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SephardicGen Resources
Italy (Links for other world regions at bottom of page)

Genealogy oriented
General Sites
Medici Archive Project Jewish Initiative - The Jews and the Medici 
Medici Archive Project Jewish Initiative - Documents relating to Jewish History 
Jews of Italy 
Jewish community of Livorno (Leghorn)
Jewish diaspora: Rome 
The Ancient Jewish Cemetery at The Lido in Venice 
Jewish Catacomb in Italy 
Jews built the Roman Coliseum 
Jewish Ghetto of Venice - that's where the name ghetto comes from 
Antico Ghetto di Venezia - il Museo Ebraico 
The Jewish Cemetery at Lido in Venice - Stefano Levi Della Torre 
Vatican opens Inquisition archives 
Sicilia Judaica 
Calabrian Jews: Thinking Outside the Tzedakah Box 
Arab Sicily 
Center for the Study of Jews in Calabria and Sicily 
Jews of Messina by Professore Giuseppe Martino 
Jews in the Army of the Kingdom of Italy (1848-1923) 
I-TAL-YA - L'Isola della Rugiada Divina

For a more complete extensive bibliographyMalka, Jeffrey S.
Sephardic Genealogy:
Discovering Your Sephardic Ancestors and Their World. 

Avotaynu, 2002. Click here for Table of Contents and to order. 
Indispensible. The ONLY comprehensive book for Sephardic Genealogy. -- History, research methods, archives, surnames, maps, bibliography, and more.
Luzzati, Michele
Ebrei di Livorno tra due Censimenti (1841-1938)
memoria familiare e identita. 

Comune di Livorno, Belfore eidotre librai, 1990. Contains the 1841 census of Livorno Jews in table form and several family trees (Piperno, Funaro, Disegni, Bueno, Cava, Raba, Bassano, Belforte, Castelli, Rosselli-Tedesco-Castelfranchi, Cingoli-Ottolenghi, Salmoni-Funaro-Bonaventura, Salmon, Cave Bondi)
Toaff, Renzo
La Nazione Ebrea a Livorno e a Pisa (1591-1700) 
Firenze: Leo S. Olschiki Editore, 1990. Full Index.
Luzzati, Michele
Gli Ebrei di Pisa (secoli IX-XX) 
Pisa: Pacini, 1998.
See also bibliography of Jewish Sicily and bibliography, Sicilian Jews

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