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Hebrew Phrases

A Comprehensive Compilation of Transliterated Hebrew Phrases with English Translation

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Hebrew Transliterated PhraseEnglish Translation
Abba (Aba)Father
Acharei Aruchat HatzohorayimAfter Lunch
Acharei HatzohorayimIn the Afternoon
AchiMy Brother
AchichemYour Brother
AchivHis Brother
AchinuOur Brother
AchotiMy Sister
AchotichemYour Sister
AchotenuOur Sister
Achot Tze'irahYounger Sister
Ach Tza'irYounger Brother
Adat HaE-L ChaiCommunity of the Living G-d
Adat HaShemCongregation of HaShem
Ad HaErevUntil this Evening (response upon departing
Ad MacharUntil Tomorrow (response upon departing)
Ad Me'ah Ve'Esrim Shanah!May You Live to be 120!
Adon HaShamayim veEretzMaster of Heaven and Earth
Adon OlamMaster of the Universe
Af Al Pe ChainDespite That it is So; In Spite of it All
A"H - Acronym for Alav HaShalom (masc.); Aleha HaShalom (fem.)May Peace be upon Him / Her
Ahavah OlamEverlasting Love or Eternal Love
Ahavat HaEmetLove of the Truth
Ahavat ChesedLove of Kindness
Ahavat YisraelLoving Your Fellow Jew
Ain Davar K'ZehThere is No Such Thing; Drop it, it Doesn't Exist
Ain Mazel b'YisraelThe People of Yisrael Transcend Astrological Influences
Al Lo DevarYou're Welcome
Al TedagDon't Worry
Alav HaShalomMay Peace be Upon Him
Amarta AmartaYou Said, You Said; You Said it, So it's Good Enough for Me
Am KadshechaPeople of Your Holiness
Am YisraelThe People of Israel (All Jews)
Ani ChaiI Live
Ani Etkasher Ele'chaI'll Call You
Ani Koreh Ivrit, Aval Lo Medaber (masc.)I Read Hebrew but do not Speak
Ani Koreh VeKotev, Aval Lo Medaber (fem.)I Read Hebrew but do not Speak
Ani LeDodi ve Dodi LiI am My Beloved's and My Beloved is Mine
Ani Lo Mevin (masc.) Ani Lo Mevinah (fem.)I Do Not Understand
Ani Lo Mevin Otcha (masc.) Ani Lo Mevin Otach (fem.)I Don't Understand You
Ani Lo Yode'a (masc.) Ani Lo Yoda'at (fem.)I Don't Know
Ani Medaber Ivrit (masc.) Ani Medaberet Ivrit (fem.)I Speak Hebrew
Ani Mitzta'er (masc.) Ani Mitzta'eret (fem.)I'm Sorry
Ani Ohev Otach (masc.) Ani Ohevet Otcha (fem.)I love You
Ani Tzarich Lalechet AchshavI Must Go Now
Ani veAtah Neshane et HaOlam!You and I will Change the World!
Ani Yode'a (masc.) Ani Yoda'at (fem.)I Know
Ani Yode'a Ivrit (masc.) Ani Yoda'at Ivrit (fem.)I Know Hebrew
Ani Yode'a Milim Achadot (masc.)I Know a Few Words (of Hebrew)
Ani Yoda'at Rak Milim Achadot (fem.)I Know Only A Few Words (of Hebrew)
Arba Pinot HaEretzThe Four Corners of the Earth
Arbaim Yom veArbaim LailahForty Days and Forty Nights
Aruchat BokerBreakfast
Aruchat ErevDinner
Aruchat TzohorayimLunch
Asir Todah (masc.) Asirat Todah (fem.)Every So Grateful
Atah (masc. sing.) At (fem. sing.)You
Atah beChartanuYou Have Chosen Us
Atah Lo Mevin (masc.) At Lo Mevina' (fem.)You Don't Understand
Atah Lo Tzodek (masc.) Ata Lo Tzodeket (fem.)You are Wrong
Atah Medaber Ivrit? (masc.) At Medaberet Ivrit? (fem.)Do You Speak Hebrew?  Responses:
Me'at - A Little
Ken, Me'At - Yes, a Little
Me'at Me'od - Very Little
Rak Me'at - Just a Little
Lo, Ani Lo Medaber (masc.) - No, I do not Speak
Atah Mevine? (masc.) At Mevina'? (fem.)Do You Understand?
