast, Anti-
Moshiach) menatzkhim 
(foremen overseers) Menoach HaAron (the coming to rest the Ark) Menorat 
HaMa'ohr (Menorah of 
Illumination) menucha (resting place) menuchah (resting place) menuchot 
(quiet waters, 
resting places) meohn arayot (den of lions)
meorer (point out, rekindle) meorer (stimulate, motivate, shtarken) 
merachok (afar off, in 
the distance)
meragelim (ones spying, spies)
merchav, merkhav (large place)

spacious or broad place) mered (rebellion) mered (revolt) meri 
(rebellion, rebellious)
merirut lev (bitterness) merivah ("quarreling", strife)
merivat HaEdah (strife of the Assembly) merkavah ofan (wheel) merkavah 
(chariot) merkavot 
(chariots) merkhav (spacious) merorim (bitter herbs) merorot (bitter 
things) merosh (from 
the first) merutzah (extortion, persecution) meruvakh (spacious) 
mesader (arrange, place in 
succession) mesei olam (long dead) meshabed (caused to be obligated)
meshachacha (anointed thee)
meshachehu (anoint him) Meshachticha (I anoint thee)
meshachticha (I anointed thee)
meshachtiv (I anointed him)
meshakkalet (barren, unfruitful) meshakkalet (unfruitfulness, 
barrenness) meshalim 
(bywords, parables)
meshalle'ach (sender) meshammah (astonishment, object of horror) 
mesharet bnei hamilah 
(servant, minister of the circumcised) mesharet (minister, servant, 
keli kodesh, minister)
mesharetet (servant, keli kodesh, minister) mesharetim (ministers) 
Mesharetim HaMelech 
(Ministers of the King) mesharetim (ministers, servants, officials) 
mesharim (equity, 
meshartei Hashem (ministers of Hashem) meshichim (anointed ones)
meshithu (I drew him) meshorarim (singers, singing men) meshorarot 
(singing women)
meshovev netivot Lashevet (repairer of the Breach; restorer of
the streets for habitation)
meshubad (obligated) Meshuchrarim (the Freedmen)
meshuga (crazy fellow) meshugah (error, mad, insane) meshullam (the one 
meshummad (apostate) meshuvah Yisroel (backsliding Yisroel) meshuvah 
(backsliding) meshuvot 
(backslidings) meshuvoteinu (our backslidings) mesibot (parties) 
mesilah (highway road)
mesilat yesharim (highway of the upright) mesillah (highway) mesillot 
(highways) Mesim (dead 
ones,dead persons)
mesim (dead ones, spiritually unregenerate ones without hitkhadshut) 
Messianic avodas kodesh 
(holy worship, service) Messianic Chavura (fellowship, company, group, 
especially one eating 
the paschal lamb together)
Messianic mesirat nefesh (whole-hearted devotion to the cause of 
Moshiach, even at risk of 
Messianic midrash (homiletical interpretation of the Scriptures) 
mesupak (uncertain, having 
doubts) met (coffin, dead) meta'te'a (mocker) metei olam (those long 
metei-shav (men of vanity)
metim (miracles) metohar (purified) metoharah (cleansing) metoharim 
(clean) metsakhim 
(foreheads) metzach Aharon (forehead of Aharon)
metzach chazak (forehead strong)
metzach isah zonah (whore's forehead) metzach (brow, forehead) 
metzachek (mocking, scoffing)
metzadot (strongholds, masadas)
metzapeh (watchman)
metzarei She'ol (confines, straitnesses of She'ol)
metzavveh (commander) metzillot (bells) metzodot (fortresses) 
metzora'at (leprous) metzora 
(leper a leper, leprosy, leprous area) metzoraim (lepers) metzorim 
gedolim (huge 
siegeworks) metzudah (fortress, prison, stronghold) Metzudat Tziyon 
(Fortress of Zion) 
metzudot (strongholds, forts)
metzurot (fortifications) metzurot (siegeworks) mevaser (herald, 
bringer of news, bearer of 
tidings, evangelist one bringing good news, evangelist,
one that bringeth good tidings/good news) Mevaseret Tziyon 
(Herald/Preacher of Besorah [Good 
News/Gospel] Tziyon, Lady-Evangelist Tziyon) Mevaseret Yerushalayim 
(Herald/Preacher of 
Besorah [Good News/ Gospel/Besuras HaGeulah] Yerushalayim, 
LadyEvangelist Yerushalayim) 
mevaserot (heralds, those that published it, the lady evangelists) 
Mevasser (Good Tidings, 
Good News)
mevorechl'olam (blessed forever)
mevorekhet Hashem (blessed of Hashem) mevugar (mature, grown up)
mevugarim (mature ones, adults, grown up)
mey hayam (waters of the sea)
mey rosh (poisonous water)
meyaledet (midwife) meyalledot haivriyyo (hebrew midwives) meyayesh 
(despairing) meyvinim 

mezammerot (lamp snuffers)
mezarez (a spur into action)
mezimah (discretion) mezimah (plan) mezimma (evil design, intrigue)
mezimmot (designs, intents, purposes) mezimor (a man of crafty devices)
mezimot (discretions) mezuzah (doorpost) mezuzot (door sideposts)
mezuzot (doorposts)
Mi atah? (Who are you?, Who art thou?) Mi khamocha? (Who is like Thee?)
Mi khamoni? (Who is like Me?)
Mi? (Who?)
MICHOH (MICAH) michshol lev (downfall of conscience) michshol 
(stumbling block, obstacle, 
YESHAYAH 57:14) falling, offense, downfall 9:3233) stumbling-block of 
temptation, obstacle) 
michsholim (stumbling blocks, what causes to fall into sin) michyah 
(subsistence) midah 
hatov (the attribute of virtue) midas chasidus (quality/ trait of 
piety) midbar hagadol 
(great wilderness)
Midbar Yam (Desert by the Sea)
midbar (desert) middah (size)
middah achat (one size, same size)
middah harishonah (old standard)
middot HaMizbe'ach (measurements of the Mizbe'ach) midrash (exegesis) 
mifgah (mark, 
something to be hit)
mifkad (appointed place, census)
mifletzet (horror, abomination, idol) miftan (threshold) miftan HaBeis 
[HaMikdash] (the 
Threshold of the Beis HaMikdash) migba'ot (headbands) migdal (tower)
migdal eder ( tower of the flock)
migdalim (towers)

migdanot (expensive gifts)
migeret (rebuke) migrash (adjoining territory, open lands, open space) 
(pastureland) migrashim (open pasturelands, open lands, pasturelands)
migroshot (adjacent open lands, open
pasturelands) Mikdash (Sanctuary) Mikdasheinu (our Beis HaMikdash) 
Mikdashei Beis Hashem 
(holy places of the Beis Hashem)
mikdesheichem (your sanctuaries)
miKedem (at the east, east)
mikedem (from ancient times, from everlasting, see Michoh 5:1[2]) 
mikhbar (grate) mikhbar 
hanechoshet (grate, netting of copper)
mikhla (fold [enclosure])
mikhnesei bahd (linen breeches or undergarments)
mikhseh (cover,covering) Mikhtav Elohim (Writing of G-d)
mikhtav (writing) mikhyah (maintenance, livelihood)
mikkach shochad (taking of bribes)
mikneh (cattle)
mikneh rav me'od (very much cattle) mikneh (herds, livestock)
mikneinu (our livestock) mikol hanashim (more than all the women) mikra 
kodesh (holy 
convocation) mikreh (by chance, by accident,fortune) miktav (letter) 
mikteret (censer)
mikveh mayim (collection of water, gathering of water used as 
ritualarium for immersion)
mikveh (gathering together of the waters) mikveh (hope, reservoir) 
milah (word) milchamah 
hachazakah (strongest battle) milchamah (battle, war, fighting)

milchamot (battles, wars)
milchamoteinu (our battles)
milchemet tzedek (war of righteousness) milkhamot (wars) millin (words) 
(consequently, as a result) mimshal rav (great dominion)
min techot (from under) minchah chadashah (i.e. meal offering or grain 
offering from the 
new wheat crop) minchah (evening sacrifice)
minchah (gift, present, grain offering, meal offering)
minchah (tribute) Minchat HaTamid (Continual Grain Offering)
minchat kinot (grain offering of jealousies) minchat zekaron (grain 
offering of memorial) 
minchot (grain offerings)
minhag (custom) minhagim (customs) minut (heresy)
minyan (ten men for pray group)
mir'eh (pasture) mireh shamen (fat pasture) mireh (pasture)
mireh tov (good pasture) mirim (pastures) mirmah (deceit, deceitful, 
fraud, YESHAYAH 53:9) 
dishonesty, deception, guile, fraud, deceit)

mirmar (deceit)
marmot (deceptions, deceits)
misad (steps, support) misgav (high spot as a refuge)
misgeret (moulding, rim, bases [of the Yam], panels, flat sides, 
stongholds, fastnesses, 
secure places) mishbetzot (filigrees) mishcha (anointing,[1Y 
2:27]ointing, ointment) 
mishe'net (staff) mishenet (staff) mishenet kaneh (a staff of reed)
mishgeh (mistake) mishkan (tabernacle) Mishkan Shemecha (the Dwelling 
Place of Thy Name)
mishkanot (dwelling places)
mishkav (bed, i.e. fertility rites, bedding)
mishkav dodim (bed of love)
mishkavim (beds) mishkenot haro'im (the tents of the shepherds) 
mishkenot olam (eternal 
dwellings of the Olam HaBah)
mishkenot (dwelling places)
mishkenotecha (thy dwellings, tabernacles) mishkevot (couches, i.e. 
mishma'at (obedience, bodyguard) mishma'at shebalev (obedience from the 
heart, obedience) 
mishmar (guard, guard watch)
mishmarot (services, shifts, guard watches) mishmeret Hashem ( the 
instructions of Hashem) 
mishmeret kol HaEdah (duty of the whole congregation)
mishmeret mitzvat Hashem Eloheichem (charge/duty of the commandment of 
Hashem Eloheichem.) 
mishmeret (charge, what is to be preserved, command, duties, 
examination, checking for 
blemishes, for keeping, guard duty, responsibility, charge, in 
safeguard, to be kept, kept, 
watch, requirement, guard responsibility)

mishmerot (watches, shifts)
mishmo'a torah (heeding torah)
mishmu'ah ra'ah (news of misfortune, evil tidings)
mishneh (copy, double [portion]), second) mishneh hatorah hazot (copy 
of this torah) 
mishomrei hasaf (keepers of the door, doorkeepers) mishor (equity, 
justice) mishor (plains, 
level country)
mishpach (bloodshed, rapaciousness) mishpakhah (family) mishpat (cause, 
custom, judgment, 
i.e. G-d's tribunal justice, divine judgment, due order, ordinance, in 
the court, 
accusation, justly, manner, plan, practice specifications, right, 
prescribed manner, 
mishpat evyonim (right of the poor/needy people)
mishpat gever (the right of a man)
mishpat habanim (adoption)
mishpat haGeulah (right of Redemption) mishpat hakohanim (kohen's 
custom, the right of the 
kohanim) mishpat hamelech (customary ways of the king, kingly 
perogative) mishpat hana'ar 
(proper treatment of the child) mishpat harishon (former practice)
mishpat Hashem (rule, ordinance, regulation, law of Hashem) mishpat 
hayerushah (right of 
possession) mishpat mavet (death sentence, worthy of death)
mishpat Moav (judgment of Moab)
mishpat tzedek (the judgment of the righteous)
mishpatim (regulations, judgments, justices, ordinances) mishpatim 
harishonim (former 
practices) mishpechot (families) mishpetayim (sheepfolds) mishpochah 
atzilah (noble birth)

mishpoyel (awe, standing in awe, marveled) mishrah (rule) mishtachaveh 
(would bow down, 
worship, Devarim 5:9)
mishtatef (involved, joining, join, become involved)
mishteh gadol (great feast)
mishteh hayayin (feast) mishteh tamid (a continual feast)
mishteh (banquet, drink, feast, meal) mishtim (feasts) mispachot 
(amulets) mispar (number, 
census) mispo (fodder) mispoyel (deeply impressed)
misrah (dominion) mistarim (hiding places, secret places)
mitachat laAretz (in the world below) mitah (couch) mitamuhl (suddenly) 
mitarev (meddlesome) 
mitchazak (putting forth strength)
mitlachamim (delicious tidbits)
mitlachashim (whisperers) mitmol (yesterday) mitnagged (opponent, 
antagonist) mitnaged ladat 
(irreligious, opponent of religion) mitnaggedim (opponents, the ones 
opposing) mitot 
(couches) mitrapim (ones not working, slack, cowardly)
mittah (bed, couch, bier, frame or "bed" holding corpse) mitvaddeh al 
chattot (confess 
the sins) mitzad (as to) Mitzbach Ketoret HaSammim (Altar of Fragrant 
Incense) mizbe'ach 


mizbe'chot (altars) mizbechot hanekhar (foreign altars) mitzchah 
(greaves, i.e. leg plate 
armor) mitznefet (head wrapping, turban) mitznefet bahd (linen turban)
mitzpah ("watch") mitzpeh (guard tower) Mitzrayim (Egypt) Mitzri (an 
Egyptian) Mitzrim 
(Egyptians) mitzvah (commandment) mitzva chadasha (new commandment)
mitzvah hakedosha (holy commandment) mitzvat anashim melummadah (human 
commandments taught 
by rot)
mitzvoh (commandment) mivakkerim (supervisors) mivneh (structure) 
mivtach (confidence) miyad 
miyom l'yom (from day to day, every day) mizbechot (altars) Mizimerat 
HaAretz (the best 
fruits of the land) mizlagot (forks) mizmor (a psalm, hymn) mizrach 
hashemesh (sunrising)
mizrach (east) mizrachah (eastward, toward sunrise) mizrakim (libation 
mizrakot (bowls for sprinkling blood) mizreh (winnowing fork) mizrekei 
zahav (golden 
mo'adenu (our appointed times/festivals) mo'adim (appointed times, 
fixed times/festivals, 
seasons, set times) mo'atzot (advise, counsel, counsels) mo'atzot 
(schemes, devices)
mo'ed (work, service of the tent of appointed meeting, an appointed 
time, place of meeting, 
season, fixed time, set feasts, set time, time appointed, time of the 
mo'ed hazeh (this set time)
mo'etzot (counsels) moches (tax collector) mochi'ach chacham (a wise 

mochiach (arbitrator, one arbitrator IYOV 9:33)
mochiach (reprover) modeh Ani (I give thanks, I thank)
modim anachnu (we give thanks)
mofet (example, miracle) model, portent, role model, sign, symbol, 
mofetim (wonders)
moftim (examples, signs, wonders)
mogen (shield, stomach) mogenim (shields, rulers)
mogineinu (our shield) moginim (shields) moginneinu (our shield) 
moginnim (shields) mohalim 
HaGoyim (circumcisers of Gentiles)
mohar (bride price, dowry)
mohar habetulah (marriage contract, dowry of the virgins) moineia 
(prevented) moked (fire) 
mokedei olam (everlasting burnings) mokesh (snare, trap, traps)
mokeshim (hooks) mokharot (latrines) mokher (seller) mokhiach 
(reprover, defender)
mokhiach Eloah (rebuker of G-d)
mokshim (snares, hidden traps)
moledet (kindred, i.e. her Jewishness, Jewish kinsmen) moledet bais 
(born at home)
moledet chutz (born outside)
moledot (birth) monim (times) morah (razor)
morah hagadol (great terror)
morashah (heritage, possession, inheritance) morashah kehillat ya'akov 
(heritage of the 
congregation of ya'akov) morashot (possessions) morat ruach (grief of 
morech lev (cowardliness, Rv 21:8) moredei ohr (rebelling ones against 
the light) moredim 
(ones rebelling) moreh [teacher])

moreh derech (guide) moreh me'od (very bitter)
moreh sheker (teacher of lies, false teacher) moreh (early rain, 
morei derech (guides/teachers morei derech ivrim (blind guides) mori 
hatov (good 
teacher) morim (rebels, contentious ones, teachers)
mosadot (foundations) mosai? (how long? when?) mosedei dor vador (the 
foundations of many 
generations) mosedot (foundations) moshav elohim (seat of g-ds)
mosedot ha'aretz (foundations of the earth)
mosedei eretz (foundations of the earth)
moshav zekenim (council of the elders) moshav (dwelling, dwelling 
place, seat, seating, time 
period of residence [in Egypt]) moshavot harishonim (first seats) 
moshchah (kohen's allotted 
portion) Moshe Rabbeinu ( Moses) moshel (governor, one ruling, ruler, 
rulest) moshel od 
(rule anymore) moshelim (governors, rulers)
moshevei (inhabited places)
moshevot (dwellings, settlements) Moshi'a HaOlam (the Savior of the 
world) Moshi'a (Savior) 
moshi'im (deliverers) Moshiach (Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach) Moshiach's 
Shlichim (emissaries of 
the Moshiach)

