Head Coverings for Religious Purposes, Tzniut - Modesty or Hair Loss
Where Modesty Does Not Mean Frumpy!
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Torah - It is a Tree of Life for those who grasp it, Its ways are ways of pleasantness and all its paths are shalom. Lengthy days are at its right; at its left are wealth and honor. HaShem desired, for the sake of Yisrael's righteousness, that the Torah be made great and glorious.
Orach Chayim - Way of Life
Torah Study & Resources - A Comprehensive Compilation of Study Aids
The Orach Chayim Torah Study & Resources pages began on the web many years ago out of a need for a compilation of Judaic study resources and out of the desire to help others to find the appropriate sources to aid in their studies of the Scriptures.
It is our hope, b'ezrat HaShem, that the resources herein will greatly aid in your studies and increase not only your knowledge of the Torah of G-d but influence your Way of Life...
Hebrew Resources
- Hebrew Bible Names - Names of the Books of the Bible
- Hebrew Glossary - Translation, Definition and Meanings of Hebrew Words
- Hebrew Phrases - Translation and Meanings of Hebrew Phrases
- Men of Torah - Hebrew Names and Their Meanings
- Women of Torah - Hebrew Names and Their Meanings
- Soul Mazal : Light Up Your Soul : Discover Who You Are and Why You Are Here - Your Name Is Your Essence - Learn About Your Mazal!
- Soul Mazal Blog
Jewish Concepts
- 13 Attributes - Actions Emanating from the Divine Providence
- About Gilgul Neshamot - Transmigration of Souls
- After Life - Fundamental Jewish Belief
- Age of the Universe - Age of the World
- Aggadah & Halacha - Interpretation and Torah Law - the Path Way
- Aggadah & Mashalim - Narration & Parables
- Beliefs, Customs, Rituals - A Compilation of Jewish Commentary & Thought
- PaRDeS - Four Levels of Understanding Torah
- Pirkei Avot - Sayings of the Fathers
- The Thirteen Principles - Articles of Creed Covering the 613 Mitzvot of Judaism
Jewish Cooking
- All About Challah - Recipes, Halacha of, Braids for & Misc.
Jewish Literature
- Book Shelf - Recommended Judaic Books & Sources for Purchase
Jewish Music
- Jewish Hebrew Music Audio Clips - An Audio Collection
Liturgy - Prayer
- Adon Olam - Master of the Universe
- Brachot LeShabbat - Shabbat Blessings
- Brachot VeTefillot - Blessings and Prayers from the Siddur
- Sefer Tehillim - Book of Psalms with Commentary
- Traditional Prayers - A Compilation
- 15 Shir HaMaalot - The Song of Accents - 15 Psalms: Tehillim 120 - 134
- Tikkun HaKlali - The General Remedy - 10 Psalms for General Spiritual Remedy: 16, 32, 41, 42, 59, 77, 90, 105, 137 and 150
- Framed Art - Hebrew Art - Scripture Art - Biblical Art
- Jewish Graphics - A Compilation
- Jewish Links - A Compilation
Sacred Practices
- Holiday Summaries - General Information on each Event
- 613 Mitzvot - Given by G-d through Moshe
- Bereishit Chronology - Chronology of the Book of Bereishit
- Hebrew English Torah - Verse by Verse Transliteration and Translation
- Parashat HaShavua - Weekly Torah Readings
- Shevatim - The Twelve Tribes - Midrash of and Tribal Degalim (Flags)
- Torah Study Blessings - Blessings Before and After Reading the Torah
- Lehikanes Torah (To Enter Torah) - A blog concerning HaKodesh Baruch Hu (The Holy One, Blessed is He), Torah, Israel, Israeli News, and Jewish Tradition
- Judaica Jewels - A visual diary to inspire and educate in the beauty of quality Judaica, not limited to crafted Judaica but including Jewish observances, Jewish literature and studies.
- Headcoverings by Devorah - The latest in head covering styles, head covering news and specials.
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Our visitors write...
Hello Devorah: I am new to your website. THANK YOU so much for building such a wonderful site! I especially love all the Torah study links. May G-d bless your efforts and continued success in all you do for the sake of Hashem. Leah N., Los Angeles
Dear D'vorah, Ma Nishma! I am thrilled with your website. Especially the Torah Section. Your site its' a great blessing to me. Hope U can continue the updating on the Torah. Shalom U'brachah!!! Abner ben Y'hudah
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