Atah Mevin Ivrit? (masc.) At Mevinah et Hamilim (fem.)Do You Understand Hebrew?; Do You Understand the Words?  Response:
Ken, Ani Mevinah et Hamilim (fem.) - Yes, I understand the words;
Ani Mevin et Hamilim, Aval lo et Hamishpat (masc.) - I understand the words, but not the sentence;
Ani Mevin, Aval lo Medaber (masc.) - I understand but do not speak
Atah Tzodek (masc.) At Tzodeket (fem.)You Are Right
Atar Chev'ratiSocial Networking Site
Atem (masc. plural) Aten (fem. plural)You
At'letikah KalaTrack and Field
Av HaRachamanMerciful Father
Av HaRoeh beSeterFather Who Sees in Secret
AviMy Father
AvichemYour Father
Avi CholFather of All
AvinuOur Father
Avinu MalkeinuOur Father, Our King
Avoda, MisraWork, Job
AvoteinuOur Fathers
Avraham AvinuAvraham Our Father
Av SheBaShamayimFather in Heaven
Avinu SheBaShamayimOur Father in Heaven
Az Mah?So What?
Azov OtiLeave Me (Alone)
Azru Li!Help Me!
Baal HaKeremMaster of the Vineyard
Baal BayitMaster of the House
Baal Midot ToVot (masc.) Baalat MiDot ToVotMaster of Good Attributes; A Person of Good Character
Baal NefeshReligious Jew
BaaliMy Husband
BaBokerIn the Morning
Bachur (masc.) Bachurah (fem.)Young Man; Young Woman
Ba LiI Felt / Feel Like it
BalnesMiracle Worker
BalshemFaith Healer; Performer of Miracles
BaMidbarIn the Wilderness
Barchot veTefillotBlessings and Prayers
Barei LevPure in Heart
Bari veShalemSafe and Sound
Bar Mitzvah (masc.) Bat Mitzvah (fem.)Son / Daughter of the Commandment
Baruch HaBah! (pl. Bruchim haBaim)Welcome!
Baruch HaBah B'Shem Ad-naiBlessed is the Name of YKVK
Baruch HaShemThank G-d
Baruch Hu veBaruch ShmoBlessed be He and Blessed be His Name
Baruch sheAmarBlessed be He Who Spoke
Baruch Shem Kivod LeOlam Va'edBlessed be His Glorious Majesty Forever and Ever
Baruch Shem Kivod Malchuto LeOlam Va'edBlessed be His Glorious Name Whose Kingdom is Forever and Ever
Baruch ShemahBlessed be the Name
Bat TziyonDaughter of Zion
Batu'ach?Are You Sure?
B'AhavahWith Love
BS"D (Aramaic - B'Siyata D'Shamaya)With the Help of Heaven / G-d
Bechayecha! (masc.) Bechayech! (fem.)On Your Life!; Really? Oh Sure!
Bechayai!Really! Sure!
Be'einei HaShemIn the Eyes of HaShem
B'Ezrat HaShem (BE"H)With G-d's Help
BehatzlachaGood Luck!; All the Best!
Bekarov EtzlechSoon So Shall It Be By You (reponse to someone wishing you a Mazel Tov)
B'li Ayin HaraWithout an Evil Eye
Bemeshech HaYomDuring the Day
Benat HaLevAn Understanding of the Heart
BeratzonWith Pleasure
BereishitIn the Beginning
BerishonahIn the First Place
B'SederAll Right
Besha'a ZuAt the Present Time
B'Simcha TamidHappy Aways
B'teavonWith Appetite; equivalent to "bon appetit!"
BeTodah Me-RoshThank You in Advance
BetulahUnmarried Woman
BevakashaPlease (or your welcome)
Bevakasha et ZehThis, Please
Bilui NaimHave a Good Time
BitachonTurst (in G-d)
BivrachaIn Blessing
Bobbeh (Yiddish)Grandmother
BocherBachelor; Unmarried Man; Young Man
Bri'at HaOlamCreation of the World
Bli SafekWithout a Doubt
Bimheirah b'YameinuSpeedily in our Days
Bo Hena! Bo Hena! Come Here! Come here!
