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GLOSSARY - hebrew english

The Orthodox Jewish Brit Chadasha copyright (C) 1996 by Artists For Israel International
New York, New York 10163. All rights reserved 



abba (Father)
ach (brother)
acharit (last)
Acharonim (last ones)
Achavah B'Moshiach
(Brotherhood in Moshiach)
achayot (sisters)
achdus (unity)
achei sheker (false brothers)
acheinu (our brother)
achim (brothers)
achot (sister)
achoteinu (our sister)
achraius (accountability)
achyon (nephew)
ad kdeikach (so much)
ad kahn (sufficient for the
purpose, enough)
ad mosai (how much longer)
Adam (one man / humanity
Adam HeChadash (the new
Adam Chadash Echad (One
New Humanity)
adamah tova (good ground)
adamah (ground)
Adamah (Mud)
Adat HaEl Chai (the Community
of the Living G-d)
Adat Hashem (Congregation of
Aderaba (to the contrary)
admat kodesh (holy ground)
Adon HaKatzir (the L-rd of the
Adonai echad ("G-d is
one"--DEVARIM 6:4)
Adoneynu (our l-rd/L-rd)
adonim (masters)
Adonoi Tzivos (L-rd of armies)
agalim (bulls)
Agam HaEish (Lake of Fire)
agape (love)
aggadot (stories, philosophical
agmat nefesh (grief)
agudah (bound together, union)
ahavah (love, agape)
ahavah shel achvah (brotherly
ahavas hakesef (love of money)
ahavas Hashem (G-d's love)
Ahavas HaEmes (Love of the
ahavat ta'anugot (hedonism)
airusin (betrothal, engagement)
aizen (well-founded,
akama (quite a number)
akedah (binding)
akrabim (scorpions)
akrav (scorpion)
al-killayon (incorruptibility)
al kol panim (nevertheless)
al menat (in order that)
al pnei hamayim (on the surface
of the waters)

al taarotz (do not be afraid)
aliyah (ascent)
aliyah leregel (pilgrimage)
almanah (widow)
almanot (widows)
almot (virgins)
als (since)
alter (old)
am (people)
amal (toil)
ammud (pillar)
Ammudei HaKehillah (Pillars of
the Kehillah)
amol (formerly)
amolike times (olden times)
ana'fim (the branches)
anan (cloud)
Anan Edim (Cloud of Witnesses)

ananim (clouds)
anashim ne'emanim (faithful
anashim (men)
anav (humble)
anavah (meekness, humility)
anavat ruach (a spirit of
Ani Ma'amin hoda'ah
aniyim (poor)
anochiyut (selfishness)
anshuldiks (pardon)
Apikoros (skeptic, unbeliever)
Apikorosim (Unbelievers)
arain getun (engrossed)
arayot (lions)
arba'ah (four)
Arbah Chayyot (Four living
arba'im (forty)
arbaa asar (fourteen)
arbaat elafim (four thousand)
arbah pinot ha'aretz (the four
corners of the earth)
arbaim yom varbaim lailah
(forty days and forty nights)
arbe, arbeh (locusts)
arelim (uncircumcised ones)
aron met (coffin)
aron otzaram (chest of treasury)
arye (lion)
asach (a lot of)
asam (barn)
asarah (ten)
ashem (guilty)
ashir (oisher, rich man)
ashirim (rich ones)
ashirut (riches)
ashma, ashmah (guilt, a thing of
guilt /condemnation)
ashrey, ashrei (happy, blessed)
asim (barns, granaries)
asir (prisoner)
asur (prohibited, impermissible)
atarah atarot (crown[s] )
Ateret HaKavod (Crown of
AteretHaChayyim (Crown of
Life) ,
atzamot (bones)
Atzav (idol, image)
atzilah (noble birth)
atzlanit (sluggards)
atzlut (lazy idleness)

Av HaRoeh b'seter (Father Who
Sees in secret)
av sela (bed rock)
Avaddon (destruction, hell,
avadim (servants, slaves)
avanim (stones)
avdut (slavery, bondage)
avel (iniquity/gross injustice)
avelim (mourners)
avelut (mourning)
averah (transgression)
averos (sins)
Avi-khol (Father of all)
Avinu (our Father)
avla, avlah (injustice)
avodah zarah (idol worship)
avodas (work)
avodas kodesh (worship, service)

avodot hakodesh (ministries)
avon (sin offense)
Avot (the Patriarchs, Fathers)
Avoteinu (our Fathers)
ayin (eye)
ayin horo (evil eye)
ayir (young donkey)
aza (certain)
azivah (abandonment)


B'avon (in sin)
b'derech hatevah (naturally)
b'nei (sons)
b'seder (in order)
b'seter (in secret) .
b'shem hazeh (in this name) .
b'yirah (with fear)
ba'al (husband, master)
ba'al gaavah (haughty, proud
ba'alim (husbands)
ba'al tzavva'a (testator, person
who makes the will)
Baal HaKerem (Owner of the
Baal Bayit (master of the house)
baalei hamum (the maimed)
ba'al melitzot (rhetorician, fine
baderech (on the road)
bahlt (soon)
bailus (sovereignty, ownership,
bais (house)
baitel (wallet)
bakkashot (petitions)
bakosha (petition, request)
balailah hazeh (during this night)

baleidikung (insult)
bamidbar (in the wilderness)
banim (children)
bannai chacham (wise builder)
barad (hail)
barah (created)
barei lev (pure in heart)
bari vshalem (safe and sound)
bariim (healthy ones)
Bar Mitzvah (i.e. has reached his
majority, his legal
baruch (blessed is)