Moshiach's Innuyim (Moshiach's Sufferings, see Ramban) moshlim (rulers) 
mot (death) motah 
(yoke) motot (poles) motot barzel (yokes of iron)
motot etz (yokes/bars of wood)
motz (chaff)
motza hamayim (spring of water)
motzah mayim (spring of water)
mufkadim (overseers, oversight) mufkarim (lawless) mufkarut 
(lawlessness, anarchy)
mulim (circumcised) mum (blemish, spot, defect,[VAYIKRA 22:20] flaw)
mumim (defects)
murshe (proxy) musar havalim (discipline of vain delusions) musar 
(chastening, chastisement, 
correction, discipline, instruction, moral discipline, teaching with an 
ethical point) mutar 
(allowed, permissible) mutzak (cast metal sea) muz zain (no doubt) 
na'afufim (adulteries) 
na'al (shoe) na'ar and zaken (young and old)
na'ar tzofeh (watchman) na'ar (boy, child lad, servant, young man, 
young one, young) na'arah 
betulah (young virgin woman) na'arah hame'orasah (betrothed woman) 
na'arot (maidens, servant 
girls) na'im (pleasant, pleasing)
na'of (committing adultery) na'yan (fountain)
na (restless fugitive) nachal haaravim (ravine of willows) nachal 
(brook, stream) nachalah 
(allotted inheritance) nachalat avdei Hashem (the heritage of the 
servants of Hashem) 
nachalat olam (eternal inheritance)

nachalei mayim (streams of water)
nachamah (comfort) nachash akallaton (crooked serpent) nachash bari'ach 
(fleeing serpent) 
nachash kadmon (ancient serpent)
NACHASH NECHOSHET (BRONZE SERPENT) nachash (augury, divination, 
serpent, snake)
nachashim (sons of snakes)
nacho'ach (honesty) nachon (steadfast) NACHUM (NAHUM) Nadan (gift)
nafol tipol (surely fall)
nafshi (my life) nafshoteinu (our lives, souls)
naftulei Elohim niflalti (with wrestlings of G-d have I wrestled) nagid 
(leader, ruler) nahar 
hagadol (the great river) nahar (flood, river) stream)
Nahar (i.e. Euphrates River)
naharot (rivers) nakam (vengeance) nakhal (brook, stream) nakhat (rest, 
quietness) nakheh 
(crippled, lame) nakhon (right, correct, secure)
naki (innocent, pure harmless)
namer (leopard) naniach (supposing) naphal (failed, fell) narrishkait 
nas'u (they shall bear) nasa (he shall bear, spare [take away and bear 
the guilt, [YESHAYAH 
nasati cherpat neurai (I did bear/carry the reproach/disgrace of my 
nashani (hath made me forget)
nasheinu (our wives) nashim (wives, women) nashim hakedoshot (holy 
nashim hatzove'ot (women in service)
Nasi (Prince, Ruler) nasi'ei haedah (leaders of the congregation) 
nasiim (princes, rulers, 
exalted rulers)

nasog (turning away) natan tiflah leElohim (charged G-d with folly) 
Natzeret (Nazareth) 
Natzrati Kat naval (fool, foolish person) naveh (dwelling, habitation, 
home, fold, abode of 
sheep, pasture, sheepfold, lovely) naveh shalom (a habitation of 
shalom) navi gadol (great 
Navi HaElyon (Prophet of the Most High) navlut (lewdness) navon 
(discerning) nazir 
(consecration, separation, vow as a nazir)
ne'arim (boys, lads, young men, youths) ne'arot betulot (young virgin 
women) ne'arot rabbot 
(many maidens)
ne'arot (girls) ne'atzah (blasphemy, sacrilege)
ne'atzot gedolo (great blasphemies) ne'eman ad hamave (faithful unto 
death) ne'eman 
(faithful, loyal)
ne'emanah (reliable, sure, faithful) ne'emanim (sure, trustworthy)
ne'emanut (faithfulness, trustworthiness, reliability, trusteeship) 
ne'evad (lost, perish, 
be ruined with destruction)
ne'ot hashalom (peaceful folds)
ne'shei Aviv (the wives of his father) ne'ur (youth) ne'ureinu (our 
youth) ne'urim (youth, 
childhood, near kinswoman (i.e. close relative)
nebbach (regrettably) nechalim (deceitfulness, scheming deceitfulness, 
wiles, evil plots) 
nechalot (inheritances)

nechamah (consolation, comfort)
nechamat olam (eternal consolation) nechamat Yisroel (consolation of 
Israel) nechashim 
(serpents, snakes, sorceries, divination, looking for omens)
NECHEMYAH (NEHEMIAH) nechoshet ofanim (bronze wheels)
nechoshet (bronze, cast bronze)
nechushah (bronze) nedareinu (our vows) nedarim (vows, pledges) nedavah 
(free willed/ 
voluntary offerings) nedavot (donations, freewill offerings) nederim 
(vows) nediv lev of him 
(i.e. urged by his heart) nedivim (nobles) nedivut (generosity, 
nefashot sheketz (abomination)
nefashot (souls, lives) nefel (aborted fetus) nefesh (soul, life, 
appetite, desire, i.e. 
neck, passionate desire, i.e. his well-being) nefesh berakhah (generous 
person) nefesh 
hayesharah (honest soul) nefesh met (dead body) nefesh remiyyah (a 
deceitfully lazy soul) 
nefesh yekarah (precious life)
nega (plague, stroke, scourge, away from me: I am consumed) negbah 
(south) negef (plague, 
blow, striking, i.e. death of first-born)
negev (south)
negidei (managers of) negidim (nobles, rulers) neginah balailah (song 
in the night) neginot 
(drinking songs) brightnesses) neharim (rivers) neharot (rivers, 
streams, canals) nehi 
(lamentation) nehneh (benefit) ne'lam (concealed thing) nekamot 
(vengeance) nekasim rabbin 
(many possessions) nekevah temimah (female without blemish)
nekevah (woman, female, i.e. Israel) nekhar (foreigners) nekhasim 
(possessions) nekheh 
raglayim (lame in both feet)
nekhochah (uprightness, integrity, honesty) nekhochot (right things) 
nekhonah (correct) 
nekhonim (ready, on alert, set, prepared) nekhot (spices) nekiyim 
(blameless, innocent ones, 
the guiltless ones) nekiyyim (free ones, vindicated ones, free from 
guilt ones) Nekom HaBrit 
(Vengeance of My Covenant) nemalah (ant) nemalim (ants) nemen (take) 
nemerim (leopards) ner 
resha'im (the lamp of the wicked ones) ner tamid (continual lamp)
Ner Yisroel (Lamp of Israel)
ner (lamp, light) nerot (lamps)
nes (a banner, a flag pointing to the place of refuge, rallying flag, 
[i.e. Moshiach, see 
Isaiah 11:10]) nesakhim (drink offerings)
nesech (drink offering) nesech (molten idol, metal image)
nesekh (drink offering, see Pp 2:17 OJBC) libation wine, molten image)
neshamah niggunim mi Ruach Hakodesh (soul melodies from the Ruach 
neshamah (breath, soul) neshamot (souls) nesharim (eagles, vultures, 
eagles [popularly])
neshef (twilight, dusk, evening)
neshek (weapons 6:13) neshekh (usury, interest)
Nesher hagadol (great Eagle)
nesher (eagle, vulture) neshikah (kiss) neshikat hakodesh (holy kiss)
neshikot (kisses) nesi'ei haAvot (family chiefs)
nesibah (turn of events, circumstance, see 1 Chr. 10:14)
nesu'ah l'ish echad (a one man married woman) netenim (servants of the 
Bais Hamikdash) 
netilat yadayim (ritual of the washing of the hands)
Netinim (servants of the Beis Hamikdash) netishot (tendrils, branches)
netivah (way)
netivot olam (old paths) netivot (paths, trodden paths, netting of 
Netzach Yisroel (Eternal One of Israel) netzach (eternity, for 
evermore, perpetual, never 
ending) netzer (branch) netziv (commissioner) netzivim (garrisons) 
Netzurei Yisroel 
(Preserved of Israel, the She'erit) neurim (youth) nevalah (a foul 
deed, outrage, folly, 
disgrace, outrage shameful thing, wickedness)
nevalim (lyres, harps, wicked fools)
nevalot (foolish women) neveilah (dead carcass) nevel (lyre) nevelah 
talui al HaEtz (corpse 
hanging on the tree DEVARIM 21:23) nevelah (body, corpse, carcases, 
dead body nevelah (that 
which dieth of itself) nevelot (dead bodies, lifeless forms, carcases)
Nevi'im hakedoshim (holy prophets)
Nevi'im (prophets) neviah (prophetess) neviei hasheker (false prophets)
neviei sheker (false prophets)
neviim hakedoshim meOlam (holy prophets from long ago)
nevilah (dead body) nevu'ah (prophecy) nezem zahav (gold ring) nezem 
(an earring, ring)

nezem (ring)
nezer (consecration, crown, diadem) Nezer Elohav (Consecration of his 
Nezer HaKodesh (Holy Crown, Holy Diadem) Nezirim (Nazirites) ni'etz 
(deride, ridicule, 
revile, blaspheme) ni'uf (adultery) nichbad (noble) nichumim (comforts) 
nidachah (outcast) 
nidchei Yisroel (the outcasts of Israel, i.e. those being divinely 
gathered back from the 
niddah (contamination, impurity, i.e. used figuratively but refers 
especially to Jewish 
woman's untouchability during menstruation, [Vayikra 15:19] and other 
kinds of uncleanness, 
menstral flow, separation) nidkhei Yisroel (the outcasts of Israel, 
those of the Golus) 
nidvot HaElohim (freewill offerings of G-d)
nidvot (freewill offerings)
Nier chatzno (shake out the fold of the robe, wash one's hands) 
nifla'ot (wonders, marvellous 
works, miracles, wonderful works, wondrous things) niflaot (wonders) 
nifle'ot El (wondrous 
works of G-d) nifle'ot (marvelous deeds, wonderful works, wondrous 
niftar (deceased person, dead, freed, deceased) niglah (it is revealed) 
niglot (those things 
which are revealed) nigzar merosh (determined from the beginning, 
preordained, predestined, 
decided beforehand)
nigzar merosh (predestined)
nigzarnu lanu (we are cut off)
nigzaru (they are cut off, excluded) nikar (evident) nikhbadei Eretz 
(honored of the Earth)
nikheh levav (brokenhearted person) nikhnas lchuppah (to be wed) 
nikkayon (innocency, 
cleanness, freedom from punishment) nikkudim (wafers) nimas kesef 
(reprobate silver, 
rejected silver) nimolim (circumcised ones, ones being circumcised) 
nimretzet (grievous, 
nimshach (was anointed) nirgan (gossip, slanderer, talebearer) nirtzah 
(punitively paid for, 
pardoned) nisayon (temptation, trial)
nisayonos (tests, trials)
nise'ah (let us take our journey)
nish'tevan (official document)
nishar (left, remaining, the remnant) nishberei lev (the brokenhearted) 
nishberet (injured 
ones) that which was injured) Nishlam! (It is finished!)
nishmat Hashem (breath of Hashem)
nisht azoi (not so) nissayon (temptation, test, trial) nistar 
(concealed, hidden, unseen)
nistarot (secret things) nisyonot (temptations) nitzachon (victory) 
nitzav (overseeing) 
nitzavah (she stands) nitzavim (commissioners) nitzrach (needy) niuf 
(adultery) niufim 
(adulteries) nivcharah (chosen one) nivlat chayyah teme'ah (carcass of 
an unclean beast)
nivlat HaAm Hazeh (carcass of this people) nivlato al haEtz (his body 
on the Tree, DEVARIM 
21:23) nivra (anything created) nizmei zahav (gold earrings)
no'afim (adulterers) no'afot (adulteresses) no'am (gracious care) no'ef 
(adulterer, one who 
committeth adultery) no'efet (adulteress)
no'efot (adulterers) no'eh-fet (adulteress) no'se kelim (bearer of 
armors, armorbearer) 
no'se tzinnah (great shield bearer) noafot (acts of adulteresses, 
breaking wedlock)
noch (yet) nocham (sorrow, compassion, pity) nochri (foreigner) 
nochriyah (foreign 
noefet (adulteress) nogah (brightness) nogenim (players on instruments) 
nogesh (oppressor) 
nogesim (task-masters) noiheg (habitually) nokem (avenger)
nokhach Giv'ah (straight before Giv'ah) nokhach Hashem (straight before 
Hashem, in the sight 
of Hashem) nokhach (straight before, in the direction of)
nokhel (cheat, swindler) nokhri (foreigner, stranger)
nokhriyah (foreign woman, strange [immoral] woman, seductress, 
foreigner, alien, unfaithful 
wife) nokhriyyot rabbot (many foreign women) nokhriyyot (foreigners, 
nolad (a [future] people that shall be born) nora'ot (awesome deeds, 
awe-inspiring things) 
things of awe) nora (awesome, reverend) norah (awesome thing) noseh 
keli (armor bearer)
nosei Aron Hashem (carried the Aron HaShem)
nosheh (a usurer, creditor)
notzer HaAdam (observer of Men)
notzerim (watchmen, besiegers)