Boker TovGood Morning
Boker Tov, HaShem Yevarech OtchaGood Morning, G-d Should Bless You
Bracha veHazlahaBlessing and Much Success
Bruchim HaBa'imBlessed are Those Who Come (to you and your family; Welcome
Bubbee (Yiddish)Grandmother
BulStamp (on a letter)
Dan Lekaf ZechutTo Judge on the Scale of Merit
Darkei HatzniutPaths of Modesty
Dash Cham (al. Dahsh Chahm)Warm Regards
Derech EretzWay of the Land
Derech HaShemWay of HaShem
Devar ElokimWord of G-d
DevirHoly of Holies
Divrei HaNevu'ahWords of Prophecy
Divrei ChibushimWords of Admonition
Do'ar MahirExpress Mail
Dolar AmerikaiAmerican Dollar
Dra Chei ChahShow Me Your Ways
Drishat Shalom (D"SH; DASH)Regards; Kind Regards; Greetings (response upon departing
Drishat Shalom LaMishpachaRegards to the Family (response upon departing)
Drishat Shalom LeGive My Regards to...
Eich Omrim et Zeh Be' (Anglit)How Do You Say This in (English)?
Eich Ze?How is It?
Eifo?Where Is?
Eifo Atah Gar?Where Do You Live?
Eifo Ha'Sherutim?Where is the Bathroom?
Ei, GutGreat, Just Great!
Eilu?Which Ones?
Ein Be'ad MaYou're Welcome
Ein Ba'aya!Its Nothing!
Ein Be'ayotNo Problems
Ein BrerahNo Choice
Ein Li Klum (Ein li Shum Davar)I Don't Have Anything; I Have Nothing
Ein Somchin Al HanessDon't Rely on Miracles
EizelFool; Dope
Eize Sug?Which Type?
E-L AdonG-d is Master
Ela MaiWhat Then?; So What?; But What Happens?
E-L EmunahG-d of Faithfulness
ElokeiMy G-d
Elokeicha (Elokeichem)Your G-d
ElokeinuOur G-d
Elokim YerachemG-d Will Have Mercy
EmanuOur Mother
Emdat AvodaOperating Post
Emet veYatzivTrue and Certain
Eretz YisraelLand of Israel
Erev TovGood Evening
Eser MilionTen Million
EshtakadLast Year
EynoIs Not
Galui Le-AyinPerceptible to the Eye; Visible; Obvious; Noticeable; Detectable; Evident
Gam ZuLeTovahThis is for the Good (best)
Gavra RabbahA Great Man
Gesundheit (Yiddish)Literally "Health."  (a response when someone sneezes
Gisha Le-InternetInternet Access
GlidaIce Cream
Goyish (masc.) Goyisha (fem.)Not Jewish
Gut Shabbes! (Yiddish)Good Sabbath!
Gut Yontev! (Yiddish)Good Holiday!
Gut Yontiff! (Yiddish)Good Holiday!
HaAvThe Father
Hachamenu ZichronamOur Sages, May Their Memory be a Blessing
Hainu HachIt is the Same Thing
HaIvriThe Hebrew
HaKash SheShavar et Gav HaGamalThe Straw that Broke the Camel's Back
HaKodesh Baruch HuHoly One, Blessed be He
Hakol Beseder?Is Everything OK?
Hakol Beseder B'Eli HasederEverything is in Order Within the Chaos
HaKol Le Tova!Everything is for the Best!
Halach ImGo With
Halevei! (Halavai)Would that it Came True!
Hallelu et Ad-naiO Praise YKVK
HaMa'eiven YavinThose Who Know Understand
Harbe Zman Lo Hitra'enuLong Time No See
HaRishon (Shel HaChodesh)The First (Day of the Month)
HaRosh MistovevMy Head is Spinning
Har'BehA Lot; Many; Much
HaShem Yimloch LeOlam Va'edYKVK Will Reign Forver and Ever
HaShem YitbarachYKVK, May He be Blessed
HaShem Yaazor(I Hope That) G-d Shall Help
Hashgacha PratisDivine Providence - Everything that happens to a Jew, everything he or she sees, hears, feels or learns happens for a special reason. there is no chance; there is no coincidence.
Hatzlacha Rabbah!Much Success! (as a greeting - Good Luck!)