Baruch Habah (welcome)
basar echad (one flesh)
basar (body, flesh, fallen human
basherte (his destined mate)
baShomayim (heavenly bodies)
bat kol (a voice from heaven)
bat (daughter)
batim (households)
batlanim (unemployed or lazy
loafers, idlers)
bavorn (anticipates)
bavust (famous)
Bayit (House)
bazunder (unrelated and
be'einei Hashem (in the eyes of
be'ichud (united)
be'ikvot (in the footsteps)
BE'ITO ("in its
season"TEHILLIM 1:3)
bechi (weeping)
bechirah (divine election,
selection, choosing)
Bechirim (Chosen Ones)
Bechor (Firstborn)
bechorah (inheritance)
bedavka (deliberately)
bederech klal (usually)
bedieved (begrudgingly)
bedievedike (expedient)
bedikah (examination)
beemes (in truth)
beerech (approximately, dacht
beetzem (intrinsically)
befeirush (explicitly)
begadim (clothes)
behechrach (necessarily)
beit kevarot (cemetery)
beit hasohar (prison)
bekavod (suitable)
bekeshe (kaftan)
bekitzur (briefly, concisely)
bekvius (regularly)
beleidikt (offended)
ben (son)
ben chorin (freeman)
ben yachid (only son)
ben Adam (human being)
ben hanaggar (the carpenter's
Ben HaAdam (Moshiach, Daniel
ben chayil (son of worthiness)
Ben Torah (scholar)
beni (my son)
beni haahuv (beloved son)
benoigeia (regarding)
bentsh (custom of saying grace
after meals)
bereshis (in the beginning)
Beriah (Creation)
berishonah (in the first place)
berit (covenant)
beritot (covenants)
beriyah (creature)
beseder (in order)
besere (better)
beshita (as a matter of conviction
or principle)
beshum oifen (absolutely)
besod (in secret)

Besuroh Tovoh (Good Tidings
of a Joyous Event)
Besuras HaGeulah (the Good
News of Redemption)
Bet HaKnesset (House of
Assembly, shul, synagogue,
Bet Din (Court of Law)
betulim (virginity)
betulot (virgins)
betzi'at halechem (breaking of
bread, meal)
beytzah (egg)
Bias HaMoshiach (Coming of
Moshiach, Parousia)
bibrit hanissuim (in covenant of
bichlal (entirely)
bifraht (particularly)
bikkur cholim (visiting the sick)
bikkurim (first-fruits)
bikoret beshbonot (audit)
bimesibba (reclining at tish)
binah (understanding)
binnuy (construction)
binyan (building)
biradah (trembling)
bishmi (in my name)
bitachon (confident trust)
Biti (my daughter)
bizyoinos (humiliation)
blailah (at night)
bnei basar (carnally-minded
Bnei Chorin (Sons of Freedom,
Bnei HaChuppah (wedding
Bnei HaKhofshiyah (Sons of
Lady Freedom, the Free Woman)
Bo'u u're'u (Come and see)
bocher, bochur (bachelor, young
boged (traitor, betrayer)
bogedim (betrayers)
Boh (Come)
boker (morning)
Boneh (Builder)
borur (obvious)
bracha (blessing)
bren (fervor, hitlahavut)
Bri'at HaOlam (the creation of
the world)
bria chadasha (a new being)
Briah (Creation)
bris milah (circumcision)
Brit (Covenant)
bubbemeises (old wives tales)
bukki (expert, meivin)
bushah (shame)
buttel (cancelled out)
BYIRAH (with fear)
byom (at day)


chachah (reproof)
chacham (wise man)
chachamim (wise ones)
chadash (new wine)
chadashot (new things)
chafetz (good pleasure)
Chag (Festival)
chai (alive)

Chag (Festival)
chai (alive)
chaiyal (soldier)
chaiyalim (soldiers)
chal (placed under obligation)
chalav (milk)
chalil (flute)
chalutzim (pioneers)
chamdanut (covetousness greed)
chamesh (five)
chamesh elafim (five thousand)
chametz (leavened bread)
chamor (donkey)
chamot (shviger, mother-in-law)
chaninah (mercy)
chap (grasp mentally, grab)
charedi (orthodox)
charon af Hashem (burning
wrath or anger of G-d)
Chas v'shalom (G-d forbid!)
chashadot merusha'im (evil
chashivut (importance,
chassidus (piety)
chassuna (wedding)
chatetz (good pleasure of his will)
chatoteinu (our sins)
chatsot halailah, chatzot
halailah (midnight)
chattaim (sins)
chattat (sin offering, sin-atoning
sacrifice, 2C 5:21)
chattoteynu (our sins)
chaver leneshek
chavrusashaft (association)
chavurah (company, fellowship,
society, those who partake of the
Paschal lamb together)
chayyah (living)
Chayyah (Beast, Anti-Moshiach)
chayyei menuchah (life of rest)
Chayyeinu (our Life)
Chayyim (life)
chayyot (beasts)
chazakim (strong ones)
chazir, chazirim (swine)
chazon (vision, revelation,
chazora (review)
cheder (room)
chedvah (rejoicing)
chefetz (desire)
chelek (allotted portion)
Chen VChesed (favor and mercy
/ lovingkindness)
chepping (annoying)
cherem (ban of destruction)
Cherem (ban)
cheresh-illem (deaf and mute)
chereshim (deaf people)
cherev (sword)
cherut (freedom)
chesed (free, unmerited favor or
cheshbon (plan, account, bill))
chet (sin)
chevlei leydah (pangs of
Chevlei Moshiach (birthpangs of
chikiah (wait)

Chillul Hashem gidduf
(desecration of the Name
chiloni (secular)
chiyuv (duty)
chizzuk (strengthening)
chochmah (wisdom)
chodashim (moons)
chodesh (month)
choiv (debt)
chok (decree / law)
choleh (sick one)
cholim (sick persons)
cholom (dream)
chomed (covetous)
chomer haDin (rigor of the
choref (winter)
chori af (burning wrath)
chori afhaba (the wrath to come)
Chorim (freedmen)
choshech (darkness)
Chosson (Bridegroom)
chotam (seal)
chote'im (sinners)
chotsh (at least)
chovah musarit (moral duty)
chozek (encouragement strength)
chukim (laws)
chumra (legalism)
churban (destruction)
chutzpah (nerve)

da'as (knowledge)
dag, dagim (fish)
dahm (blood)
daiyagim (fishermen)
darom (south)
darshan (preacher)
darshanim (preachers)
dati (religious)
daven (pray)
daverah (disobedience to the
davka (approximately)
Dayan (Judge of a Rabbinical
dayanim (religious judges)
deagot (worries, anxieties)
dehainu (being)
delatot (doors)
delet (door)
demut (image, icon)
demut (likeness)
derashot (sermons)
derech (guide)
derech (way)
Derech (Way)
Derech Hashem (Way of the
L-rd, name given to Messianic
Orthodox Judaism in the Brit
dermohn (made mention)
deror ("freedom" VAYIKRA