notzrim (watchmen)
nshei shechichim (ordinary men) nudzh (pest) OBADYAH (OBADIAH) ochel 
(eater, food) ochelet 
(devouring fire) od (more)
od zman (more time) odecha (will I confess/admit unto thee) odeh (I 
praise) Of haShomayim 
(birds of heaven)
Of HaShomayim (Birds of the Air, of the fowler) ofan agalah (cartwheel) 
ofan (wheel, 
threshing wheel) ofanim (wheels ofarim (fawns, young deer)
ofe'ot (bakers)
ofel (darkness)
ofen ort (immediately) oferet (lead) ogen (anchor) ogesh (tribute, 
fine) ogez (tzoros, 
turmoil) ohalim (tents, homes) ohav'cha l'olam (Thy friend forever) 
ohavei kesef (lovers of 
money) ohavei ta'anugot (lovers of pleasures) Ohavi (My friend) ohavim 
(friends) Ohel Mo'ed 
(Tent of Meeting, i.e. Tabernacle) Ohel ro'i (tent of my shepherd)
ohev (friend, lover) ohevet shalom, peaceloving)
ohev riv (quarrelsome) ohev simchah (lover of pleasure)
oholei Yehudah (tents of Yehudah) oholim (tents) Ohr Ammim (Light for 
the Nations) Ohr 
HaAmitti (the True Light) Ohr HaChayyim (Light of the Living) Ohr 
ohr (light, lightning) ohr (skin)
ohrim gedolim (great lights)
oib azoi (consequently) oif eibik (forever) oisgehalten
(trustworthy) oisher (rich man, riches, the rich, i.e. wealthy people, 
wealth) okhel emes 
(true food)
okhel (food, prey)
ol (yoke)
ol barzel (yoke of iron) ol kaved (a heavy yoke) olah (burnt offering, 
burnt sacrifice) OLAH 
olal (children) olalim (infants)
olalim (little children) Olam HaAvel (World of Iniquity)
Olam Haba (the World to Come)
Olam Hazeh (this World) olamim (ages)
olat hatamid (continual burnt offering) olat tamid (continual burnt 
offering) olatah 
(perversity, wickedness) olel (child,infant) olelim (infants) olot 
(burnt offerings, burnt 
sacrifices) oloteinu (our burnt offerings)
omarim (sheaves) omenet (governess) omenim (foster fathers, supporters, 
nurturers) omer 
(sheaf [of Barley], sheaves)
ometz lev (courage, boldness YEHOSHUA 1:7) onah (conjugal rights) oneg 
(delight) oneh 
(responder) onemashtinb'kir (one urinating against a wall, i.e. one 
male) onesh (penalty, 
punishment) onesh Gehinnom (damnation) onesh olam (eternal punishment)
oni ammi (affliction of my people) oni (afflicted, affliction, misery, 
oppressed, poor 
strivings, poverty, suffering)
oniyah (sailing vessel) oniyyot (boats, ships shipmen, sailors) oniyyot 
socher (ship 
oo-fasachti (then I will pass over, skip, spare) oo-lehitannot (and to 
afflict, humble 
thyself) oogah (disk or cake of bread)
oph haShomayim (birds of the air)
oph nodded (wandering bird)
osei to'eva
orach (path, way)
Orach Chayyim (the Path of Life)
orach tzedakah (way of righteousness) orach yesharim (way of the 
orakh latzaddik (way of the just)
orasah (betrothed, pledged)
ore'ach (wayfaring man, traveller, guest) oreach ratzuy (welcome guest)
orech ru'ach (patience) orech yamim (length of days, long life) oref 
hakasheh (stiff neck)
oref (back, neck) oreg (a weaver) orev (raven) orevvim (ravens)
orkhot chayyim (paths of life)
orkhot mishpat (paths of justice)
orkhot tzaddikim (paths of the righteous) orkhot yosher (paths of 
uprightness) orkhot 
(paths, ways) orlat basar (uncircumcision of flesh)
ormah (cunning, craftiness, BERESHIT 3:1)
orot gedayei haizzim (skins of the kids of the goats)
orot tal (morning dew) orthodox (straight teaching)
oseh ga'avah (the one acting in pride) oseh hamelachah (one doing the 
work) oseh shalom 
bimromav (see prayerbook, who establishes peace in His high places) 
Oseh Shomayim va'Aretz 
(Maker of Heaven and Earth)
Oseh (Maker)
osei hamelachah (doers of the work, workmen) osei to'eva (doers of 

osei tzedek (doers of rightness) oseihem (make them) Oseihu (his Maker) 
Oseini (My Maker) 
oshek (oppression, extortion) tyranny)
osher gadol (great richness)
osher (rich man, riches, wealth)
oshir (rich, riches, wealthy)
ot emes (sign of truth) ot hasheni (the second miraculous sign)
Ot HaYonah (the Sign of Jonah)
ot min HaShomayim (a sign from heaven) ot olam yikaret (everlasting 
sign that shall not be 
cut off) ot (mark, miraculous sign)
otiyyot (things to come, future things)
otot u'moftim (signs and wonders)
otot (ensigns, miraculous signs, signs)
otzar rav (great treasure) otzar (treasure) otzarot (storehouse, 
storehouses, vaults, 
treasures) otzer (oppression) otzerot (storehouses, treasures) otzerot 
(storage places of food) otzmah (great abundance) otz
ov (familiar spirit, medium that hath a familiar spirit, one with a 
familiar spirit)
ovdei elilim (idolaters) ovdei HaBa'al (worshippers of Ba'al) ovdei 
haelilim (idolaters)
oved Elohim (him that serveth G-d)
oved (bondservice, one perishing, submitting, enslaved, working man) 
ovos (mediums) ovot 
chadashim (new wineskins)
ovot (mediums with familiar spirits)
Oy Echad (the First Woe)
Oy lanu! (Woe unto us!)
Oy li! (Woe is me!)
Oy l'chah (woe to you!)
Oy l'Olam (Woe to the World)
Oy nah li! (Woe is me now!)
Oy (Woe)
oyev (enemy)
oyeveinu (our enemies) oyevim (enemies)
oyvei Hashem (enemies of Hashem)
oyveinu (our enemies) oyvim (enemies) oz (might,power, strength, strong 
people) ozen (ear)
ozer (allied) helper)
oznayim (ears)
oznei haAm (ears of the people)
ozneinu (our ears) ozneinu (our hearing) ozrim (helpers)
p'nei Elohim (the face of G-d)
p'ri (fruit)
p'ri haTzedek (the righteous fruit)
p'ri tov (good fruit) pa'am harishonah (the first time) pa'arei 
hamigba'ot (splendid 
headbands, headgear)
paam shlishit (third time)
pach ha'aretz (trap on the ground) pach yakosh ([deadly] snare
pach (pitfall, snare, bird trap, hidden trap, trap, snares, shall take 
him by the akev 
(heel) pachad Elohim (fear of God) pachad gadol (great fear, great 
pachad ra'ah (terror of harm/evil) pachad (fear, care, terror, terror 
of, dread)
pachdan (coward, fainthearted) pachim (snares) pachot (governors, 
padah (ransomed, redeemed) padut nafsheynu (redemption ransom of our 
souls) pakad (visit, 
punish) pakh (pitfall, trap) pakhad (fear, terror) pakhat (pit) pakid 
pedut geviyyateinu
pakku'ot sadeh (wild gourds)
palit (refugee, fugitive) pallatzut (horror, shuddering) panim el panim 
(directly, in 
person) panim el panim (face to face, directly, in person)
panim (face, faces) parah (stubborn, rebellious heifer, cow) paras 
lechem (breaking bread 
of thine, i.e. serving food) Paras (Persia) parash (cavalry, horemen, 
horsemen, cavalry, war-horse)
parashat hakesef (exact amount of the money) parashim (a troop of 
horsemen, cavalry, 
charioteers, horsemen) paratz (broken out) paratzta (thou broken out)
pardeis (park) paretz (breach, breaking) parim (bulls) parnasah 
(livelihood) parochet 
HaMasac (partition curtain) parochet (curtain, partition) parokhet 
(paraclet) parosh (flea) 
parrot (cows) pasach (pass over, spare, skip, skipped, spared, passing 
over, letting go the 
penalty of)
pasha (rebelled) paskudne
paskudneh (contemptible) paso'ach (passing over) patish (hammer) 
pe'ulah hatovah (good action 
2:13) pe'ulah (action 1:6; 2:13) work)
pe'ullah (work, recompense, retribution, penal reward) pe'ulot (works) 
pedut geviyyateinu 
[ransom for Geulah redemption of our body BERESHIT 47:18]

pedut (redemption, Geulah release on payment of ransom) Peduyei Hashem 
(Ransomed ones of 
Hashem) pega (chance) pegarim (corpses, dead bodies, funerary 
pegarim mesim (dead corpses)
peger (corpse)
peh (mouth [Jeremiah's dictation], dictation peh echad (one mouth) peh 
el peh (face to 
pekidim (commissioners, officers, overseers,) pekudat (stewardship) 
pekudat Hashem 
(stewardship of G-d, visitation, punishment) pekuddah (visitation) 
pekuddat (enrollment, 
care, office, numbers, oversight, stewardship, visitation, time of 
reckoning [divine] 
visitation for punishment) pekuddat Hashem (stewardship of G-d, his 
shlichus commission) 
pekuddot (the ones who have charge) PEKUDEI HAMISHKAN (INVENTORY OF THE 
pekudim (offices, officers, assignments, numbered, counted) pekudot 
(oversight) pelech 
(stick, crutch) peledike (marvelous) peleg Elohim (fountain of G-d)
peleh ("wonderful", wonder)
peleitah (deliverance, rescue)
Peleshet (Philistia) peletah gedolah (great deliverance, escape) Peleti 
pelilah (decision) Pelishti hearel (uncircumcised Philistine)
Pelishtim (Philistines)) pelugot Bais HaAvot (groupings of families) 
penemer (faces) Peniel 
["Face of G-d") penimah (inner part) Penimah (the Innermost [Holy of 
Holies]) penimi (inner) 
Penimim (Inner ones) peninim (pearls) pera'im (wild donkeys)

peradim (mules)
peratzot (breaches) pere (wild donkey) pered (mule) pereh (wild donkey) 
pereh's (wild 
donkey's) perek (harshness, severity)
peretz ["breaking out"] breach, gap in fortification, outburst) peritz 
chayyot (any 
ravenous, dangerous, ferocious of [wild] beasts)
Perushim (Pharisees) peruta (small coin) Pesach (Passover) Pesach 
Korban (Passover Offering)
Pesach Seder (Passover Seder)
pesalim (graven images) pesel (graven image) statue, idol, image) pesel 
hasemel (graven 
pasha (explanation, trespass, liability) peshat (plain, literal) pesher 
explanation) pesel hasemel (idol of image)
pesilim (idols, images, molten images, stone quarries)
petach Beis HaMelech (entrance of the King's Palace)
Petach HaBeis (Entrance of HaBeis)
petach sha'ar hapenimit (entrance of the inner gate)
petach Sha'ar HeChadash (entrance of the New Gate)
petach tikvah (door of hope)
petach (doorway, entrance, opening) petachim (doors)
petayim (simple-hearted, helpless)
peysah (step)
peysha eretz (land in rebellion) peysha rav (great transgression) 
peysha'einu (our 
rebellions, our transgressions, YESHAYAH 53:5) peysha'im (sins, 
peysha (transgression, rebellion, violation of the Law, 

po'al chamas
pi Hashem (mouth of Hashem)
piach (ashes, soot) pifiyyot (blades) piggul (unclean sacrificial 
flesh) piggulim (unclean 
meat, Lev.7:18)
pigrei Bnei Yisroel (dead bodies of the children of Israel) pikkadon 
(deposit) pikkudim 
(precepts, commands)
pikuach nefesh (saving an endangered life) pilagshim (concubines, 
illicit lovers) pilegesh 
(concubine) pinnah (corner, cornerstone, i.e. Moshiach, Yeshayah 28:16; 
Bereshis 49:10) 
pinnat yikrat (precious cornerstone) pinnot (corners) pirdah (mule) 
pise'ach (lame) 
pisechim (lame ones, lame persons, the lame) pisei'ach (crippled, lame 
man, lame) pishkeh 
(pushke) pishtan (flax) pisseach (lame) Pitchei Olam (Everlasting 
Doors) pitgam (sentence) 
pitom (suddenly, by surprise, MALACHI 3:1) pitron (meaning, 
interpretation), pitronim
platke machers (gossipy intriguers)
pnei hallot (the face of the covering, the [death] shroud) pnimiyus 
khatzer (innermost 
court, see OJBC Ac 2:42) pnimiyus (innermost) po'al adam (work of a 
po'al chamas (act of violence)

po'al Elohim (work of G-d)
Po'al Hashem (the Work of Hashem)
po'al (deed, work) po'alei aven (the help of them that work iniquity, 
workers of iniquity, 
evil-doers) po'alim (workers) poalei aven (workers of iniquity, workers 
of wrong)
poel (worker)
poh (here) pol (beans)
polekhim (limping ones, dancing ones) ponem (face) poriyyah (fruitful) 
Posek HaDor (Authority 
on Jewish Law) posh'im (transgressors) POSHA'IM (criminals, YESHAYAH 
53:12), poshe'im 
(rebels, transgressors, the ones transgressing,rebelling) poshei'a 
(rebel, transgressor) 
poter (interpreter) potot (hinge-sochets) pr'i (fruit) praht (detail)
pri adamah (fruit of the ground)
pri hagefen (fruit of the vine)
pri kachash (fruit of lies)
pri tov l'teshuva (fruit worthy of repentance) pri (fruit)
psak din (verdict) pshat (rationale) ptur (excuse) Put (Libya)
python (trans note: ie a shed, demon) ra'ah hagedolah (great disaster)
ra'ah (disaster, distress, adversity, calamity, peril, trouble, 
wickedness, evil, evil 
intent, misfortune, harm, malice, misery) ra'am (thunder) ra'am gadol 
(loud thunder)
ra'ananim (luxuriant, fresh)
ra'ash (earthquake) ra'ash gadol (a great earthquake)
ra'at Ami Yisroel (the wickedness of My people Israel)
ra'av (hunger, hungry, famine)