Havarah AshkenazitAshkenazi Pronunciation of Hebrew - current in some Diaspora circles
Havarah SefaraditSephardi Pronunciation of Hebrew - current pronunciation in Israel
HaYakar (masc.) HaY'Karah (fem.)Dear; Beloved
Hayalim Kedoshim Holy Soldiers
Haya Naim Me'odIts Been a Pleasure (greeting at departing)
HaYanayim Me'odGoodbye, I had a Delightful Time
HechalHoly Place
Hem (masc.) Hen (fem.)They
Herim YadRaise One's Hand
Hishtagata? (masc.) Hishtagat? (fem.)Have You Gone Mad?; Are You Nuts?; Have You Lost it?; Are You Crazy?
Histalek!Go Away!
Hiz'min S'chorahOrder Goods
HK"M!HaShem Should Avenge his (her or their) blood
Hoda'ah TekstitText Message
Hotza'at DibahSending Forth of Slander; idiomatically, Publication of Slander / Libel
HY"D - Acronym for HaShem Yikom Damo (masc.); HaShem Yikom Dama (fem.)May HaShem Avenge His / Her blood - Martyred Jews or Jews killed by anti-Semites.
Ihulim LevaviimBest Wishes
Im Yirtzeh ElokimIf it Pleases G-d
Im (Ima)Mother
ImiMy Mother
Im ShacharAt Dawn
Im Yirtze Hashem Bi DirG-d Willing by You (A common response to a "mazal tov" greeting meaning "May G-d bless you with a joyous occasion too")
IshtiMy Wife
ItonNewspaper; Periodical
IY"H (al. iy"H) - Acronym for Yirtzah HaShemG-d Willing
Kacha KachaSo So
Kacha HaChayimThat's Life; That's the Way it Goes
Kamah Zeh O'leh?How Much Does This Cost?
Kar LiIt is Cold to Me; I Feel Cold
Karon Misa'daDining Car
Karov RachokA Distant Relative
Kar'tis Ash'ra'iCredit Card
Kazeh (masc.) Kazot (fem.)Like This
Kedushat YisraelSanctification of Israel; Holiness of Israel
Ke'ev RoshHeadache
Kein Eina Hara (al. Kennahara)No Evil Eye
Ketivah veChasimah Tovah LeShanah Tovah TikateivuMay You Be Inscribed in the Book of Life for a Good Year
Ki eshm'rah Shabbat El yishm'reni. Ot hi l'olmey ad beyno uveyniJust as I keep Shabbat, G-d will keep me. It is a symbol for all eternity between Him and me.
Klal YisraelCommunity of Israel; All Israel; the entire Jewish People
KolboynikKnow it All
Kol HaKavod!All the Honor!; All The Respect; All Right!; Great!; Good Job!
Kol TuvAll the Best
Kol Yisrael Arevim Zeh LazehAll Jews are Responsible for Each Other
Kotel Ma'araviWestern Wall
KtzatLittle; a Little
KH (CH) 
Chabdeihu VechoshdeihuTake Him with a Grain of Salt
Chag Kasher veSame'ach Pesach!Happy & Kosher Passover Festival!
Chag Same'ach!Happy Festival!; Joyous Festival!; Happy Holidays!
Chag Urim SameachMay We be Enlightened
Chalomot TovimSweet Dreams
Cham LiIt is Hot to Me; I Feel Hot
Chas veChalilah!G-d Beware!; G-d Forbid!
Chas veShalom!G-d Forbid!
Chaval Al HazmanDon't Waste Your Time; It is a Waste of Time
Chaver Shelach (masc.) ChaveraShelach (fem.)Your Friend
Chayei OlamEternal Life
Charon af HaShemWrath / Anger of HaShem
Chek TayarimTravelers Check
Chele KodeshSacred Objects
ChochemWise Man; A Wise Guy (slang)
Chodesh TovA Good Month
Chodesh Tov uMevorachA Good and Blessed Month
Chom GufBody Temperature
Chozer BitshuvahA Jew Who has Become Religious
ChutzpahAudacity; Utter Nerve
La'azorTo Help
Lachshov SheTo Think That...