devash (wild honey)
deveykus (attachment to G-d)
dibur (saying, utterance)
dimyon (analogy)
din (judgment)
divrei hanevu'ah (words of
doiche (rejecting or setting aside)
dor (generation)
dorot (generations)
dov (bear)
drasha, drashah (sermon)
drakhim (ways)
Drishat Shalom (Kind Regards,
dvar (word)
dvar hora'ah (word of teaching)
dvar malchut (decree)
dvarashmah (a thing of guilt /
dvarim (words)
dvar nevuah (word of prophecy)

ed (mist)
edei re'iyah (eyewitnesses)
eder (flock)
Eder Katan (Little Flock)
edim (witnesses)
edut (testimony)
edut sheker (false testimony of
false witnesses)
eduyot (testimonies)
efsher (perhaps)
egel (calf)
ehrliche Yid (a truly pious Jew)
eidel (gentle, courteous)
eidus (witness of testimony,
eigene (personal)
ein ketz (without end)
eisek (business)
eish (fire)
Eish Gehinnom (Fire of Hell)
eish ketanah (small fire)
Eish Olam (Eternal Fire)
eishes chayil (virtuous woman)
eivot (enmities)
elef shanim (a thousand years)
elil (idol)
elilim (idols)
Em (Mother)
emes (truth)
Emes Hashem (the Truth of G-d)
emesdik (genuinely)
emunah (faith)
Enosh (man)
Eppis (for some reason)
eravon (pledge)
eres (poison, venom)
Eretz Yisrael (Land of Israel)
Eretz Mitzrayim (Land of Egypt)
eretz zarah (a strange land)
erev (evening)
erlichkeit (sincerety)
Ershtins (first of all)
erusin (betrothal, engagement)
eser (ten)

Etmol (yesterday)
etz (tree)
Etz HaChayyim (the Tree of
etza (advice, wisdom)
etzem (actual)
etzim (trees)
etz teenah (fig tree)
evar katon (small member)
evarim (members, limbs)
eved (house slave, servant)
even (stone)
ever (limb, member)
evus (animal feeding trough)
eynayeem (eyes)
Eyvah (Enmity)
ezer (help)
ezrah (aid)

farbissener (mean)
farbrengen (inspirational
gathering where the Rebbe's
shirayim or leftovers are of great
fargolgung (persecution)
farnumen (preoccupied)
farnumen (set aside)
farshteit zich (of course)
fehlt (the lacking)
fergin (graciously grant)
feste (excellent)
fier zich (comport oneself)
foroisgeier (forerunner)
Fort (nevertheless)
frai (irreligious)
frum (Yiddish: observant Jew)


ga'avah (conceit, haughtiness,
arrogance, pride)
ga'avtanim (proud boasters)
Gaayonim (the Haughty ones)
gadlus (with remarkable
gadol (great)
Gahn (Garden)
ganav (thief)
ganav balailah (thief in the night)
ganavim (thieves)
gantz (exceedingly)
gantze nachon (entirely correct)
gargeer hakhitah (grain of
gartel (belt)
geder (classification)
gedolah (great)
Gedolim (Great Ones, Leaders)
gedulah (greatness)
gefeirlich (horribly)
Gelili (inhabitant of the Galil)
gelt (money)
gemul tzodek (just retribution)
genevot (thefts)
ger (proselyte)
Gerim (Proselytes)
gerush shedim (exorcism)
gerusha (divorcee)
geshem (rain)

geshmak (pleasure)
geshrai (a scream)

get (divorce)
Geulah (Redemption)
gevaltike (extraordinary)
gever (male)
Geviya, geviyah (corpse)
gevurah (miraculous power)
gevurot (mighty deeds)
gezar din (verdict)
gezel (robbery)
Gibbor (strong man)
gidduf (blasphemy)
giddufim (revilements)
gilui arayot (sexual immorality)
giyyur (proselytization)
gneyvot (thefts)
GO'EL (redeemer)
gofrit (sulfur)
Goilomim, Goilem (Foolish
goirem (driving force)
goires (listen to)
Golus (Exile)
gonvei nefesh (kidnapper / slave
gor (very)
goy (nation)
Goyim (Nations)
grahda (as a matter of fact, in
groise (eminent)
guddal (being brought up)
gufaniyut (corporeality)
gufot (bodies)
gzeira (authoritative command)


Hashem (Tetragrammaton)
ha-Shem (the Name)
ha'aretz (the earth)
Ha'aretz haHavtacha (the
Promised Land)
HaAcharon (The Last)
haAlmavet (Immortal)
haara (insight)
haaretz harishonah (the first
HaAryeh (The Lion)
HaAsarah (The Ten)
HaAv (the Father)
habah b'basar (has come in
bodily flesh)
habatzek (the dough, trans. note:
see Pesach Haggadah)
HaBechor (Firstborn)
HaBo're (the Creator)
HaBri'ah (the Creation)
HaChayyot (the living beings)
hachitzon (the outer one)
hachnosas orchim (hospitality)
hachrazah (proclamation,
kyrygma, preaching)
hadar (majesty, splendor)
hadlakah (bonfire)
hadom (footstool)
hador hazeh (this generation)
HaEmes (the Truth)
HaEmes Hashem (Truth of G-d)
hagbah (lifting up of Torah when
read in shul)
HaGedulah (Greatness)

hagefen (fruit of the vine)
HaGevurah (Might)

