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• Am Yisrael Chai • Ani Ma'min • Hiney Ma Tov • Kol Ha'Olam Kulo • Mitzvah Gedolah • Oseh Shalom
Shalom Aleichem – version 1 Shalom Aleichem – version 2 * Eishet Chayil Menucha v'Simcha Ma Yedidus M'ain Olam Haba Ka Ribon * Tzur Mishelo – version 1 Tzur Mishelo – version 2 ** Yibaneh Hamikdash Yom Ze L'Yisrael Shabbat Day Baruch Kel Elyon Yom Ze Mechubad Ki Eshmara Shabbos Yom Shabbason Dror Yikra Third Meal Mizmor L'Dovid Yedid Nefesh Alternate versions * Shabbat songs: Vocals - Josh Boretsky Keyboards - Leib Yaakov Rigler Percussion - Yitzhak Attias Except for: * Vocals by Ryan Lindo, instruments by Avraham Gislason of Aish Toronto ** Vocals by Casey Chisick, instruments by Avraham Gislason and Cantor Aharon Ben-Soussan of Aish Toronto | Vocals and piano by Sam Glaser of Aish LA: Dovid Melech Eitz Chaim Ivdu Ki Mitzion Le-Shana Haba Lev Tahor Od Yeshama Shema Yisrael Siman Tov Vocals by Ryan Lindo, instruments by Avraham Gislason of Aish Toronto: Acheinu Esa Einai HaMalach HaGoel Tov L'Hodot
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Published: August 19, 2009