ra'avon bateichem
(famine of your households)
ra'im (bad, downcast ones, evil men, evil ones, evil, evildoers, wicked 
men) ra'ot mareh 
(ugly in appearance) ra'ot rabbot (many evils)
ra'ot to'ar me'od (very ugly in appearance) ra'ot (crimes, evil things, 
evils, wickednesses) 
raav (famine) rabbah (great) rabbah tiferet (great glory)
rabbim bnei shome'mah (more are the children of the desolate woman 
[i.e. referring to those 
making aliyah from the Golus])
rabbim (many) rachamanut (compassion, mercy)
rachamim (mercy, compassion)
rachav (broad place, room)
rachil (talebearers, slanderers) rachmei Shomayim (heavenly compassion 
and mercy)
rachok (distance, space, far)
rachum (compassionate, merciful)
ragel hayemanit (right foot)
ragelim (footmen) raglayim (feet, both feet)
raglei hatalmidim ragleinu (our foot) rah (mean, trouble, wickedness, 
wrong, bad, evil, evil 
occurrence, misfortune bad, disaster [see Isaiah 28:29]) rah ayin (evil 
eye, i.e. a miser)
raim (evil ones) rakh levav (fainthearted)
rakhav (broad) rakhem (mercy) rakhil (gossip, slanderer, talebearer) 
raki'a (expanse, dome, 
ramah (platform)
ramot (high places, cult prostitution sites of pagan worship) rannein 
(joyous singing)

rash (pauper)
rasha (evil-doer, wicked man, wicked) rashah (wicked man) rashanu (we 
acted wickedly)
rashei alfei Yisroel (head-men of the clans of Yisroel) rashei anshei 
bnei adoneichem (the 
heads of the male children of your master) Rashei HaMattot (Heads of 
the Tribes) rashei 
hamoshavot (chief seats)
rashei shvatim (heads of tribes)
rashim (heads, leaders, paupers, raiding parties)
rashuyot (authorities) ratzchaniyot (murderers) ratzo'ach (murder) 
ratzon (acceptable time, 
time of favor, favor, good will, will, selfwill)
ratzon HaAv (will of the Father)
ratzon Hashem (will of Hashem)
ratzon melech (king's favor)
rav (great joy, great wealth, great, leader, many)
rav kopher (great ransom)
rav tevunah (great understanding) ravrevan (boaster, braggart) 
(boastfulness) ravu' (foursquare, square)
ravu'a (foursquare, square)
raz (mystery, secret, sod)
razei Malchut Hashem (mysteries of the Kingdom of G-d) razim (secrets)


ra'ah (evil, wicked thing)
ra'at haAdam (man's trouble)
ra'im (evil ones)
re'a (friend, companion, neighbor)
re'ach nicho'ach (pleasant aroma, sweet savour)
re'eh (neighbor) re'eim (wild ox) re'emim (wild oxen) Re'evim (hungry) 
re'im rabbim 
(many lovers)
re'im (evildoers) re'im (friends) re'a (friend) rebbe (teacher) 
recheleicha (thy ewes) 
rechelim (ewes) rechem (womb) rechen (calculate) rechov (open square of 
the city)
rechov hamizrach (eastern plaza)
rechov (public square, street)
rechovot (city squares, open areas, open squares, places, [Rechovot-by-
the-river] rechush 
gadol (great substance, possessions) rechush (stewards over all the 
ossessions, substance, 
possessions) redifot (persecutions) refa'im (congregation of the dead, 
spirits of the dead, 
dead ones, see Job 26:5)
refah (heal) refu'ah shleimah (complete healing, healing)
refu'ot (healing, healing
remedies/medicines) rega katon (small moment)
rega (moment, while) regel ga'avah (foot of pride)
rehkov (street) rehkovot (streets) reiach (smell) reid (hearsay) reikam 
(empty, void) reim 
(friends) reimim (wild ox) rekhav (wide, spacious) rekhem (womb) rekhil 
(gossip) rekhilut 
sod secrets, confidences) reid (hearsay)
rekhovot (streets, town squares)
rekim (vain/empty fellows, indecent boors) remasim haAdamah creepers of 
the earth) remes 
(crawling creature, creeping things)
remesh (creeping things) remiyah (deceit, deception, guile, fraud) 
remiyyah (deceitfully 
lazy man, guile, deceit) remol (left hand) repha'im (dead ones) resen 
(bridle) resha'im 
rabbim (many wicked)
resha'im (evil-doers, the unrighteous persons, the wicked, unrighteous, 
evildoers, wicked 
ones, wicked)
resha (wickedness) reshaim (evil, wicked) reshet (mesh, netting, net, 
reshit arisoteinu (first of our dough) reshit chattat (beginning of 
sin) reshit ha'aretz 
(prime land)
Reshit HaOlam (Beginning of the World) reshit Hashanah (beginning of 
the year) Reshit Yedei 
HaBriah (Beginning of the Days of Creation) reshit (the beginning, 
beginning, first fruit, 
first, "firstfruit", firstling)
reshus (authorization) retzach [murder]) retzichah b'seter (murdering 
in secret, 
assassination) retzinut (earnestness) Retzonecha (Thy will) retzutzim 
(oppressed ones)
revach (gain, profit, relief)
revavot (myriads) revivim (showers) Ribbono (shel Olam) ribit 
(interest) riezige 
(sizable) rife'ut (health)
rigei eretz (them that are quiet in the land) rigshah (insurrection, 
noisy crowd, assembly) 
rimmah (grave-worm) rimonim (pomegranates) rinnah (entreaty, joyful 
shouting, joyful shouts, 
joyful song)
rishah (wickedness) rishei eretz (wicked ones of the land) Rishon 
rishonah mipri ha'adamah (the first share from the harvest of the 
rishonah (beginning first, highest, old times)
rishonim (first ones) rishonot (former things) rishus (malice) rishyon 
ritzpah (floor, pavement) ritztzuy (reconciliation, cessation of enmity 
/hostility between a 
wrathful holy G-d and sinful Bnei Adam [men]) riv Hashem (dispute, 
case, lawsuit of Hashem) 
riv l'shonot (the strife of tongues, contentious lashon hora, 
backbiting) riv (cause, 
lawsuit, chiding/quarreling, disputes, complaint, strife, quarrel,to 
ro'ah (shepherdess) ro'ah lev (sadness of heart)
ro'eh batzon (tending the flock [of sheep]) ro'eh echad (one Shepherd)
Ro'eh HaTov, ([the Good Shepherd])
Ro'eh haTzon (Shepherd of the flock [of sheep]) Ro'eh (Seer, Shepherd) 
ro'eh (seer, 
shepherd, shepherding) Ro'i (My Shepherd) ro'im (shepherds) Ro'im 
rabbim (many shepherds)
ro'im (rulers, shepherds, pastors) rochav lev (generosity) rodef 
(persecutor, pursuer, 
pursue, persecute)
rodefim (persecutors, pursuers)
roei tzon (shepherds) rofe'im (physicians) Rofeh (healer) rofeh 
(physician) rofim 
(doctors) rogez (anger, rage, unrest)
roim (shepherds) roiv (the larger portion)

rok (spit, spitting, saliva, spittle) rokhel (merchant) romach (spear) 
romeh keshet (the 
rosh (head, chief, top amount, census, top,[for though he was not the 
bechor, yet avihu 
appointed him rosh;]) Rosh al Eretz Rabbah (Head in respect to the 
Whole Earth) Rosh Chodesh 
(New Moon) Rosh HaCarmel (top of Carmel, summit) Rosh HaMesibba (Head 
of the Reception, 
Feast) Rosh Pinnah (Cornerstone) rosh simchah (chief joy) Roshei Beit 
HaKnesset (Leaders of 
the Synagogue)
rosheinu (our head) roshim (heads) rotze'ach (slayer) rotze'akh, 
rotzeach (murderer)
rotzechim (murderers) rov chasadav (the multitude of his mercies)
rov shalom (great peace, see Psalm 119:165) rov (abundance) roveh 
keshet (an archer) roznim 
(dignitaries, rulers)
rtzonechah (thy will) Ruach Avichem (the Spirit of your Father) Ruach 
Ba'er (Spirit of 
Ruach Elohin Kadishin (Ruach Elohim HaKadosh) ruach gedolah (great 
Ruach HaEmes (spirit of Truth)
ruach hakadim (east wind)
ruach hamachla (a spirit of an infirmity, illness)
ruach hatameh (unclean spirit, shed, demon) ruach hatum'ah (unclean 
ruach hatameh (unclean spirit, shed, demon) ruach hatum'ah (unclean 
ruach iv'im (spirit of dizziness)
ruach kina (spirit of jealousy)
ruach maleh (strong wind)

ruach mashchit (spirit of destruction) Ruach mechayyeh (Yn 5:26)spirit 
of life) ruach nedivah 
(a willing spirit, see Jeremiah 31:31-34)
ruach nekhon (steadfast spirit(Ezekiel 36:26; Yn 3:3,6 OJBC)
ruach nishbarah (broken spirit)
ruach refa'im (apparition)
ruach sa'arah (stormy wind)
ruach se'arot (storm wind)
ruach sheker (lying spirit)
ruach so'ah (wind of the tempest)
ruach tardemah (spirit of deep sleep)
ruach tatu'im (spirit of delusion, error) ruach temeiah (unclean 
ruach tzach (a dry wind, sirocco)
ruach tzafon (north wind)
ruach (breath, wind) ruchamah ("pitied") Ruchanit (Spiritual, of the 
Ruach Hakodesh) 
ruchaniyut (spirituality in Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach)
ruchot (spirits, winds) ruchot hatemeiot (unclean spirits, shedim)
ruchot ra'ot (evil spirits, demons)
ruchot teme'ot (unclean spirits)
Rutz! (Run!)
s'hat zich gamacht (as it so happened that) s'michah (ordination) sa'ar 
(tempest, storm) 
sa'ar gadol (great whirlwind, mighty tempest,
sa'ar hagadol (great tempest)
sa'arah (tempest, storm) sa'ir (wild goat) sabalim (bearers of burdens)
sachar emes (sure reward)
sachar haresha (reward of unrighteousness) sachar maleh (full reward)
sachar (pay, price, reward, wages) sachir (a hired man, hired laborer, 

Sar Yavan
sachirim (hired workers) sadeh hacherem (devoted) sadeh Hashem (field 
of G-d)
sadeh (area, country, field, fields) sadot (fields) saf (threshold) 
safah (lips)
safam (moustache of the beard, i.e. their lips, mustache)
safatayim (lips)
sahed (witness, one who vouches for me) sahf (threshold)
sair lAzazel (Yom Kippur scapegoat, sin bearer) sak (sackcloth) sakanot 
mavet (mortal 
sakhar Goyim (market bazaar of Nations) sakhir (rented, hired, hired 
man, hired servant, 
hireling) sakin (knife) sakkim (sackcloth, sacks)
sal (basket)
sal echad (one basket) sal haelyon (uppermost basket)
salachta (forgive) samael (the devil) samchut (authority) samei'ach 
(joyfully, rejoice, 
rejoicing) sameiach (joyful, happy) sammim (fragrant incense)
samuch (sustained) Sancheriv (Sennacherib) Sanhedrin (Sanhedren) sapim 
(thresholds) sappot 
sar hatabachim (captain of the bodyguard) Sar Malchut Paras (Prince of 
the Kingdom of 
Sar Paras (Prince of Persia)
Sar Sarim (Prince of Princes)
Sar Tzeva (Commander of the Army)
Sar Yavan (Prince of Greece)

sar (commander, ruler) Sarah ("Princess") sarah (had power over, 
princess, rebellion, 
apostasy, revolt, disobedience, struggled, persevered, sullen) sarei 
gedudim (captains of 
raiding parties) sarei mikneh (royal overseers of livestock) sarei 
missim (taskmasters) 
sarid kim'at ("some survivors"(Ro 9:7) sarid (escaped one, survivor)
sarid (remaining, remnant survivor) sarig (branch) sarigim (branches) 
sarim (princes, 
nobles, officials, leading political figures, rulers)
Saris HaMelech (the Eunuch of the King) Saris HaMelech, Shomer 
HaPilagshim (Eunuch of the 
King, Custodian of the Concubines) saris (official)
sarisim (eunuchs, palace officials)
sarita im Elohim ([yisrah to prevail, El G-d Yisrael] ye have striven
sarot (ladies of the nobility)
sarsor (middleman/agent VAYIKRA 26:46; BAMIDBAR 36:13)
sason (joy, rejoicing) sasson (joy) satan (adversary, antagonist) sava 
gadol (great 
fullness, plenty, abundance)
saviv (around) savlanut (long suffering/patience) savlanut (patient 
savtah (grandmother) schnorrer's (beggar's) sdeh krav (battlefield) 
se'ar (hair, the hair) 
se'arah (storm wind, whirlwind)
se'ipim (opinions)
se'ir izzim (slaughtered the kid of the goats) se'ir (goat) se'irim 
(goat idols, demons)
se'or (yeast, leaven, out of your batim (houses)
se'orah (barley)

se'orim (barley)
sechok (laughter) sedei Ya'ar (fields of Ya'ar)
seder (flock) sederot (ranks) sedinim (linen coverings) sedorot (ranks) 
(letters) sefat (language) sefat sheker (lying lips)
sefatayim (the eloquent speaker)
sefer (book)
sefer chazon (book of the vision)
Sefer HaChayyim (Book of Life)
sefer hamikneh (deed of purchase)
sefer harishon (first book)
sefer HaYachash (record of the Genealogy)
sefer katan (small book) sefer keritut (bill of divorce, get)
Sefer Torah (Book of the Law)
sefer zikaron (book of remembrance) sefer (deed, letter) seganim 
(officials, prefets)
segullah (treasure, peculiar treasure, special treasure, possession)
seh oved (lost sheep) Seh Oveid HaBais Yisroel (the Lost Sheep of the 
House of Israel) seh 
pezurah (scattered sheep)
seh razah (emaciated lamb)
She (Lamb, SHEMOT 12:3; YESHAYAH 53:7 Moshiach) seichal (understanding) 
(discernment, good sense, wisdom understanding) seiv (old age) sekhel 
(folly) sela (rock) 
sela hamachlekot (rock of escaping) sela'im (rocks) selach (forgive!) 
Selah [Petra] selef 
(perversity) selicha (forgiven, forgiveness) selichah (forgiveness) 
selichat avon 
(forgiveness of iniquity, sin, sins)

sha'ar ami
selichat chatoteinu (forgiveness of our sins),
selichot (forgiveness) semel hakinah (statue of jealousy)
semel (image)
semol (left hand, left) seqilah (stoning) sequilah (stoning) ser 
(scribe) sered (red chalk) 
serefah gedolah (great fire, pyre) serefah (burning) sereifah (death by 
Seris Pharaoh (courtier of Pharaoh) seter Elyon (covering/hiding place 
of the Most High) 
seter ra'am (secret place of thunder) seter (hiding place, shelter, 
refuge) seter (secret 
place, shelter, hiding place) seudah (banquet supper) seudas (agape 
feasts) seudot (banquet 
dinners) Seva'im (Sabeans, those from Seba in Arabia) sevel (load, 
burden, enforced 
burden/labor) se'or (leaven) Sfarim (books, Kitvei Hakodesh)[Holy 
Scriptures} sfatayim 
(lips) sfatot (lips) Sh Atzato ("Counsellor") sh'arim (gates, courts) 
sh'khin (boil) Sh'mei 
Kodesh (Holy Heaven)
Sh'ney HaEdim (Two Witnesses) Sha! (Quiet!) sha'ah hashevi'it (seventh 
hour) sha'ah 
(hour, time) Sha'alu shalom Yerushalayim (Pray for the Peace of 
sha'ar ami (gate of My people)