HaIr (The City)
HaKadosh (The Holy One)
hakarat todah (gratitude)
hakehillot (the congregations)
HaKeru'im (the
summoned/called ones)
HaKetz (the End)
hakhchashah (denial)
hakhnasah (income)
hama'amin (the believer)
HaMabbul (the Flood)
hamakkot (plagues)
HaMat`eh (the Deceiving One)
HaMechokak (Law-Giver)
HaMesim (the Dead)
hanevuah (the prophecy)
hanivzim (the despised)
haNogah (of Brightness/Venus)
har (mountain)
hara'ah (the evil)
hara'im (evil deeds)
HaRah (the Evil one)
HaReshit (The Beginning)
hareve'it, harevi'i (the fourth)
harishon, harishonah (the first)
harsha'ah (condemnation as
hartzige (heartfelt)
hasagos (aspiration)
haschala (start)
HaShemurim (the Guarded ones)
hasheni (the second)
hasheniyah (the second)
hashlishi (the third)
hashlishit (the third)
haskama (approval)
HaTachlit (The Ultimate)
hatafah (preaching)
hatov (the good)
hattohar (moral purity)
haummim (the peoples)
havamina (assumption)
havtachah (promise)
hayom (today)
heimishe mekom linah (homey
guest room, lodging place)
hemshech (remaining part)
heter (permit)
hevel (futility, vanity, emptiness,
hezber (explanation)
hinei (behold, look!)
hinnazrut (self-denial)
hisgalus (revelation, unveiling)
hishtaltut (domination, taking
hispailus (overwhelming awe)
histalkus (passing, the death of
the Moshiach in the midst of his
Redemptive Mission on the
analogy of Moses dying before he
crosses into the Promised Land, a
fundamental doctrine of
Messianic Orthodox Judaism)
hitammelut (bodily exercise or
hitarevut (meddlesomeness)
hitbagrut (maturity)
hitbodedut (seclusion, aloneness
hitkaddeshut (purification)
hitkhabrut (joining, adhesion,
hitkhadshut (regeneration,

hitlahavut (enthusiasm, fervor)
hitnahagut (conduct)
hitnahagut hatovah (good
hitstaddekut (apologetic defense)
hivvased haOlam (the
establishing of the world)
hivvased tevel (foundation of the
hod (honor)
hoda'ah (confession, admission)
hodayah (thanksgiving)
holelut (carousing)
hona'ah (swindling)
hora'ah (instruction)
horim (parents)
horiva over (analyzing)
huledet (birth)
hungerik (hungry)


idud (encouragement)
iggeret (letter)
iggrot (letters)
ikar (farmer)
ikarim (essentials)
illem (mute)
imahot (mothers)
immanu (with us)
imun (training)
innuyim (sufferings)
intifadah (uprising)
inyan (topic)
ir (city)
ish evyon (poor man, pauper)
ish hacholek (a man of division, a
divisive man)
ish riv (opponent in a lawsuit)
ish tov (good man)
ish of Emes (man of Truth)
isha chotet (a woman of sin)
isha (woman, wife)
Ish HaMufkarut (Man of
ish sefatayim (the eloquent
ishshur (approval)
isser (proscription in the Torah)
ittim (times)
itztzavim (idols, images,
ivrim (blind people)
ivvelet (foolishness)
ivver (blind man)
iyumim (threats)
iyun (investigative research)
Izzim (Goats)

k'lei (vessels)
k'li (vessel)
k'riah (call)
ka'as (anger)
kabbalah (oral tradition)
kabbalat panim (welcome)
kabtzen (beggar)
kaddachat (fever)
kadosh (holy)
kadoshim (holy ones)
kaftan (coat)
k'riah (call)
ka'as (anger)

kabbalah (oral tradition)
kabbalat panim (welcome)
kabtzen (beggar)
kaddachat (fever)
kadosh (holy)
kadoshim (holy ones)
kaftan (coat)
kahal (assembly)
kallah (bride)
kamtzan (miser)
kana'ut (zeal)
kannai (zealot)
kanous (zeal)
kapparah (place or kapporet
medium of wrath-propitiating
blood atonement sacrifice)
kaptzen (poor person)
kar (cold)
karnayim (horns)
karoz (herald)
kashefanut (sorcery, witchcraft)
kashes (questions)
kat (sect)
katon (least)
Katsir, Katzir (Harvest)
katuv (it is written)
kavanat halev (the
inner-directedness of the heart)
kavod (glory)
kavvanah ra'ah (malice)
kavvanah (heartfelt direction,
Kayits (Summer)
ke'arot (bowls)
kedushah (holiness, sanctity)
kefirah (heresy, denial)
kehillah (congregation)
kehunah (priesthood)
keilim (faculties)
kelalah (curse)
kelevim (dogs)
keli kodesh (holy vessel,
keli nivchar (chosen vessel)
ken (yes)
keneged (in opposition)
kenut (sincerity)
krav (battle)
kerem (vineyard)
Keren Yeshuah (Horn of
keriah (ritual tearing)
kes (throne)
keseder (constantly)
kesher (conspiracy, plot)
keshet be'anan (rainbow,
Keshi (stubbornness, hardness)
kesil, kesilim (fool[s])
kesut rosh (head covering)
keta (section)
ketanim (small ones)
keter (crown)
ketoret (incense)
Ketz (End)
Ketzinim (Officers)
kevalim (chains)
kevarim (graves, tombs)
kevasim, kevesim (sheep)
kever (tomb)

ki hu zeh (a small amount)
kibbud (respect, honor)
kibush hayetzer (self-control)

kikar (loaf)
kina (lament, funeral dirge)
kina (jealousy, envy)
kinderyohrn (childhood days)
Kisei Moshe (Chair of Moses)
kishshuf (magic, sorcery)
kishufim (sorceries)
kisot (thrones)
Kisse Din (judgment seat)
Kissei Kavod (Glorious Throne)
kitot (sects)
kittel (white robe)
klalah (curse)
klap (blow)
klapei (concerning)
klei kodesh (holy vessels,
kleir (deliberating)
klezmer (musician)
kluhr (obvious)
kluhr (pure)
ko'ach (power)
kodem (preceding)
kodesh (holy)
kofer (ransom, pedut)
koferim ba-ikkarim (deniers of
kokhav (star)
kokhavim, kochavim (stars)
kol ayin (every eye)
kol basar (all flesh)
kol davar (everything)
kol gadol (loud voice)
kol hanivrah (all creation)
kol melo (all the plentitude)
kol poalei resha (all workers of
kol sheker (every falsehood)
Kol etz (every tree)
kolot (sounds)
komah (short of stature)
korban chai (living sacrifice)
korban (dedicated to G-d,
korbanot (sacrifices)
Korem (vineyard proprietor)
koremim (vine-keepers)
kos (cup)
kotz (thorn, splinter)
kotzerim (harvesters)
kozvim (liars)
kri'ah (calling)
kri'ah betzibbur (congregational
public reading)
krovey mishpachot (relatives)
krovim (relatives)
krum (deviant)
kviusdik (constant)

l'olam (forever)
lailah (night)
lamdan (a Torah scholar with
prodigious knowledge)
lashav (in vain)
lashon horah (evil speech)
lashon (tongue)
lavan (white)
lechem (food, bread)
lechem ha'amitti (the true bread)

lechem chukeinu ("our daily
bread," Mt. 6:11)