Lachzor HabayitaTo Return Home
Ladredet ShelegTo Snow
Lailah TovGoodnight
Lagur, LehitgorerTo Live, To Reside
LakachatTo Take
Lakachat ChelekTo Take Part
Lakivun HahuThat Way
LarivTo Fight
LashevetTo Sit
Lashon HarahEvil Tongue; Forbidden Speach
LasimTo Put
Latet et HaKolGo All Out; Full On
Le'acherTo Be Late
L'aMetTo Bring Out the Truth; To Verify; To Confirm
Le'an AtahNose'a?Where Are You Going?
Le'asherTo Comfirm
LechaberTo Attach
LechapesTo Search For
LeChayim!To Life!
Lechu NeranenahCome, Let us Sing
Ledave'achTo Report
LehafsidTo Lose Out; To Lose
LehamirTo Change (from a transaction)
Leharim Et HaKolTo Raise or Lift One's Voice; To Shout
Lehatchil BelimudimTo Start Lessons
LehavinTo Understand
LehibachenTo Test; To Take a Test
Lehirakev, LehitkalkelTo Get Rotten, To Go Bad
Lehisha'er Al HakarkaTo be Grounded
Lehitkasot KerachIce Over
LehitorerTo Wake Up
Lehitra'otSee You Later; See You Again; See You Soon; So Long
Lehitya'etz Im RofeTo Consult a Doctor
LehityakerTo Go Up In Price
LehitztanenCatch a Cold
Lehitra'ot BaErevI'll See You in the Evening (response upon departing)
LehosifTo Add
Lelakek Et Ha'etzba'ot!Finger Licking Good!
LemaleTo Fill Out
Lenatze'ach, LizkotAttain, To Win
LesamesTo Text
LeshahekTo Hiccup
LeShaim ShamayimFor the Sake of Heaven
LeShalom veDa'atFor Peace and Knowledge
LeShanah TovahFor a Good Year
LeShanah Tovah TikateivuMay You be Written Down for a Good Year
LeShanah Tovah Tikatev VetihatemMay You be Inscribed and Sealed for a Good Year (response: GamAtah "Same to You")
LeShanah TovahTiktavi Tetichtami (fem.)May You be Inscribed and Sealed for a Good Year
LeTov uLeChayim uLeShalomFor Good, and for Life, and for Shalom
Levaker Krovey MishpachaTo Visit Relatives
LichoraAs it Appears; Apparently; On the Face of it
LichroaTo Squat
LidchofTo Push
LifgoshTo Meet
Lifnei ShnatayimThe Year Before Last
Lihiyot Ba'al DeaTo Have an Opinion
Lihiyot MaleTo be Full
LikfotzTo Jump
Limroach KremTo Apply (a cream)
LimtoachTo Stretch
LinchotTo Land
LiskhorTo Rent
LischotTo Swim
LitforTo Sew
LitzboaTo Paint
LivkotTo Cry (tears)
LizkorTo Remember
LoNo; Not
Lo AdkaniOut of Date
Lo Ba LiI Don't Feel Like it
Lo BediyukNot Exactly
Lo B'Shamayim HiThe Torah is Not in Heaven
Lo BeshiMushNot in Use; Not Working
Lo Kol Kach' Lo Kol KachNot So Good; Not So Much
Lo RaNot Bad
Lo YitachenIt is Not Possible
MacherA Big Shot; Man with Contacts
Mach'leket NosimEconomy Class
Mach'shev NayadLaptop
Madaf S'farimBookshelf
Magiyah LoTo Him it Should be Received; He Deserves it
Mah Atah O'mer?What are You Saying?
Mah Hainyaim?What's the News?
Mah Hasha'ah?What Time is it?
Mah Hashem Shelcha?What's Your Name? (response: Hashem sheli "My name is _____ )
Mah Lecha?What's it to You?
Mah Nishmah?What is Heard?; What's New? (response: Lo Kelum "Nothing"
Mah She-BaTuach, BaTuachWhat is Certain is Certain
Mah Shlomecha? (masc.) Mah Shlomech? (fem.)How are You? (responses: uMah Shlomecha / Shlomech? or v'Atah? "and How are You?;
Tov Me'od, Todah "Very Well, Thanks";
Tov Todah "Fine / Good, Thanks";
BeSeder, B"H "Fine, Baruch HaShem"
Mah Shlom'chem? (masc. plural) Mah Shlom'chen? (fem. plural)How are You?
Ma Shim'cha?What's your Name?
Mah Tovu OhalechaHow Goodly are Your Tents
Mah Yesh?What Do You Have?; What's the Matter?; What's the Problem?