sha'ar ammi (gate of my people)
Sha'ar Binyamin, a ba'al pekidut (captain of the guard)
Sha'ar HaMifkad (Gate of Inspection) Sha'ar HaPinnah (Corner Gate) 
Sha'ar Harishon (the 
First Gate) Sha'ar HaSusim (Horse Gate) Sha'ar Hatiferet (Beautiful 
Gate) Sha'ar HaTzon 
sha'ar (city gate, gate, court gateway, i.e. the Eastern Gate) sha'arah 
(gate) sha'arei 
haneharot (the gates of the rivers) sha'arei mavet (gates of death) 
sha'at hanisayon (hour 
of trial) shaar hatzarut (gate of narrowness) shaar (gate) shaatnez 
(mixed fibers) Shabbaton 
(day of rest, rest from work) Shabbos Shabbos (every Shabbos)
shachal (lion cub) shachar (dawn, from whence it riseth, dawn, light, 
sun up) shacharis 
(dawn [prayer time])
shacharut (prime of life)
shachat (corruption, decay [TEHILLIM 16:10] pit, the grave, the abyss 
of corruption) 
shachat (pit [trap], slime pit)
shachefet (consumption) shachor (black) shadayim (breasts) Shaddai (the 
Almighty) shadkhan 
(marriage broker)
shafal (lowly) shaichus (closeness, friendship, intimacy) shakhen 
(neighbor) shakhor 
(black) shakran (liar) shakranit (liars) shal (error) shalal Dovid (the 
plunder of David) 
shalal rav (great plunder)
shalem b'guf (healthy) shalem bguf (healthy) shalem (complete, fully 
devoted, undivided,
shalishim (captains,ranking officers, ruler) shalit (ruler) shalitim 
(rulers) shalom al 
haaretz (peace on the earth) Shalom aleichem l'machbir (Peace be 
multiplied unto you) Shalom 
Aleikhem (Peace be unto you) shalom bayis (family peace) shalom Ester 
(welfare of Ester) 
Shalom yeheyeh lachem (Ye shall have shalom) shalom (benefit, peace, 
peacetime, prosperity, 
welfare, well) shalosh (three things) shalosh arim (three towns) 
shalosh kikrot (loaves)
shalosh p'amim (three times) shalosh paamim (three times) shalosh 
pe'amim (three times) 
shalosh regalim (three times) shalosh shanim and shishah chodashim 
(three years and six 
shalosh shanim (three years) shalosha (three) shaloshim shanah (thirty 
years old) shalvah 
(security) sham (here, there) shamat (leave unplowed) shamir (adamant, 
hardest stone, 
diamond, i.e. hard as shamir) shanah (year) shanah bshanah (year by 
year) Shanat Geulah 
(Year of Redemption) shanim kadmoniyyot (former years) shanim shalosh 
(three years) shanim 
(years) shanot (years) sharav (burning sand) sharim (singers, singing 
sharot (singing women) sharsherot zahav tahor (chains of pure gold) 
sharsherot (chains, 
sharvit hazahav (golden sceptre)
sharvit (sceptre)
shav (lies, vanity, falsehood, futility) shavatz (death throe agony)
shavu'ot chukkot hatzir (the appointed weeks of the harvest) shavu 
(turned) shavua (week) 
shavu'a (week) shawkling (ritual swaying while davening) shayach 
(conceivable) sha'ah (hour, 
time) sha'arei Sheol (gates of She'ol, Hades, Hell) shcheneinu (our 
shchenim haashirim (rich neighbors)
shchenim (neighbors) she biryah (fat lamb) she'ar HaBa'al (remnant of 
she'ar (remainder, remnant)
she'ar (remnant) she'arim (gates, i.e. towns)
she'at nefesh (scorn of soul, contempt) she'elah (petition, request, 
question) she'erit 
adamah (the remnant of the land) She'erit Yehudah (Remnant of Judah) 
She'erit Yisroel (the 
Remnant of Israel) she'erit (remnant, remainder, survivor, survivors)
shearyashuv ("a remnant will return") shebalev (inwardly) shechin ra 
(painful boils)
shechin (boil, inflamed spot)
shechitah (ritual slaughter)
shechol (the loss of children, bereavement) shecholat ahavah ani (I am 
faint with ahavah, 
lovesick, see 2:5) shechorah (black, dark, sun-blackened) shed (demon, 
the ruach hatumah)
shedim (demons) sheelot (kashes, questions) sheerit Pelishtim (remnant 
of the 


shefach dahm (the shedding of blood) shefach dahm naki (blood shed of 
the innocent) 
shefalah (lowliest) shefalim (humble, lowly ones)
shefatim (judgments, punishments, penalties) shefelah (lowlands) 
shegagah (inadvertence) 
Shegal (Queen consort, Spouse of the Reigning Monarch)
sheinah (sleep) shekarim (lies) shekedim (almonds) Shekel HaKodesh (the 
shekel of the 
Sanctuary) sheker (a falsehood, a lie, a fraud, deceit, baselessly, 
deceitful, false, 
deception, liar, falsely, falsity, lies, pretense, an insincere 
religious spirit, vain, 
false thing, wrongfully) sheket (be quiet) sheketz (abomination, 
shekhakim (clouds) shekhamim (shoulders) shekhar (fermented drink, 
liquor, strong drink)
shekhem (shoulder) shekhin (boils)
shekhin rah (foul boil) shekhok (laughter) shekhulah (bereaved) Shekit 
(be quiet) shekufim 
(windows) shel achvah (brotherly love)
shelabim (rods, upright braces)
shelameinu (our peace offerings) shelamim (peace offerings)
sheleg (snow, snowy day) sheleimah (complete) shelemut (perfection) 
shelishim (third ones) 
sheloshet (three) Shem Bno (the Name of His Son)
Shem Kodshi (My Holy Name)
Shem Kodshi (Name of My Holiness, Holy Name) shem l'olam (forever) shem 
lasheker (falsely) 
shem rah (bad name) shem tov (good name, good reputation) shem (byword, 
fame, name, renown) 
shem hamet (name of the dead man)
Shem (Name)
shema bekoli (listen to my voice)
Shema (Hear, Pay heed) shema (heard, pay heed) shemah (hearing) 
shemamah (desolate) 
Shemecha (Thy Name) Shemei HaShomayim (Heaven of Heavens) Shemeinu (our 
Name) shemen 
hama'ohr (oil of illumination) shemen hamishchah (anointing oil)
shemen kadosh (holy oil) shemen mishchah (anointing oil)
shemen sason (the oil of gladness)
shemen zayit (olive oil) shemen (oil, ointment, olive oil)
shemenah (stout, sleek, fertile)
Shemesh Tzedakah (Sun of righteousness) shemesh (sun)) Shemi (My Name) 
shemittah (release) 
shemittah (sabbatical year)
shemonah yamim (eight days)
shemoneh kerashim (eight planks)
shemoneh nefashot (eight souls)
Shemot (Exodus) shemot (names) shemuah (report)
shen ra'ah (bad tooth) shen (ivory)
shenat batzoret (year of drought)
shenat olam (a perpetual sleep)
sheneym asar elef (twelve thousand) sheneym asar (Twelve) sheni 
sheninah (taunt, byword) shenot, sheynot (slumbers)
shenot dor vdor (years of generations past sherirut libam harah (the 
stubbornness of their 
evil heart) sherirut (stubbornness) sherut haRitztzuy (the ministry of 
sherut (ministry, service in the Beis HaMikdash)
shesh ma'a lot (six steps)
SHESH ME'OT V'SHISHIM VASHESH (666) shesh me'ot ish (six hundred men)
shesh (six)
sheshet yemei hama'aseh (the six days of labor) shetim (judges) sheva 
eynayim (eyes, 
omniscience) sheva hane'arot (seven maids)
sheva karnayim (horns, omnipotence) sheva lapidei eish (torches of fire 
sheva makkot 
(plagues) sheva menorot zahav (seven golden menorahs) sheva nashim 
(seven women)
sheva p'amim (seven times)
sheva ruchot of Hashem (seven spirits of Hashem)
sheva ruchot (the seven spirits, Rv 1:4) sheva shanim (seven years)
sheva (seven times, seven)
shevach (praise, commendation)
shevah paamim (seven times)
shevakh (praise)
shevat hakokhavim (seven stars)
shevat haruchot (seven spirits)
shevatim (spears tribes)
shever gadol (great calamity, great destruction)
shever (destruction, fracture, injury, grain) shevet barzel (scepter of 
iron, TEHILLIM 2:9) 
shevet echad (one tribe) shevet hanogesh (rod of the task master) 
shevet musar (rod of 
Shevet Yehudah (Tribe of Judah)
shevet (club, rod, tribe)
shevi (captivity, Golus, the golus)
shevu'a (oath)
shevu'ah (an oath, oath) shevu'ot (oaths) shevua (oath)
shevuat Elohim (the oath of G-d)
shevuat issar (binding oath)
shevuat sheker (false oath)

shevuot (oaths) shevurei-lev (broken in heart) shevut Ammi (captivity 
of My people) 
shevuyim ([Golus] captives)
shevuyot (captives) sheynah (sleep)
sheynit (a second time) sheynot (sleeps) she'elah (question) she'elot 
(kashes, questions)
shfakhot (female servants, maid servants shfatayim (lips) shfatim 
(punishments) shichrut 
(drunkenness) shiebud (obligation) shifcha (bond maid) maid, woman 
servant) shifchah 
(handmaid, maid-servant, maiden, slave girl, slave woman, maidservant) 
shifchato (his maid) 
shiflut (lowliness) shiga'on (insanity) shiggot ham
(unintentional sins of the people)
shikatot mayim (watering troughs)
shikhvat zera (emission of semen)
shikkaron (drunkenness) shikker (intoxicated); shikkor (drunk, 
drunkard, drunken man) 
shikkorei Ephrayim (drunkards of Ephrayim) shikkorim (drunkards) 
shikkui (drink) shikkutz 
shomem (abomination causing desolation) shikkutz (abomination of)
shikkutzim (abominable idols, abominations) shikor (drunken, drunk) 
shikuts shikorim 
shikuy emes (true drink) shileshim (children to the third generation) 
shilluchim (going-
away, parting gifts) shillumah (recompense, retribution) shilton 
(authority, power, rule, 
supreme) Shimecha (Thy Name) shimemot olam (eternal desolations) 
shimmurim (keepings, 
watchings, vigils) Shinar (Babylon) shinayim (teeth)
shir agavim
(sensual love songs) shir chadesh (new song) shir Hashem
(music, songs of Hashem)
SHIR HASHIRIM (SONG OF SONGS) Shir yedidot (a love song) shir (song) 
shir (songs) shirah 
(song) shirayim (Rebbe's leftovers, remainders) shirim (songs) shiryon 
(armor) shiryon 
kaskasim (coat of scale armor) shisha chodashim (six months) shishah 
anashim (six men)
shishah yamim (six days) shishit (sixth, the sixth hour, about noon) 
shiurim (lessons, 
teaching torah) shiv'im shanah (seventy years) shiva achim
(seven brothers) shivah (seven,[sons]) shivah ro'im (seven shepherds) 
shivah shavu'ot 
(seven weeks) shivah shevatim (seven tribes) shivah yamim (seven days) 
shivat alafim 
(seven thousand) shivat hasarisim (the seven eunuchs) shivat hayamim 
(seven days) shivat 
yamim (seven days, i.e. the seven days of the Chag HaMatzot)
shivim (seventy) Shivim Shanah (Seventy Years, see Jeremiah 25:11) 
shivim yom (seventy 
shivtei moshlim (scepters of rulers) shivtei Nachalatecha (the tribes 
of Thine 
Shivtei Yisroel (Twelve Tribes of Israel) shivto yiten (he shall give 
for his lost time) 
shlamim (peace offerings)
shleimim (complete) shleimut (completeness, perfection, whole

completion, , complete, wholeness, completion) shlemim (complete ones, 
peace offerings, 
shliach (one sent) shlichei sheker (false emissaries) Shlichus (Divine 
shlichus (mission) shlishit (third) shlita (authority, control)
shlita of choshech (power of evil, sitra ahra)
shlitah (control, authority, empowerment) shlitah atsmit (self-control)
shlomim (peacefulnesses) shlosh chadashim (three months) shlosh 
hashineayim (three prongs, 
lit. teeth)
shlosh pe'amim (three times) shlosha chodashim (six months) shlosha 
yamim (three 
days) shloshah (three) shloshah anashim (three men)
shloshah lelot (three days and three nights) shloshah rashim (three 
companies) shloshah 
salei chori (three baskets of white bread)
shloshah sarigim (three branches) shloshah sha'ot (three hours) 
shloshah shanim 
(three years) shloshah shavu'im (three weeks) shloshah yamim (three 
Shloshah (in comparison) shloshah (three) shloshet alafim (three 
thousand) shloshet gedayim 
(three young goats) shloshet haro'im (three of the shepherds) shloshet 
hasalim (three 
baskets) shloshet kikrot (three loaves)

shloshet yamim dever (three days of pestilence)
shloshim kesef (thirty pieces of silver) shloshim shanah (thirty years 
shloshim yom (thirty days)
shloshim (thirty, thirty sayings)
shmad (destroyed, destruction)
shmanim (ointments) shmattes (rags, tatters) Shmi (My Name) shmo (his 
name, his own name)
Shmo (His Name)
shmonah (eight)
shmonah asar (eighteen) shmonah yamim (eight days)
shmoneh nesikhei adam (eight leaders [tribal princes] of men) shmoneh 
shanim (eight years)
shnat achat (first 
year) shnat hama'aser (year of tithing)
shnat hashemittah (the year of release)
shnat hashemittah (year of release) Shnat Ratzon L'Hashem (the year of 
Hashem's favor)
shnat shalosh (third year)
shnat sheva (seventh year)
shnat shillumim (year of retributions) shnat shtayim (second year)
shnat tovatecha (the year with Thy goodness) shnat (year of) shnayim 
anashim (two men)
shnayim and arba'im (two and forty)
shnayim shnayim (two by two)
shnayim (two)
shnei anashim (two men) Shnei Asar Shevet (Twelve Tribes) shnei banim 
(two sons) shnei 
hadagim (two fish) shnei luchot avanim (two tablets of stone) Shnel! 
(Quick!) Shneym Asar 
Achim (twelve brethren) shneym asar baker (twelve bulls)