Lechem HaPanim (the Bread of
the Presence)
leitzonus (mockery, fun)
Lemaskana (finally)
lernen (Torah learning, study)
leshonot (tongues--1C 14:13)
letzim, leitzim (mockers/scorners,
coarse jesting)
lev (heart)
lev rogez (anxious heart)
levavot (hearts
lichora (apparently)
limin (at the right hand)
limmud (instruction)
lismol (at the left hand)
lo poreh (unfruitful)
loin (wages)
Loit (according to)
lomdes (cleverness, erudition)
lomdish (intricate and
complicated to understand)
lu yetzuuyar (assuming)
luach (tablet)


Ma'al (Betrayal)
Ma'amad HaBanim (the
standing as sons)
ma'aminim (believers)
ma'arav (west)
ma'arav (ambush)
ma'aseh haemunah (work of
ma'aseh tov (good deed)
ma'asei haChoshech (works of
ma'aser (tithe)
ma'asim (works)
ma'asim hara'im (evil deeds)
ma'asim hamitzvot (works of the
ma'asim metim (dead works)
ma'asim tovim (good deeds,
ma'avak (struggle)
ma'ayanot (springs, sources)
ma'on (permanent residence)
ma'ot chittim (money for wheat
financial contributions)
maoz (fortress)
maamadot (contributions)
maamin Meshichi (Messianic
maasros (tithe)
mabbul (flood)
machalifei hakesafim
machaloket (controversy)
machaloket (division of
machanot (encamping armies)
machla (illness)
machlokot (divisions of
machmir (stickler)
machovim (sorrows)
machsh'vot (thoughts)
machshavah (thought)
machshelah (ruin)
machshiv (respect)
machsor (shortage, want)
madduchei shav (false
enticement, delusion)

madon (strife, quarrel)
mafte'ach (key)
maggid (darshan,preacher)
makhaneh (camp)
makhar (tomorrow)
makkah (plague)
makor (fountain)
malach (angel)
malachim (angels)
malbush (clothing)
male No'am (full of pleasantness)

malkah (queen)
Malkosh (Spring rain)
malon (inn)
Malshin (Informer, Accuser)
mamashus (real worth)
mamlechot (kingdoms)
Mammon (Money)
manhigim (leaders)
manhigut (leadership)
manhigut ruchanit (spiritual
leadership / administration)
manoach (resting place)
mareh (vision)
marot (visions)
marut (authority, rule)
masah (trial)
Mashgiach Ruchani (Spiritual
mashkeh (drink)
maskana (outcome)
maso panim (favoritism,
masoret (tradition)
masot (trials / temptations)
matanah (gift)
matanot (gifts)
matanot tovot (good gifts)
matarah (objective)
mateh (deceiver)
matnat kesef (gift of money)
matnat hachesed (free gift of
Matnat HaTzedakah (the gift of
matsevot (gravestones)
matsli'ach (successful)
mattah (below)
mattanah (free gift)
matzot (unleavened bread)
matzpun (conscience)
matzpun naki (clear conscience)
mavet (death)
mavo (introduction)
mayim (water)
mazikim (malicious spirits)
me'ah vchamishim ushloshah
(one hundred and fifty three)
me'onot (dwelling places,
permanent residences, homes)
me'ushar (blessedness)
meah kevasim (a hundred sheep)
meayen (engaged in research)
mechabed (honor)
mechila (pardon, forgiveness)
Mechitzah (the dividing partition)
medakdeke (painstakingly
mefakkechim (stewards,
me'ushar (blessedness)
meah kevasim (a hundred sheep)
meayen (engaged in research)
mechabed (honor)

mechila (pardon, forgiveness)
Mechitzah (the dividing partition)
medakdeke (painstakingly
mefakkechim (stewards,
mefarsem (make known)
megadef (reviler)
megadefim (revilers)
megareia (weakened)
meid (provide testimony, attest)
mekabel (receiving, accepting)
mekanne (jealous, envious)
Mekhonen (Founder)
mekom megurim (dwelling
mekom linah (guest room)
mekor (basis)
mekor (passage, citation)
melach (salt)
melachah (work)
melachim (kings)
melammed (instructor)
Melech (King)
melitz echad (one mediator,
43:27; cf. DEVARIM 5:5,22-31)
melo (plentitude)
memayet (precluded, excluded)
memshalah (government,
mena'afim (adulterers)
menuchah (resting place)
meorer (point out, rekindle
stimulate, motivate, shtarken)
Mered (revolt, uprising)
merirut lev (bitterness)
merit (zechus)
merivah (strife)
merkavot (chariots)
mesader (arrange, place in
meshabed (caused to be
meshalim (parables)
Meshalle'ach (Sender)
mesharet (minister, servant)
mesharetim (ministers, servants)
meshichei sheker (false
meshubad (obligated)
meshummad (apostate)
mesibot (parties)
mesim (deceased ones)
Messianic hatafah (preaching
mesupak (uncertain, doubting)
metohar (purified)
metoharim (clean)
metsakhim (foreheads)
metzorah (a leper)
metzoraim (lepers)
mevugar (mature)
mevugarim (mature ones, adults)
meyayesh (despairing)
mezarez (a spur into action)
mezimma (evil design, intrigue)
michshol (stumbling block)
michsholim (stumbling blocks)
michyah (subsistence) .
midah hatov (the attribute of
midas chasidus (quality of piety)
midbar (wilderness)

midrash (homiletical
interpretation of the Scriptures,
mifkad (census)
migdal (tower)
mikhla (fold [enclosure])
milah (circumcision)
milchamot (wars)
mimeila (consequently, as a
minhag (custom)
minut (heresy, Apostasy)
mir'eh (pasture)
mirmah (deceit)
mishcha (ointment)
Mishkan (Tabernacle)
mishma'at (obedience)
mishpat (judgment)
mishpatim (judgments)
mishpat mavet (a death
mishpochah (family)
mishpokhot (relatives)
mishpoyel (standing in awe)
Mishrah (Rule)
mishtatef (involved, joining)
mispar (number)
mitamuhl (suddenly)
mitarev (meddlesome)
mitnagged (opponent)
mitnaggedim (opponents)
Mitzbe'ach, (altar)
mitznefet (head wrapping)
mitzvah, mitzvoh
(commandment, good deed)
mitzvot (divine commandments
given by Hashem to Moshe
Rebbenu, divine commandments)
mizmor (hymn, psalm)
mizrach (east)
mo'adim (fixed
mochesim (tax-collectors)
mochiach (one arbitrator)
Modeh Ani (I give thanks)
mofet (example, role model)
moftim (miracles, wonders)
moineia (prevented)
moked (fire)
morech lev (cowardliness)
moreh (teacher)
mori (my teacher)
moshav hashafel (low seat)
Moshel (Governor)
moshelim (governors)
Moshi'a (Savior)
Moshieynu (our Deliverer)
moshlim (rulers)
mufkarim (lawless ones)
mumim (defects)
murshe (proxy)
musar (teaching with an ethical