Mah Zeh?What is This?
Malkut HaShamayimThe Kingdom of Heaven; The Kingdom of G-d
MaratMarried Woman; Mrs.
Maslul BeinleumiInternational Route
MatayimTwo Hundred
Mazel uBracha! (Yiddish - Mazel und Brucha)Blessings and Congratulations!
Mazel Tov!Congratulations!
Me'ah AchuzFor Sure; 100% Certain
Me'atA Little
MechiahA Great Feeling; Relief
Meh Chadash?What's New? (response: Ein Chadash "Nothing's New"
MenchA Nice Gentleman; Good Person; Good Jew
Meyabesh Se'arHair Dryer
Meytav Halchulim!Best Wishes!
MiDei Pa'AmFrom Time to Time
Mitzta'erI'm Sorry
Mivta AshkenaziAshkenazi Acent
Mivta SefardiSephardic Accent
Mivta YisraeliIsraeli Accent
Mo'adim LeSimcha! (Sefardic)Happy Holiday / Festival; Times for Joy; Seasons of Joy
Moadim L'Simcha L'Geula ShleimaHappy Holiday in the Anticipation of a Complete Redemption
Moshiah OlamSavior of the World
Motza'ei ShabbatSaturday Evening; Night after Shabbat
Musikat RokRock Music
Naim Me'odIt's a Pleasure; Pleased to Meet You (greeting at meeting)
Nasi ChevraPresident (of a company)
Nehedar, Yo'fiWonderful, Great
NeshomelehSweet Soul; Sweetheart; Darling
Nesia TovahHave a Good Trip
Neyar DevekScotch Tape
Neyar Tu'aletToilet Paper
Niftar (masc.) Nifterah (fem.)Died; Passed Away
Nishtu Gedacht!May We be Saved From it (sad event); It Shouldn't Happen!; G-d Forbid!
Niyar TishuTissue Paper
Nod NafuachA Complete Nothing; A Bag of Wind
Nohal TakinCorrect Procedure
Nolad (masc.) Noldah (fem.)Born
Nu? (Yiddish)So?; Well?
Nu Tzadakti?Well, Was I Right?
Ochel YapaniJapanese Food
Onesh OlamEternal Purnishment
Or AdomRed Light
Oseh Shamayim veEretzMaker of Heaven and Earth
Oy / OiDenotes Disgust, Pain, Astonishment or Rapture
Oy Va'avoi Li!Oh My G-d!
Oy Vai Lz Mir!Woe is Me!
Ozer Yisrael biGvurahWho Girds Israel with Strength
Ozer Yisrael b'Tif'arahWho Crowns Israel with Splendor
Pach Ash'pahGarbage Pail
Pachot O YoterNot Far Off; Approximately
Panah Be-PinahTurn a Corner
Pasey RakevetTrain Track
PelefonSearch For
Po Nikbar; Po NitmanHere Lies (abbrevation at top of most Jewish tombstones)
Proster OilemCommon People
Rachmana Litzlon!Heaven Forbid!
Rah Me'odVery Bad
Rakevet MekomitLocal Train
RashehMean; Evil Person
Rav Todah!Many Thanks!
RebiniuTerm of Endearment for a Rabbi
Refuah Shleimah!(May You Have) a Complete Recovery!
RegahOne Moment
Rishayon NehigaDriver's License
Rofeh HaCholimHealer of the Sick
Rosh ChodeshFirst of the Month
Sa'arah B'Kos MayimMaking a Big Deal Out of Nothing
SabaOld Granddad
Sarah EmanuSarah Our Mother
Se'ar BlondiniBlonde Hair
Se'ar ShachorBlack Hair
Selach LiExcuse Me
Sicha MekomitLocal Phone Call (within the city)
Sha'alu Shalom YerushalayimPray for the Peace of Jerusalem
Sha'arGate; Ticket Gate
Sha'arei TziyonGates of Zion
Shabbat Goy (Shabbes Goi - Yiddish)A Non-Jew Doing Work for Jews on the Sabbath
Shabbat Shalom LekulamGood Sabbath to Everyone
Shabbat Shalom uMevorachA Peaceful and Blessed Sabbath
Shabbat Shalom veShavua Tov!A Peaceful Shabbat and a Good Week!