Shneym Asar Perot
(Twelve Fruits) Shneym Asar She'arim (Twelve Gates) Shneym Asar Shivtei 
HaBnei Yisroel 
(Twelve Tribes of the Bnei Yisroel)
Shneym Asar Shivtei Yisroel (Twelve Tribes of Yisroel) shneym asar 
(twelve) shnot olamim 
(years long past)
sho'ah (catastrophe, disaster, this is the Biblical Hebrew word used 
for the Holocaust found 
a few times in the Bible)
sho'arim (gatekeepers) sho'er (doorkeeper, gatekeeper)
sho'er HaIr (gatekeeper of the City) shochad (bribe, gift, bribe[s], 
bribery, incentive kind 
of gift) shochvim es zachar (homosexuals) shod (catastrophe, 
desolation, robbery, sudden 
destruction) shoded (destroyer, plunderer, robber) shodedei lailah 
(robbers by night)
shodedim (robbers) shofar (ram's horn) shofech dahm (a violent son who 
sheds blood) shofet 
(judge) shofetim (jealousy, judges)
SHOFETIM (JUDGES) shohvel (train, skirt) shoin (already) shok (thigh 
piece) shokayim of an 
ish (legs of a man)
shokhad (bribe)
Shokhen Ad (the One Who abideth forever, the Shekhinah)
shomair (watchman) Shomayim Chadashim (New Heavens) shomayim harishonah 
(the first heaven) 
Shomayim v'haAretz (Heaven and Earth) Shomayim (G-d, Heaven) shomei 
dvar Hashem (hearers of 
the word of Hashem)
shomei hashomayim (the highest heaven) shomei'a (is listening) shomem 
(desolator, destroyer)
shomemah (desolate)

shomemot rishonim
(former desolations) shomer (beware, guard, keep watch over, watchful, 
watchman) shomer 
emunim (keeping faith)
shomer haBegadim (keeper of the wardrobe) shomer HaBrit V'HaChesed (who 
keepeth covenant and 
lovingkindness) shomer hakelim (supply moster)
shomer hanashim (custodian of the women) shomer hasaf (gatekeeper) 
shomer masoret (religious 
devotion) shomer mishmeret (do guard duty, watch the watch, attend to, 
keep the charge, the 
reverence, keep the guard duty)
shomer mitzvoth (on guard regarding commandments) shomer rosh (head 
Shomer Shabbos (keep Holy the Sabbath) shomrei dvar Hashem (keepers 
guarding/doing the word 
of Hashem) shomrei hasaf (guards of the threshold, the doorkeepers) 
shomrei mishmeret Bais 
HaMelech (guards on duty at the Royal Palace) shomrei mishmeret 
haKodesh (standing guard 
over the Holy) shomrei mishmeret Mishkan Hashem (who are guardians of 
the Mishkan Hashem)
shomrim (guards, spies, watchmen)
Shomron (Samaria) Shomroni (Samaritan)

shor hachai (live ox) shor ish (ox of a man) shor (ox, bull, oxen) 
shorashim (roots)
shorer (watchers, [i.e. slandering foes insidiously fixated on me])
shoresh (root)
Shoresh (Root, Shoresh Yishai, Moshiach, Yeshayah 11:10, Sanhedrin 93b)
Shoresh Dovid (Root of Dovid),
shoresh haetzim (the root of the trees) shoresh nachas (snake's root)
shoshan (lily) shoshanim (lilies) Shoshvin (the Chosson's best man)
shot (scourge,scourges, whip)
shoter (law officer, officer)
shoterim (officials) shotim (whips) shovav (backsliding) shovev 
(faithless) shprach 
(diction), shrai (a scream) shtaig (working my way up, advancing, 
progressing) shtark 
(steadfastly) shtayim (twice, two things)
shtayim ra'ot (two evils)
shtei avon (double iniquity)
shtei charavot (two swords)
shtei torim o shnei beni yonah (a pair of turtle doves or two young 
shtetl (Jewish village) shtel zich (apply yourself)
shtetlach (plural of shtetl)
shtey karnayim (two horns)
shteym esreh (twelve) shtiebel kehillah shul (small congregation) 
shtiklech (misconduct) 
shtoch (mocking and ironic jab) shtreimel (expensive hat)
shu'alim (foxes) shu'alim ketanim (little foxes)
shud (misfortune) shul (synagogue congregation)
shulachti (I was sent)
Shulchan HaMa'arechet (Table of the Stacks of Showbread)
Shushan (Lily, Susa) shuttafim (partners) shuttafut (partnership) shuv 
(go back again, 
return thou, turn from idols, return, turn, turn back)
shuv nah (return now) shuva elai ki gealticha (return/turn back to Me, 
for I have redeemed 
shuvu (come back, return, turn ye, go back)
shvakh (commendation) shvatz (black) shvateem (tribes) shver (complex) 
shvu'a (week) si'ach 
(anxiety) si'akh (complaint, musing, meditation) sibbah (turn of 
events) sichah (complaint, 
sichlut (folly, stupidity, foolishness) sidarim (order) siftei sheker 
(lying lips)
sig (dross, smelting waste product) siggim (drosses) sikhliyut 
(rationality) sikhlut 
(stupidity) siman (sign, indication) simcha (joy) simcha gedolah (much 
simchat libbo (gladness of his heart) simchat olam (everlasting joy) 
(merryhearted) simlah (clothing, garments, upper garment) simlat isha 
(garment of a woman)
sin'ah (hatred) sinah (hatred)
sinas chinom (baseless hatred)
Sinim [Sinites]. sippot (bowls)
sir (cooking pot, pot) sir nafuach (a boiling cauldron)
sirah (boat) sirim (thorns)
sirot (boats, cooking pots, pots)
sirpad (nettle, prickly herb)
sitnah ("hostility", accusation)
sivlot (burdens, sufferings) skikuy (drink)
shachat (slaughter, [the shoichet is the kosher ritual slaughterer]) 
slav (quails) smolit 
(left) socharim (merchants) traffickers, i.e. religious practitioners) 
sochen (steward, 
estate manager or agent) sochen haneeman and navon (faithful and wise 
sod Eloah (counsel of G-d)
sod haemunah (the mystery of the faith) sod hamufkarut (mystery of 
lawlessness) sod Hashem 
(mystery of G-d)
sod kedoshim (council of the holy ones) sod (company, council, 
confidants, confidence, 
destruction, intimate conversation, counsel, fellowship, mystery, 
secret counsel, secret 
sodot (mysteries) sof (end, conclusion) sofer mahir (ready scribe, 
skillful writer) sofer 
(scribe) soferim (scribes) sofrim (rabbonim, scribes)
soher (jailer) soimech (confident, putting their trust and being 
dependent) soivel (bearing 
with) sokharim (merchants) sokher (merchant) solelah (siege ramp) 
solemn eidus, edut 
(testimony) solet (fine flour) soneh (hater, enemy) soreg (barrier of 
the holy precinct in 
the Beis HaMikdash between Jews and non-Jews) soreret (rebellious, 
sorerim (obstinately rebellious children, rebellious ones)
sorrut (rebelliousness/ insubordination) soterim (policemen), soveh 
(drunkard) shemen 
mishchat kodesh (the spices, holy anointing oil)

stam (elementary) sterntichel (kerchief) succot, sukkot (tabernacles, 
holy ohalim)
sufot (whirlwinds) sug (backslider, faithless one) sugya (topic)
Sukkot (Feast of Sukkot) sullam (ladder, stairway)
sur min haTorah (deviating from the Torah)
sus (horse)
sus adam (a red-brown colored horse)
sus lavan (white horse) sus shakhor (black horse)
sus yerakrak (a greenish pale horse)
susah (mare)
susim levanim (white horses)
susim shechorim (black horses)
susim (horses) t'refah (torn animal) ta (recess) ta'am (command, 
judgment, discretion) 
ta'anugot (pleasures) ta'ar hasofer (razor of a scribe)
ta'ar (razor) ta'avah (desire, craving, longing,
evil desire/lust, what is desirable) ta'avat nefesh (soul's lust, 
yearning of soul) ta'avot 
ta'avot resha'im (desire of the wicked ones) ta'im (rooms) ta'nugot 
(evil pleasures)
ta'ot (recesses) taanugot (pleasures) taba'at (signet ring) taba'at 
HaMelech (the signet 
ring of HaMelech) taba'ot (rings) tabakh (cook) tabakhot cooks) 
tachanunei Avdecha 
(suppplications of Thy Servant)
tachanunei Bnei Yisroel (supplications of the Children of Israel) 
tachanuneinu (our 
supplications) tachanunim
(supplications for favor)
tachat (under, instead of)
tachbulot (guidance)

tachlis [purpose] tachlis Shaddai (the final end, purpose of Almighty)
tachlis, tachnit (purpose, raison detre) tachteicha (in place of, 
instead of)
tachteinu (in our place) tag (ornamental flourish)
tahke (actually)
tahor lev (pureness of heart)
tahor (clean thing, clean)
tahorah (clean) tahorat (cleansing) tahpukhot (perverse things, 
perversity) tainah 
(grievance) tait'sh (meaning, translation interpretation)
takif (influential man) tal (dew)
talmid (student)
talui al etz (hanged on a tree)
talui al HaEtz (being hanged on the Tree, DEVARIM 21:23) talui (hanged) 
tam (blameless, 
tamar (palm tree) tameah (defilement) tameh hashem (defiled/unclean of 
tameh lanefesh (unclean, defiled by reason of contact with a corpse) 
tameh (unclean thing, 
unclean, impure person, see Isaiah 26:7) tamid (always, continually) 
tamimah (unblemished) 
tamimim (blameless, faultless ones) tammati (my perfect one, my 
undefiled) tamurim 
(guideposts) tamut (thou shalt surely die)
tanechumot El (consolations of G-d) tanechumot (consolations) tanin 
(serpent, devouring 
sea-monster) tannin (monster of the yam [sea], serpent) tapuach (apple 
tree) tapukhim 
tarbit (interest, usury) tardemah (deep sleep) tarelah (bewilderment, 

Targum HaShivim (Septuagint, Hebrew Bible translated into Greek)
Tarnegol (rooster) tarof (torn by a wild animal/predator) tarshi'i 
(thou shalt condemn, 
prove false, refute, prove wrong) tashlich (thou wilt cast, throw)
tatzmiach (causes [them] to spring forth, spring up)
tav [mark]
tavach (slaughter) tavnit (plan, pattern) tavnit HaMishkan (pattern of 
the Tabernacle)
tavnit ish (pattern of a man)
tavnit shor (likeness of an ox)
tavnit (form, pattern, copy, plan, replica) Tavo malchutechah (thy 
kingdom come) ta'avanut 
te'alah (trench, tunnel) te'alat haberekhah haelyonah (aqueduct of the 
Upper Pool) te'enah 
(fig tree, fig) te'enim (fig trees, figs)
te'omim (twin boys) te'udat bitachon (safeguard)
techillah (beginning)


techinnah (petition, supplication, plea for mercy)
techinnatenu (our supplication) techinnot (supplications) techinot 
supplications) techiyah harishonah (first resurrection) techiyah 
(resurrection) techiyas 
hamesim (resurrection of the dead ones)
techorim (tumors) techunah (abode, arrangement) teenah (fig tree)
teet (mire, clay, soil) teferet (honor) tefillah (prayer) tefillin 
(phylacteries) tefillos 
(prayers) tehilah (praise) tehillah (praise, hymn of praise)
Tehillah (Praise) Tehillim (Psalms) tehillot (the praises of)
tehom el tehom
([oceanic] deep unto [oceanic] deep)
tehom gedolah (a great abyss, chasm) tehom rabbah (a great deep)
tehom (abyss, deep waters, deep, underground water) tehomot (abysses, 
depths, ocean 
depths) tehor (pureness) tehorah (clean, pure) tehorim (clean, pure 
teilvaiz (partial) teiman (south)
tekhinot (supplications) tekufa (era, period) tekumah (revival) tel 
tel olam (heap forever) tela'im (lambs) telunnah (murmuring) telunnot 
grumblings) temarim (date palms, palm trees, palms) teme'at haniddah 
(the uncleanness of 
the period)
temei'im (unclean ones) temimah nekevah (a female without blemish) 
temimah (perfect, 
without blemish)
temimim (blameless ones, without blemish) temol (yesterday, etmol)

temuna (form)
temunah (form, see Num.12:8, semblance, likeness,
temurah chayil (business profit)
tenu'a (opposition) tenufah (wave offering) tenumah (slumber) tenuot 
(occasions) tenuvot 
sadeh (increase of the fields) ter'uah (shout) teraphim (household 
teref (food, nourishment, prey) terefah (torn animal, torn of beasts) 
tereifah (what is 
torn by beasts)
teretz (excuse) teru'ah (battle cry, shout of joy, shouting) teru'at 
milchamah (alarm of 
teruah (shouting, shouts of joy)
teruah gedolah (great shout, war cry) terufah (healing) terumah haissa 
(portion, offering of 
the dough) terumah (contribution, freewill offering, heave offering, 
holy portion, gift, 
kohen's heaveoffering, offering, contributions, raised up presentation) 
terumat goren (gift 
of the threshing floor) terumiyyah (separated portion)
terumot (heave offerings) terutz (excuse) teshu'ah hagedolah (great 
victory) teshu'ah 
(salvation, deliverance, victory, safety)
teshu'at tzaddikim (salvation of the righteous ones) teshu'at yisroel 
(salvation of Israel) 
teshuah (deliverance, salvation, victory) teshuah gedolah (great 
teshuat adam (help, salvation of or from man)
teshuat olamim (an everlasting salvation) teshukah (longing, desire)
teshukot (desires) teshurah (gift)

teshuva (answer, repentance, turning from chet to Hashem) teshuvah 
(answer, return, turning) 
teshuvat Hashanah (the turn of the year) teshuvot (answers) te'udat 
bitachon (safeguard)
tet v'lo ta'aneh v'reacha ed shav
(neither shalt thou bear false witness against thy neighbor) teva (ark)
tevach (slaughter) tevakh (slaughter) tevaser (good tidings) tevel 
(earth, the world, 
habitable/inhabited world, perversion) teven (straw) tevilah (dipped 
himself, immersed 
himself) tevo'ach (slaughter) tevu'ah (increase, harvest)
tevu'at bashanah hashelishit (increase in the third year) tevu'ot 
(increase) tevuah yashan 
(old increase)
tevuah (produce, income) tevunah (understanding, intelligence, man of 
understanding) tevunot 
(understanding) tevusat Achazyahu (downfall of Ahaziah) te'enim (figs) 
tichel (kerchief)
tief (deep and profound, erudite, keen) Tife'arti (My Glory) tiferet 
gedulah (glorious 
majesty) tiflah (folly) tihur (purification) tikashel (thou shalt 
tikkun (restoration repair)
tikvah (hope)