nafsheinu (our souls)
Naggar (Carpenter)
nakam (vengeance)
namer (leopard)
naniach (supposing)
narrishkait (foolishness)
Nashim (wives)
navi (prophet)
ne'eman (faithful)
ne'emanah (reliable)

ne'emanot (faithful)
ne'emanut (faithfulness,
trustworthiness, reliability)
ne'evad (lost, perish, be ruined
with destruction)
nechalim (deceitfulness)
nechamah (comfort)
nechashim (serpents)
nedavot (donations)
neder (vow)
nederim (vows)
nedivut (generosity, kindness)
neeman (faithful)
nefashot (souls)
neharot (rivers)
nehneh (benefit)
nekevah (female)
nesekh (libation wine)
nesharim (vultures, eagles
nesher (eagle)
neshikah (kiss)
nessuim (marriage)
nevalim (harps)
nevel (harp)
Nevi'im (the Prophets)
neviah (prophetess)
nevu'ah (prophecy)
nevu'ot (prophecies)
nevuah (prophecy)
nichbad (noble)
nichbadim (dignitaries)
niflaot (wonders)
niftar (deceased, dead)
niftarim (deceased ones)
nifteret (deceased person)
nikar (evident)
nisayon (trial, temptation)
nisayonos (tests, trials)
nishba'im lasheker (perjurers)
nissayon (temptation)
nissim (miracles)
nistar (hidden, in secret)
nisu'im (marriage)
nisyonos (temptations)
nisyonot (temptations)
nitzachon (victory)
nitzrach (needy)
niuf (adultery)
niufim (adulteries)
nivcharim (chosen ones)
nivra (anything created)
No'efot (Adulterers)
noch (still)
noiheg (habitually)
nokhri (foreigner)
Nu (Well)

ochel (eater)
od zman (more time)
Of haShomayim (birds of
ogen (anchor)
ohavei kesef (lovers of money)
ohavei ta'anugot (lovers of

No'efot (Adulterers)
noch (still)
noiheg (habitually)
nokhri (foreigner)
Nu (Well?)

ochel (eater)
od zman (more time)
Of haShomayim (birds of
ofen ort (immediately)
ogen (anchor)
ohavei kesef (lovers of money)
ohavei ta'anugot (lovers of
ohavei kesef (lovers of money)
ohev riv (quarrelsome)
ohev es haTov (a lover of the
ohevet shalom (peace-loving)
oholim (tents)
ohr (light)
Oib azoi (consequently)
oif eibik (forever)
oisgehalten (trustworthy)
oisher (rich man, ashir)
ois vaist (ostensibly)
okhel (food)
ol (yoke)
olalim, ollelim (infants)
Olam (world)
Olamim (Ages)
oman (artist)
Omein (Amen, so be it, surely)
omenet (governess)
ometz lev (boldness)
omnot (governesses)
onesh (punishment, penalty)
onesh mavet (the death penalty)
oni (poverty)
oniyah (sailing vessel)
orchim ratzuy (welcome guests)
ormah (cunning)
oseh ra'ah (an evil doer)
osher (riches)
ot (miraculous sign)
otot (signs)
otzar (treasury) ,
otzarot (treasures)
ovdei elilim (idolaters)
Oy (Woe)
oyev (enemy)
oyevim, oyvim (enemies)
oz (power)
ozen, oznayim (ear, ears)
ozer (helper)
ozrim (helpers)


p'ri (fruit)
pachad, pakhad (fear, terror)
padut (redemption)
pakad (visit)
parim (young bulls)
parnasah (livelihood)
parochet (curtain)
pasach (passing over, letting go
the penalty of)
paskudneh (contemptible)

patur (exempt, free)
pe'ulot (works)
pedut (redemption, Geulah
release on payment of ransom)
peh (mouth)
pekuddat (stewardship, care)

peledike (marvelous)
penemer (faces)
perot (fruits)
Perushim (Pharisees)
peruta (small coin)
peshat (plain, literal)
petach (doorway)
peysha (transgression)
peysha'im (transgressions,
pikkadon (deposit)
pisechim (lame persons)
pisei'ach (lame man)
pitron (interpretation)
pitronim (interpretations)
platke-machers (gossipy
plotst (burst)
pnimiyus (inner most)
po'alim (workers)
poel (worker)
poshe'im (the ones transgressing /
poshei'a (transgressor)
posher (lukewarm)
praht (detail)
pri (fruit)
pshat (rationale)
ptur (excuse)
punkt (exactly)


ra'a, ra'ah, rah (evil)
ra'am gadol (loud thunder)
Ra'av (Famine)
ra'im (evil, evil ones)
rabbim (many)
rachamanut (compassion, mercy)

rachamim (mercy)
rachmanim (mercy)
ragel hayemanit (right foot)
raglayim (feet)
raot (evil)
rashah (an evildoer)
rashei hamoshavot (chief seats)
Rashei Hakohanim (Chief
rashuyot (authorities)
ratzchaniyot (murderers)
ratzon (will)
ravrevan (braggart)
ravrevanut (boastfulness)
raz (mystery,secret)
razim (mysteries)
re'a (neighbor)
rechilus (gossip)
redifah (persecution)
redifot (persecutions)
refuah (healing)
refuot (healings)
regel (foot)
rehkov (street) .
rehkovot (streets)
reim (friends)
remiyah (guile, deceit)

resha (wickedness)
resha'im (unrighteous, evildoers)
reshet (net)
reshit (first)
reshus (authorization)
retzach (murder)