tikkun (restoration, repair)
tikvah (hope)
tikvah tovah yoter( a better hope)
tikvat chanef (hope of the chanef, the irreligious, the secretly wicked 
profane person)
tikvateinu (our hope) tikveh (hope)
timhon levav (confusion of heart)
timorim (palm trees) TIPATACH (SHALL BE POURED OUT) tipesh (idiot) 
tipshus (foolery) 
tipus (pattern, prophetic type, type) tirosh (new wine) tirshata 
(governor) tish (table) 
tishah (nine)
tishen (shared meals, tables)
tishtachaveh (thou shalt bow down to, worship) titzmach (it shall 
spring forth, sprout forth 
[Tzemach "Branch, Sprout" is the code name for Moshiach in Zecharyah 
3:8; Yirmiyah 23:5 and 
the coming Tzemach's Namesake in Zecharyah 6:11 is Yehoshua/Yeshua--see 
Ezra 3:8; Zecharyah 
3:8; 6:11-12])
titzmachnah (they spring forth)
tizkoret (reminder) to'ah (error, perversity) to'ar (well built) 
to'avat (abomination, 
to'avot (abominations) to'evah (abominable thing, abomination, 
detestable action, 
detestable thing) to'evat kesilim (the abomination of fools) to'evot 
gedolot (great 
to'evot gedolot (greater abominations) to'evot hara'ot (wicked 
abominations) to'evot 
(abominations) toch khatzer (center of the courtyard) tochachah 
(reproof) tochnit Hashem (G-
d's purposeful and willed plan or goal Ro 9:11)

tochnit Hashem (purposeful and willed plan of G-d Ro 8:28) tochnit 
(master plan) todah 
rabbah (thank you very much)
todah (thank offerings, sacrifice of praise, thanksgiving, praise) 
todot (thank offerings) 
toe'vah (abomination) toeva (abomination) toevah (abomination) tof 
(hand drum, tambourine, 
timbrel) tohm (integrity, guilelessness) toholah (error) tohorah 
(purification, cleansing)
tohu (chaos, vain, empty)
tohu lo derech (trackless wilderness) tohu vavohu (disorder, chaos)
toitzaa (outcome)
tokef (authority, right) tokhachat (protest, public argumentation) 
tokhachot (reproofs) 
tokhakhah (complaint, reproof)
tokhakhat (reproof, correction) tokhakhat chayyim (reproof of life) 
tokhakhot musar 
(reproofs of discipline/musar) tokhchot chemah (furious rebukes)
tokhechah (rebuke, reproof)
tokhechot chemah (punishments of wrath) tokhen (full measure) tola'at 
(worm) tola'im 
(worms) toldot (genealogies, generations) tom (integrity) tomer (palm-
tree] Torah chadasha 
(new teaching)
Torah HaCherut (the Torah of Freedom) Torah HaShleimah (the Perfect 
Torah of Emunah (the Law of Faith, that is, the Law understood in terms 
of emunah)
Torah Shebiksav (the written Law, Torah, Pentateuch)
Torah Sheb'al Peh (Oral Law)
torah (teaching of G-d) torat chacham (teaching of the wise)

tumat haniddah
torat haEzrakhut (the citizenship) Torateinu (Our Torah) torateynu (our 
teaching) torim 
(turtledoves) torot (laws) torud (completely absorbed and involved) 
toshav (guest, sojourner 
toshavim (resident aliens)
totafos (ornament, shemot 13:16, shabbos 57a, frontlets, bands, 
totze'ot chayyim (issues of life, wellsprings of life)
tov (better, good, well i. e. delivered, well prosperity,) tovah 
tokhakhat (good reproof)
tov ayin (generous eye) tov kerem (better vineyard)
tov me'od (very good, very well)
tov to'ar (good-looking) tovah (better, more precious, in the good, 
pleasing, prosperity, 
tovel (dip, immerse) tovim (best, well off) tovot (good, good things)
toyus (error) trayfnyak (non-kosher in-taking unclean thing) tribute 
(taxes) trombeniks 
(gluttons) tshuka (deep and sincere desire, longing, yearning)
tugah (sadness) tum'a (uncleanness, defilement, impurity) tumah 
(uncleanness) tumat adam 
(uncleanness of man)
tumat haniddah (contamination of a woman during her menstral period)

tushiyyah (efficient wisdom, success, true wisdom, sound judgment, wise 
Torah counsel) Tuv 
(Bounty/Goodness of Hashem)
twelve matzevah (stone pillars)
Tz'va HaShomayim (Army of Heaven)
tz'va (holy militia of Hashem, host) tza'ar (pain and suffering)
tza'atzu'im (sculpture work)
tzad (side)
tzadakah (right)
Tzaddik ([Moshiach] The Righteous One) Tzaddik Hashem (Hashem is 
righteous) tzaddik (i.e. 
declare him to be in the right, innocent, righteous) tzaddikim 
(righteous, root of the 
righteous ones)
tzair (youngest) tzafit (dining carpet) tzafon (north) tzahorayim 
(noon) tzalelot (sides, 
ribs) tzalmavet (shadow of death)
tzalmei massekhot (cast metal idols) tzalmei techorim (likenesses of 
tumors) tzalmei 
techorim (likenesses of tumors) tzalmovet (shadow of death)
tzama (thirst)
tzamah (thirst) tzameh (thirsty) tzammah (hair, tresses) tzanif 
melukhah (royal turban, 
royal diadem) tzanif tahor (clean turban, mitznefet, SHEMOT 28:4) 
tzanif (turban)
tzar (cramped, crowded, distress, enemy, tribulation) Tzarah Gedolah 
(Great Tribulation) 
Tzarah l'Ya'akov (Jacob's Trouble) tzarah (adversity, anguish, 
distress, trouble)
tzara'at (leprosy) tzaru'a (leper) tzarateinu (our affliction)
tzareinu (our enemies, oppressors) tzarot (troubles)
tzarut ayin (envyings) tzav (human statute, Yeshayah 28:10,13)
tzava b'Yisroel (army in Yisroel)
tzava gadol (great conflict, affliction) tzava'os (armies) tzava (army, 
battle, commander 
the army, company, forced hard service in the army, military service, 
tzavah (army men) tzavar (neck, their) tzavarot (necks)
tzavv'a (covenant, will) tzavvar (neck) tzayadim (hunters) tze'akah 
gedolah (great wail)
tze'akah (cry of distress) tze'if (veil) tzechok (laughter) tzedakah 
(contribution to 
charity) tzedakah (right, righteousness, vindication) tzedek l'ma'an 
Shmo (righteousness 
for the sake of His Name) Tzedek Olamim (Everlasting Righteousness) 
tzedek tzedek (that 
which is altogether just)
tzedek (righteous plea of a just cause, righteousness vindication, 
righteousness, by definition a selfrighteousness) Tzedukim (Sadducees, 
the Tzedukim are the 
ones speaking against the Techiyas HaMesim, who say it is not to be) 
tzeetz (flower) 
TZEFANYAH (ZEPHANIAH) Tzefirah (the web) Tzefunecha (Thy 
sheltered/protected ones)
tzeidah (supply of food, provision)
tzel (shadow, shade) tzel Shaddai (shadow of the Almighty) tzela (side 
chamber, cell)
tzela'ot (chambers, side-rooms, side chambers, cells) tzelamim (images) 
tzelem (image, 
idol, statue, shadowy form)
tzelokhit chadasha (new bowl)
Tzemach Tzedakah (Righteous Branch, i.e. Moshiach, see Zech 3:8) 
tzemach (shoot, sprout, 
branch, sprouted) tzeme'im (thirsty) tzemed (pair, yoke) tzemer (wool) 
tzemidim (bracelets) 
tzenifot (turbans) Tzeva HaMarom (Host on High, Pagan deities) tzeva'a 
(host, legions, time 
of hard service, warfare)
tzevi'ut (hypocrisy) tzfarde'a (frogs) tziburim (heaps, piles) tzidkat 
emunah (righteousness 
which is from faith) Tzidkat HaEmunah (the Righteousness of Faith) 
Tzidkat Hashem 
[Righteousness of G-d] tzidkat hatzaddik (righteousness of a righteous 
man) tzidkat tamim 
(righteousness of the blameless)
Tzidki meEl (I am cleared/in the right/justified before G-d)
tzidkot (righteousnesses) tzidkoteinu (our righteousness, vindication) 
tzifoni (viper, 
poisonous snake) tzifonim (vipers) tzil (purpose) tzimmukim (raisins) 
tzinnah (buckler, i.e. 
a small shield, large shield)
tzinnim (thorns) tzipor (bird)
tzipporen shamir (point of a diamond) tzipporim (birds)
tzir emunim (trustworthy envoy)
tzir ne'eman (faithful envoy)
tzir (form) tzirah (hornet) tzirim (pangs)
tzitz hasadeh (a flower of the field) tzitz (flower, blossom, head-
plate) Tzitz (Head-
plate) tzitziyot (fringes Num 15:39-40; Deut 22:12)

tzive'ot zarim (armies of the aliens) tziveot haparashim (troops of 
cavalry men) Tzivos 
HaShomayim (Armies or Hosts of Heaven)
tzivos (armies) tzivoteinu (our armies) Tziyon (Zion) tziyun (marker) 
Tziyyah (dry land) 
tziyyim (martens) tziyyunim (roadmarks, road signs) tzo'arim (little 
ones, see Zecharyah 
11:7) tzo'eh (the one stooped [in the Golus]) tzodek (righteous) tzof 
(watchmen, sentinels, 
nevi'im) tzofeh (sentinel, watchman)
tzofim (watchmen, lookouts, sentries) tzohar (noonday) tzohorayim 
(noon, noonday)
tzom (fast,fasting) tzomechot (sprung up) tzomeiach (sprouting up) 
tzomot (fastings, fasts) 
tzon haharegah (the flock marked for slaughter)
tzon hamekusharot (the stronger flock)
tzon kadashim (a flock for holy sacrifices) tzon ovedot (lost sheep) 
tzon (flock, sheep) 
Tzor (Tyre)
tzoref (goldsmith, silversmith)
tzorer (vexer, harasser) tzori (medicinal balsam or balm)
tzorich iyun (unresolved puzzlement)
tzoros (troubles, afflictions) tzotzerot (trumpets) Tzovah (Zobah) 
Tzreda (Zeredah) 
tzufloigen (dazed) tzufrieden (content) tzufriedenkait (contentment) 
tzur (rock)
Tzur Ma'on (a Rock of Habitation)
tzurah (form, fashion) tzurim (rocks) tzurot (forms) tzushtel 
(comparison) tzva'ot (hosts, 
legions) tzva (host)
u slach lanu es chovoteinu (And forgive us our debts, sins)
ugav (flute)
ugeret (easily seen, evident)
ulam (portico) UlamHaAmmudim (Hall of Pillars)
umashachta (and thou shalt anoint) umeshachto (thou shalt anoint him) 
Ummim (Peoples) 
unkosher (unfit) ur (flame)
Urim (East)
Uven Ein Lo (and there is no son to him) v'ad olam (and to forever, 
forevermore) v'ahavta 
l're'acha kamocha (but thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself)
v'alfei alafim (thousands of thousands) v'chaneini (and be merciful and 
gracious unto me)
v'ein machlim (without anyone putting thee to shame)
v'ein rodef (when none pursueth, persecutes) v'einenu (and be no more)
v'hannahala'ah (and that which is far removed) v'hitpalaltem (and you 
[plural] will pray) 
v'hitvaddah (and confess)
v'hitvaddah (he shall confess)
V'hitvadu (If they shall confess)
v'hitzmicha (and sprout, spring up)
v'hoda'tah (thou shalt show, make to know, arraign)
v'hoter (and more than enough)
v'kiddeshu milchamah (they sanctify war) v'lo natan hashem lakhem lev 
lada'at v'einayim lirot 
v'ozna'im lishmoa ad hayom hazeh (yet hashem hath not given you a lev 
for da'as, and eyes to 
see, and ears to hear, to this day.) V'ten lo todah (Give glory to G-d) 
V'tzamechu (and they 
shall spring up) v'ya'aminu (and they put their faith SHEMOT 14:31)
v'yechazkeini (and he strengthened me)
yad adonim kasheh
v'yikhrat (and cut off, see Daniel 9:26 Moshiach yikaret)
v'yimshach (and anointed)
v'yimshechu (and they anointed)
vada (with certainty) vait (astray) vaiter (farther)
vanad (and a wanderer, nomad)
vappilu goral (they cast lots)
vatirtzeini (and thou wast pleased to accept me, thou wast appeased 
vaya'keveni (now he 
deceived/outwitted me) vayevarech otam Moshe (and Moshe blessed them) 
vayimeshechu (they anointed)
vayyekhanak (and he strangled/hanged himself)
Ve'emetz (be strong and take courage!)
ves posheim nimnah (and with lawless persons he was numbered YESHAYAH 
veza'ef (sullen) vi-bahlt (since) vidduy (confession of sin)
Y'hoyakim (Jehoiakim) y'mei olam (days of old) Y'mei HaSefirah (Days of 
the counting (of the 
Y'varekhekha Adonai v'yishmerekha (Hashem bless thee, and keep thee)
ya'akov (utterly supplant, deceive) ya'ar (forest) Ya'er Adonai panav 
eleikha vichunekha 
(Hashem make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee) ya'im 
(shovels) YABASHAH 
(dry ground, BERESHIT 1:10, dry land, Bereshis 1:9) Yachad (make 
undivided) yachid (lonely, 
only son, only ben, an only child)
Yachin ("Establish") yad [of the hunter]
yad adonim kasheh (power of hard taskmasters)


yad binecha (hand/power of thy son) yad chazakah (mighty hand)
yad haovedim (hand/power of enslavers) yad haoyvim (hand of enemies)
Yad Hashem (Hand/Power of Hashem)
yad memshalah (the hand governing authority) yad oseh hamelachah (hand 
of the master 
yad oshek (hand of the oppressor)
yad oyeveinu (power/hand of our enemies) yad ramah (high hand, 
defiantly, upraised Hand, 
i.e. confidently) yad tzar (hand of the enemy)
yad yeminam (right hands)
Yad Yemini (My right Hand)
yad (hand, i.e. memorial, monument, influence, power, care, rule)
Yad (Hand, Power) yadayim temeiot (ritually unclean hands) yadayim 
(hands) yadecha (thy 
hand) yadeinu (our hands) yadid (beloved, shall judge)
yadot (tenons, projections)
yafeh (beauty, fair, handsome)
yafeh mareh (good looking)
yagon (sorrow, grief) Yahadutm(Judaism) yakar (precious, dear, rare)
yaldah (small girl) yaldei nochrim (children of foreigners) yaldut 
(youth) yam (sea)
yam hagadol (great sea) Yam HaGadol (the Great Seat, i.e. Mediterranean 
Yam HaMelach (Salt Sea, Dead Sea)
Yam Mitzrayim (Red Sea) Yam Mutzak (Molten "Sea")
yamei olam (days of old) yameinu (our days) yamim (days) yamim asarim 
(ten days) yamim hahem 
(those days) yamim mikedem (days of old, earlier days)

yamim rabbim (many days, long life)
yamim rabbim (long life) yamin (on the right hand, right hand) yammim 
(seas) yanshuf (great 
owl) yarak (vegetables) Yarden (Jordan) yare'ach (moon) yarech (thigh) 
yarketei Tzafon (on 
the heights of Tzafon) yarok esev (green plant) Yarov`am mashtin b'kir 
(him that urinates 
against the wall, i.e. every male)
yashan (old) yashar mishpat (righteous judgment) yashar ([most] 
upright, right, straight) 
Yashar (Upright One, Straight One, upright, straight)
yashar (uprightness, integrity) yashir (straight) yashrah (right) 
Yashrus (Justice) 
yashuv (return, be revoked)
yated (peg) Yated (Tent Peg, support, i.e. leader of the people, 
Yeshayah 22:23-24)
yatom (fatherless, orphan)
yatomim (fatherless, orphans)
Yavan (Greece)
yayin chadash (new wine) yayin malkhut (royal wine)
yayin (wine)
yazzeh Goyim rabbim (he [Moshiach] will sprinkle many nations) YAZZEH 
(SPRINKLE) ye'arot 
(forests) ye'ush (despair, atzvut) YECHEZKEL (EZEKIEL) Yechi HaMelech 
(Long live the King!) 
yechid (only one, only [nefesh])
yechidah (only one, only, alone)
yechidim (alone ones) yedidim (friends, chaverim)
Yedidot (Beloved ones) yedidot (lovely) yedidut nafshi (the beloved of 
My soul)
yehi baruch (be blessed) Yehoachaz (Achazyahu, Ahaziah)
yehoshi'a (saveth)