retzichot (murders)
retzinut (earnestness)
revach (gain, profit)
revachah (relief)
Reyka (Good for nothing!)
Richtik (correct)
riezige (sizable)
Rishonim (first ones)
Ro'eh (Shepherd)
rofeh (physician)
rogez (anger)
roiv (the larger portion)
rosh (head)
rotzeach (murderer)
rotzeachim (murderers)
ruach (wind, Spirit)
ruach anavah (humble spirit)
Ruchanit (Spiritual, of the Ruach
ruchaniyut (spirituality in Rebbe,
Melech HaMoshiach)
ruchot raot (evil spirits)
ruchot hatemeiot (unclean


s'michah (ordination)
sachar (reward)
sadeh (field)
sadot (fields)
sakanot mavet (mortal danger)
sakkim (sackcloth)
Samael (the devil)
samchut (authority)
sanhedriyot (local councils/bet
din courts)
sar (ruler)
sarig (shoot, branch)
sarisim (eunuchs)
sasson (joy)
savlanut (patient endurance)
schnorrer's (beggar's)
sdeh krav (battlefield)
se'irim (goats)
sefer (book)
sefer katan (small book)
sefer keritut (bill of divorcement)
seichel (good sense,
selicha (forgiveness)
seqilah (stoning)
sereifah (death by burning)
seudah (banquet)
seudot (banquet dinners)
sha'ah, shaah (hour, time)
sha'ot (hours)
shaar hatzarut (gate of
shachat (corruption)
Shaddai (the Almighty)
shadkhan (marriage-broker)
shaichus (closeness, friendship,

shakhor (black)
shakran (liar)

resha (wickedness)
resha'im (unrighteous, evildoers)
reshet (net)
reshit (first)
reshus (authorization)
retzach (murder)

retzichot (murders)
retzinut (earnestness)
revach (gain, profit)
revachah (relief)
Reyka (Good for nothing!)
Richtik (correct)
riezige (sizable)
Rishonim (first ones)
Ro'eh (Shepherd)
rofeh (physician)
rogez (anger)
roiv (the larger portion)
rosh (head)
rotzeach (murderer)
rotzeachim (murderers)
ruach (wind, Spirit)
ruach anavah (humble spirit)
Ruchanit (Spiritual, of the Ruach
ruchaniyut (spirituality in Rebbe,
Melech HaMoshiach)
ruchot raot (evil spirits)
ruchot hatemeiot (unclean


s'michah (ordination)
sachar (reward)
sadeh (field)
sadot (fields)
sakanot mavet (mortal danger)
sakkim (sackcloth)
Samael (the devil)
samchut (authority)
sanhedriyot (local councils/bet
din courts)
sar (ruler)
sarig (shoot, branch)
sarisim (eunuchs)
sasson (joy)
savlanut (patient endurance)
schnorrer's (beggar's)
sdeh krav (battlefield)
se'irim (goats)
sefer (book)
sefer katan (small book)
sefer keritut (bill of divorcement)
seichel (good sense,
selicha (forgiveness)
seqilah (stoning)
sereifah (death by burning)
seudah (banquet)
seudot (banquet dinners)
sha'ah, shaah (hour, time)
sha'ot (hours)
shaar hatzarut (gate of
shachat (corruption)
Shaddai (the Almighty)
shadkhan (marriage-broker)
shaichus (closeness, friendship,
shakranim (liars)
shalem b'guf (healthy)
shalitim (rulers)
shalom (peace)
shalosh (three)
shalosh paamim (three times)
shanah, shanim (year, years)
sharsherot (chains / fetters)
shawkling (ritual swaying while

shayach (conceivable)
shchenim (neighbors)
she'arim (gates)
she'elah (question)
she'erit (remnant, remainder)
shebalev (inwardly)
Shechinah, Shekhinah (glorious
presence of G-d)
shed (demon / evilspirit)
shedim (demons)
sheelah (question)
sheelot (kashes, questions)
sheerit (remnant)
shefach dahm (the shedding of
shein (beautiful)
sheker (falsehood, lies)
sheketz (abomination)
sheketz tameh (unclean creature)
sheleimah (complete)
shelemut (perfection,
shem (name)
shem tov (good name)
shemen mishchah (anointing oil)
shemen (oil)
shemesh (sun)
shemitah (fallow)
shemot (names)
shenayim (two)
Sheol (abode of the dead)
sherut (service in the Beis
sheva (seven)
shevach, shevakh (praise,
shevarim (oxen)
shevet (tribe)
shevu'ah (oath)
shevuot (oaths)
sheynah (sleep)
sheynit (a second time)
shfakhot (maid servants)
shichrut (drunkenness)
shiebud (obligation)
shifcha, shifchah (bond maid)
shiflut (lowliness)
shiggot haAm (unintentional sins
of the people)
shikkor (drunkard)
shikkorim (drunkards)
shilton (rule)
Shir Chadash (New Song)
shirayim (Rebbe's remainders)
shiryon kaskasim (coat of scale
shiur (lesson, Torah talk)
shiurim (lessons, Torah talks)
shiva (seven)
shivim (seventy)
shkoyach (well done)
shleimut (perfection, completion)
shliach (one sent)
Shliach (emissary)
Shlichus (Divine mission)
shlishit (third)
shlita (control)
shlitah atzmi (self-control)
shloshah (three)
Shluchim (emissaries of the
Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach)
Shmad (Anti-Moshiach apostasy,
apostate, destructive departure)
shmattes (tatters, rags)

Shmo (His Name)
shmonah asar (eighteen)
shnayim (two)
Shneym Asar (Twelve)
shochvim es zachar
shoded (robber)
shodedim (robbers)
shofetim (judges)
Shoin (already)
shomer (on guard)
shomer masoret (religious
shomrim (guards)
shoresh (root)
Shoshvin (the Chosson's best
shot (whip)
shoteh (fool)
shoter (law official)
shprach (diction)
shrekliche (terrible)
shtaig (working my way up,
advancing, progressing)
shtark (steadfastly)
shtats (imposing, impressive)
shtein (Stop)
shter (bother)
shtetl (Jewish village)
shtetlach (towns)
shtey karnayim (two horns)
shtiklech (misconduct) ,
shtreimel (expensive hat)
shud (misfortune)
shulchan (table)
shulchanot (tables)
shuls (synagogues)
shuttafim (partners)
shuttafut (partnership)
shvakh (commendation)
shvateem, shvatim (tribes)
shver (complex)
sichlut (foolishness)
sikhliyut (rationality)
siman (sign, indication)
simcha (joy)
sin'ah (hatred)
sinas chinom (baseless hatred)
sirah (boat)
sitnah (accusation)
sivlot (sufferings of; sevalot pl.)
skikuy (drink)
smolit (left)
sochen (steward/estate manager
)sodot (mysteries)
sofer (scribe, Torah-teacher,
Sofrim (Scribes)
soimech (confident, putting their
trust and being dependent)
soivel (bearing with)
Soneh (Hater)
Soreg (barrier of the holy
sorrut (rebelliousness /
soterim (policemen)
stam (elementary)
stater (coin)
sterntichel (kerchief)
sus (horse)
susim (horses)

ta'anug (evil pleasure)
ta'anugot (evil pleasures)
ta'avah (evil desire/lust)
ta'avot (lusts)
taavah (lust)
tacharut (competition)
tachlis (purpose)
tachrichim, tachrichin (burial
tag (ornamental flourish)
tahor (clean)
takif (influential man)
tameh (unclean)
tamei (profane, unclean)
tamim (faultless)
tarnegol (cock)
tata (papa)
tav (mark)
tavnit (pattern / copy, SHEMOT
techinnah (petition, supplication)
Techiyah (Resurrection)
tefillos (prayers)
tehom gedolah (a great abyss,
Tehom (Abyss)
tehorah (pure)
tehorim (clean)
tekufa (era, period)
tekumah (revival)
telunnah (murmuring)
tema'im (unclean)
temarim (palms)
teretz (excuse)
terumah (contribution)
terumah haissa (portion, offering
of the dough)
terutz (excuse)
teshukot (desires)
teshuva (repentance, turning
from sin to G-d)
teva (nature)
Teva (Ark)
tevel (world)
tevilah (immersion)
tevunah (wisdom)
tief (deep and profound, erudite,
tiferet (splendor, beauty)
tihur (purification)
tikkun (restoration, repair)
tikvah (hope)

tikvateinu (our hope)
timtum halev (hardening of the
tipesh (idiot)
tipshus (foolery)
tipus (type, pattern)
tish (table)
tishen (tables)
tizkoret (reminder)
to'evah (abomination)
tochnit (master plan)
todah (thanks)
toeva (abomination)
tohorah (purification)
tohu vavohu (disorder, chaos)
toitzaa (outcome)
tokhechah (reproof)
toldot (genealogies)
torah (teaching)
torud (completely absorbed and

tous ritztzuy (reconciliation)
tov (good)
tov l'teshuva (fruit worthy of
tovim (good ones)
tovot (good things)
toyus (error)
trombeniks (gluttons)
tshuka (yearning)
Tsur (Rock)
tugah (sadness)
tum'a (uncleanness, impurity)
tza'ar (pain and suffering)
tzad (side)
tzaddik (righteous man)

tzaddikim (righteous ones)
tzafon (north)
tzar (narrow)
tzarah (trouble)
Tzarah Gedolah (Great
tzarut ayin (envyings)
tzavva'a (will)
tzechok (laughter)
tzedakah (contribution)
tzedek (righteousness)
Tzedukim (Sadducees)
tzelamim (idols)
tzelem (image)
tzevi'ut (hypocrisy)
Tzevua (hypocrite)
tzevuim (hypocrites)
tzfarde'im (frogs)
Tzidkat (righteousness)
tzive'ot zarim (armies of the
tziveot haparashim (troops of
tznius (modesty)
tzom, tzomot (fast, fastings)
tzon (flock)
tzorich iyun (unresolved
tzoros (troubles)
tzufloigen (dazed)
tzufriedenkait (contentment)
tzushtel (comparison)


ugeret (easily seen, evident)


yad (hand)
Yahadut (Judaism)
yaldah (girl)
yam (sea)
yamim (days)
yamim mikedem (earlier days)
yare'ach (moon)
yashar mishpat (righteous
yashar (straight)
yashir (straight)
yashrus (justice)
yatzdik (justify)
yayin (wine)
ye'ush (despair)
yechidus (private meeting of the
Rebbe with his Chassidim)
Yehudi (Jew)

Yehudim (Jews)
yekev (winepress)
yeled (child
yerida (to descend back, return)
yerushah (inheritance)
yeshanot (old things)
yeshuah (rescue, salvation,
yesod (foundation)
yesodot (rudiments)
yetomim (orphans)
yetzurim (creatures)
yetzurim hayam (creatures of the
Yevani (Greek)
Yevanim (Greeks)
yi'ud merosh (predestination)
yichus (lineage)
yirah (fear)
yisurim (sufferings, torments)
yold (fool)
yom (day)
yom yom (daily)
yonah (dove)
yonim (doves)
Yoreh (first Autumn rain)
yoreshim (heirs)
yoshen (oldness)
yosher (rectitude)
Yotzer (Creator)
yunge Leit (young people)


zach (thing)
zachar (male)
zahav (gold)
Zaken (Elder)
zamlet (collect)
zannay (fornicator)
zannayim (fornicators)
zar (stranger, foreigner)
zarim (strangers, foreigners)
zchus (merit, privileged)
ze'ev (wolf)
ze'evim (wolves)
Zekenim (Elders)
zelba (same)
zemanniyim (temporary)
zemirot (table songs)
zenunim (fornications)
zenut (fornication)
zera (seed)
zerizut (diligence)
zevakhim (sacrifices)
zicher (certain)
zichron (memory)
zikaron (remembrance)
zikkuy (acquittal)
zililut da'as (sober-mindedness)
zimah (lewdness)
zimmah (lewdness, sensuality)
zitzfleisch (patience)
zman (time)
zmanim (seasons)
zolel (glutton)
zoneh (fornicator)
zonim (sexually immoral)
zonot (prostitutes)
zrizus (reliability)


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PÁGINA PRINCIPAL                         TOC  para trabalhos em Desenvolvimento Hebrew Gematria por Bill Heidrick Copyright © por Bill Heidrick Instruções:  Para ir para entradas em um valor particular, selecione o link sobre esse valor. Blanks onde os números seriam indicam há entradas ainda para esse número. Um fundo escuro indica que as entradas são apenas referals para palavras e frases usando valores finais em letras. Intro 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 ...


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