Yehoshua meshareto (the one aiding him, the one ministering to him) 
Yehudi (Jew) Yehudit (Hebrew) yekar (honor, respect) yekev (wine press, 
yeladim (young people, children)
yeled (child) yemani (right hand) yemei evel (days of mourning)
yemei kedem (days of old)
yemei merukeihen (the days of her [bodily] rubbings)
Yemei Nekamah (Days of Vengeance)
Yemin Elyon (Right Hand of the Most High) Yemin, yamin (right hand)
yemot olam (days of old) yerech (see yarech) yerek (green)
yerida (to descend back, return)
yerushah (inheritance, possession)
yerushat yirei Shemecha (inheritance of those that fear thy Name) yesh 
Elohim Shofetim 
ba'aretz (there is a G-d that judgeth in the earth)
yesh Elohim (G-d is there)
yesh li khol (there is to me all, my needs are met)
Yesha (Salvation) yeshar derech (upright in the way) yesharah levav 
(uprightness of heart) 
yesharim (straight ones, upright ones) Yesharim (Upright ones, upright 

Yeshiva yode'a sefer (scholar),
Yeshu'at Eloheinu (the Salvation of our G-d) Yeshu'at Yisroel 
(salvation of Israel) yeshu'ot 
(deliverances, salvation of any kind) Yeshuah HaGedolah (Great 
Yeshuah (Salvation, Saving Power) Yeshuat Eloheinu (Salvation of our G-
d) Yeshu'at Eloheinu 
(Salvation of our G-d) yesod (base, foundation) yesod olam (an 
everlasting foundation) 
yesodot (foundations, rudiments)
yetad haohel (tent peg) yetomim (fatherless ones, orphans) yetzer 
inclination, mind-set) yetzurim (creatures) yevam (husband's brother)
Yevani (Greek)
Yevanim (Greeks) Yevarech Yirei Hashem
(He will bless those who fear Hashem
Yevarech'chah Adonoi (Hashem bless thee) yevarechecha Adonoi neveh 
tzedek har hakodesh (May 
Hashem bless thee, O Righteous Abode, O Har HaKodesh!) yevul (increase, 
produce, harvest) 
Yevusi (Jebusites) Yevusi (that is, Yerushalayim)
Ye'aseh rtzonechah (Your will be done) yi'ud merosh (predestination) 
yichus (lineage) 
yidaker (shall be pierced through) yidoni (spiritist) yidonim 
(spiritists, psychics)
yikaret l'cha (be cut off of you, fail thee) yikaret (be cut off, fail, 
violently killed, 
cut off, will be cut off)
yillaveh (become attached)
yipol (he shall fall for thy sake)
yirah gedolah (great fear, great terror) Yirah va'ra'ad (fear and 

yirah (fear of G-d, reverence owed G-d) yirat Shomayim (reverence, 
reverential fear, a lady 
G-d fearer) yire Elohim (G-d fearer) yires-hakoved (fear of G-d)
YIRMEYAH (JEREMIAH) Yirmeyahu (Jeremiah) yirtzecha (accept thee) YIRU 
(seeing) yisba'u (they 
shall be satisfied, enjoy plenty) Yisheinu (G-d our Salvation)
yishrei derech (upright ones on the road, that walk uprightly) yishrei 
lev (the ones upright 
of heart, upright in heart) Yisroel (Israel) Yissa Adonai panav eleikha 
v'yasem l'kha shalom 
(Hashem lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee shalom)
yisurim (sufferings, torments)
yitbaser (be informed of news)
yitzadak (justified) yitzchak metzachek (was caressing)
yitzchak (laughed, will laugh)
yitzdak im Hashem (justified with G-d, IYOV 25:4)
yitzdak (be justified, be righteous)
yitzdeku (be justified, become righteous) yitzhar (fresh oil, oil, pure 
olive oil) yitzmach 
(he shall sprout up, Yeshayah 53:2, sprouted, sprung up)
yitzreinu (our nature) Yizre'el (G-d sows) Yizre'el (Jezreel) yo'atzim 
(counsellors) Yo'av 
(Joab) yo'eitz (counsellor) yo'etz Beliya'al (a counselor of Beliya'al 
[i.e. the Assyrian]) 
yo'etz (counselors) yoatzim (counselors) YOEL (JOEL) yoetz (counselor, 
yofi (beauty)
yom acharon (coming day, future)
yom af Hashem (day of Hashem's anger)

yom afo (day of His Wrath)
yom anan va'arafel (day of clouds and thick darkness)
yom Bo'o (day of His Coming)
yom charon af (day of His fierce anger)
yom chattot (day when he commits sin) yom echad (day one, the first 
yom eid (day of calamity)
yom evrah (day of wrath) Yom Evrat Hashem (Day of the Wrath of Hashem) 
yom ha'acher (the day 
yom hacharon (last day) yom hadin (the day of judgment)
yom hahu (in that day, that day)
yom hakahal (day of the assembly)
yom hakevurah (day of burial)
yom harishon (first day) yom hashemini (the eighth day)
yom hasheni (second day) Yom HaShevi'i (He rested ("shavat," ceased 
yom hashishi (sixth day) yom hashlishi (the third day)
yom hazeh (that day) yom heregah (day of slaughter/killing)
yom huledet (birthday, day of birth)

yom karata (the day that Thou has proclaimed)
yom katzir (day of harvest)
yom ketannot (day of small things)
yom krav (day of battle)
yom makhar (tomorrow)
yom mehumah (day of panic)
yom milchemet (day of battle)
yom moto (day of his death)
yom nakam (day of vengeance)
yom nakam l'eloheinu (our G-d's Day of Vengeance)
yom nakam l'Hashem (day of vengeance unto Hashem)
yom neshek (day of arms)
yom of anan and arafel (a day of clouds and thick darkness)
yom of choshech and afelah (a day of darkness and gloom)
yom of metzukah (a day of trouble and distress, pressure)
yom of shoah and meshoah (a day of sasteness and desolation)
yom pekuddah (day of visitation/reckoning)
tom pekudda (visitation/reckoning)
yom peysh (day of rebellion, day of his transgession)
yom ra'ah (day of evil, day of disaster, day of doom)
yom ratzon (a day of acceptance, an acceptable day)
yom revi'i (day four, the fourth day)
yom rishon (the first day of the week, Shabbos being the seventh day of 
the week, trans 
note: which begins Motzoei Shabbos by Biblical reckoning, each day 
being an evening and a 
yom sheni (day two, the second day)
yom shishi (say six, the sixth day)
yom shlishi (day three, the third day
yom shuv (day of turning/repentance)
yom simchat libo (day of the gladness of His heart [see Rv 19:6-10; Ep 
5:22-33; Yn 3:29; 
2C 11:1-2; YESHAYAH 54:5-6; YIRMEYAH 2:2 YECHEZKEL 16:8-14,20-21,32,38; 
HOSHEA 2:16,18-
yom sufah (day of the storm)
yom tekumat hatzadikkim (day of the resurrection of the righteous)
yom tokheikhah (day of rebuke)
yom tzar (day of distress)
yom tzarah (day of trouble)
yom tzoros (day of trouble)
yom Yizre'el ("G-d sow")
yom yom (daily)
yom za'am (day of indignation)
yom (day)
yomam v'lailah (day and night)
Yomam valailah (day or night)
yomam (by day)
yomayim (two days)
yonah (dove)
yonek (infant, sucking infant)
yonim (doves)
yoreh (early rain 
first autumn rain, former rain, autumn rain)
Yoresh HaOla (Heir of the World)
yoresh (heir, inheritor)
yoreshim (heirs)
yosef (may He add)
yoshen (oldness)
yosher levav (uprightness of heart)
yosher (rectitude, uprightness)
yoshev b'Sha'ar HaMelech (sat in the King's Gate)
yoshevet (sitting)
yoshi'a (will save)
yoshi'einu (save us)
Yoshiyahu (Josiah)
Yoshvei Beretz Tzalmavet (sitting in the land of the shadow of death)
yoshvei ha'aretz (the inhabitants of the land)
yoshvei Yerushalayim (inhabitants of Yerushalayim)
yotzei tzava (able to go to war)
Yotzer HaKol (Maker of all, Creator of All)
Yotzer (Maker)
yotzer (potter)
yotzerim (potters, pottery makers)
yotzreinu (our potter/Maker/Creator)
yovel (jubilee)
yunge leit (young people)
yyedi'ah mukdemet (foreknowledge)
za'am (anger, indignation, rage, wrath, indignation [of G-d])
zabal (honor)
zach (thing)
zachar tamim (male without defect)
zachar (male, man child)
zadon (presumptuousness, pride, malice, presumption, arrogance, proud 
zahav (gold)
zahav (according to all)
zahav tahor (pure gold)
zakan (beard)
zaken (ancient, old, old man, old prophet)
zaken (beard)
zakhar (male, male, i.e. phallic symbols, males)
zalzallim (shoots)
zakhar tamim (male without blemish)
zanav (tail)
zannay (fornicator)
zannayim (fornicators)
zar ma'aseh (strange work, foreign work)
zar (foreign [g-d], stranger, strange  thing, foreigner, outsider, 
unauthorized party)
zarah (strange woman)
zarim (strangers, foreigners, foreign    g-ds)
zarot (strange women)
zavat cholov u'devash (that floweth with milk and honey)
zayin v'lo tinaf (neither shalt thou commit adultery)
zayit (olive, olive tree)
zchus (merit, right)
ze'akah (lamentation)
ze'ev (wolf)
ze'evim (wolves)
zeakah gedolah umarah (loud and a bitter wailing)
zechus (earning) [trans note: with merit(zechus) viewed as "pay" earned 
for "work" 
rendered--see Ro 4:4]
zechut avot (merit of the fathers)
zedim (proud, arrogant ones)
zeevim (wolves)
zefet (pitch, tar) 

zeh pa'amayim (this second time)
Zeh yenachamenu (this shall comfort us)
zeh (this one, what [is] this?)
zeitim (olive trees, olive groves)
zeiyar (extremely great) zekenim (elders, ancient men, old ones) 
Zekenim (Elders) zekharim 
(males) zekher (memory, memorial, Name recollection, remembrance) 
zekunim katan (child of 
his old age, a little one)
zelba (same)
zeman (time) zemanniyim (temporary) zemer (song, singing of birds)
zemir (battle song) zemirot balailah (songs in the night) zemirot 
(songs, joyful songs, 
table songs) zemorat zar (foreign vines)
zenunei immecha Izevel (harlotries of your mother Jezebel) zenunim 
(fornication, whoredom, 
whoredoms) zenut (fornication, whoredom, prostitution) zera adam (human 
seed, i.e. 
repopulation) zera behemah (animal seed, i.e. replenishing livestock)
zera hamamlacha (royal seed)
zera mena'ef (offspring of an adulterer) zera (descent, grain, seed, 
[seed] shall yield, 
seedtime) zero'ot olam (everlasting arms) zetim (olive groves) zera'im 
(seeds) zerem 
(shower, storm, downpour)
zerizut (diligence) zero'a (arm, strong arm, power)
zero'ot (arms, powers) zevach hashelamim (sacrifice of the peace 
zevach hayamim (sacrifice of the days, yearly or annual sacrifices Ex. 
23:14-19) zevach 
(blood sacrifice, sacrificial feast, sacrifice, i.e.

participate in his pagan worship)
zevach todah (thanksgiving offering) zevakheinu (our sacrifices) 
zevakhim (sacrifices, 
sacrificial meals, [ZEVAKHIM SACRIFICES]) zeved tov (good endowment)
zeytim (olive trees) zichron meshalim (memorable sayings) zichron 
(memory, remembrance)
zikaron b'Yerushalayim (history to commemorate in Jerusalem) zikaron 
remembering, reminder remembrance, recollection,) zikkuy (acquittal) 
ziknah (old age) 
ziknei Ammo (elders of His people) ziknei haam (elders of the people, 
the elders of the 
ziknei haedah (elders of the congregation) ziknei ir (town elders) 
zikot (flashing 
zikron ([pornographic and idolatrous] memorial)
zililut da'as (sober mindedness) zimah (lewdness) zimmah (evil design, 
evil intent, 
lewdness, licentiousness, wicked plans, wickedness) zimmot (wicked 
schemes) zimrah (song, 
song of praise)
zitzfleisch (patience) zivchei ruach (sacrifices of the spirit)
zivkhei mesim (sacrifices offered to the dead)
zivkhei shelamim (sacrifices of peace offerings) zivkhei todah 
(sacrifices of 
thanksgiving) zivkhei tzedek (true sacrifices, sacrifices of 
righteousness) zman hazeh 
(of this present time) zman (time) zmanim (seasons) zo'afim (troubled 
ones, sad ones)

zochrim tovim (good memories) zohar (brightness, brilliance) zolel 
(glutton) zolelim 
(gluttons) Zonah HaGedolah (the Great Prostitute) zonah (harlot, 
prostitute) zoneh (a-
whoring, fornicator) zonim (fornicators, sexually immoral) zonot 
(harlots, prostitutes) 
zore'a (sower of seed)
zot hayetah li (this has become mine, this [blessing] is to me) 
zovechim (the ones 
sacrificing) zrizus (reliability)
zulah (besides)
In order to improve future editions of The Orthodox Jewish Bible, your 
comments and 
suggestions are always appreciated. Email them directly to the 
translator at PEGoble@aol.com


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