ShalomPeace; Hello; Goodbye
Shalom uv'rachaPeace and Blessing
Shalom uv'racha leYisraelPeace and Blessing to Israel
Shanah (Shanim, pl.)Year (Years)
Shanah Tovah!Happy New Year!
Sha'on Me'orerAlarm Clock
Shavua Tov (Yiddish "Gut Vach")Good Week
ShekaPower Socket
Shkoyach!Way to Go!
Sherut HashkamaWake Up Service
ShlimazelLuckless Person; Incompetent Person; One Who has Perpetual Bad Luck
Shlomi' TovI'm Fine
ShmiMy Name is
Shomrei MitzvotKeeper of the Commandments; the Orthodox; Observant Jews; Abiding by all rules and regulations.
Shul'chan Mit'bachKitchen Table
Ta'amin Li!Believe (to) Me; (Just) Believe Me!
Tarshe LiAllow Me
TatelehLittle Darling
Tehe Nishmatah Tzerurah Bitzror HaChayimMay Her Soul be Bound in the Bond of Eternal Life
Tei-yerinkehSweetheart; Dearest
Tihye Ba'riBe Healthy
Timseri La Dash MimeniSend Her My Regards
Timsor Lo DashTransfer Regards to Him
Timsor Lo Dash MimeniSend Him My Regards
Tishlach Lo Dash MimeniSend Him My Regards
Tismoch AlaiYou Can Rely on Me
Titkasher' Elai!Call Me!
Titchadesh (masc.); Titchadshi (fem)You Shall be Renewed
Tochnit AvPlan of the Father; Master Plan
TodahThank You
Todah LaE-L!Thank G-d!
Todah Lailah TovThanks, Goodnight
Todah RabbahThank You Very Much
Todah veShalomThank You and Goodbye
Tov Me'od TodahVery Well, Thanks
Tov TodahOk, Thank You
Tuchal La'azor Li?Can You Help Me?
Tut Mir Hano'ehIt Gives Me Pleasure (can also be meant sarcastically)
Tzad MizrachiEast Side
Tzaharaim TovimGood Afternoon (response upon departing)
Tzar LiI'm Sorry
Tzetech leShalom veShuvech leShalom (masc.)Go in Peace and Return in Peace
Tzetcha leShalom veShuvcha leShalom (fem.)Go in Peace and Return in Peace
Tzipor KtanaSmall Bird
Tzom KalMay You Have an Easy Fast
Umot HaOlamNations of the World
Vadai, beVadai!Of Course!
VeYitten Lecha(May G-d) Grant You
Ya'aleh veYavoMay it Ascend and Arrive
Yachas EnoshiBenevolence; Thoughtfulness
Yasher Koach!May Your Strength be Firm!; May You Have Strength!
Yatziv PatgamTrue is the Word
Yehi RatzonMay it be Your Will
Yehiyeh Asher YehiyehWhat Will be Will be; Come What May
Yereim uShleimimTotally Observant
Yerushalayim ShelanuOur Jerusalem
YESHA (acronym)Yehudah (territories of Judea) Shomrom (territories of Samaria) Azza (territories of Gaza)
Yetzer HarahEvil Inclination
Yetzuyat CherumEmergency Exit
Yihyeh BeSederIt Will be in Order; Everything Will be Ok; It Will all Work Out
Yirat ShamayimFear of Heaven
Yirei HashemThose Who Fear Hashem
Yishar KoachStraight Power; With Strength; Good for You; Way to Go; More Power to You - said when someone has accomplished something.  Proper response to this phrase is: Baruch Teheyeh (masc.); Brucha Tiheyi (fem.) - You Shall Be Blessed.
YitachenIt is Possible
Yom; YamimDay; Days
YomayimTwo Days
Yom HaShabbatThe Day of Sabbath; The Sabbath Day
Yom HuledetBirthday
Yom Huledet Same'ach!Happy Birthday!
Yom MeunanCloudy Day
Yom TovA good Day (applied to the Festivals)
Yorei HaShemFearer of HaShem
Yoshev Al HagaderStraddling the Fence
Yoshev Al Sir HaBasar(He is) Living the Good Life
Zaide (Yiddish)Grandfather
Zakain (masc.) Zekainah (fem.)Old
Zechrono L'VrachaMay His Memory Be For Blessing
Zechut AvotMerit of the Fathers
Zeh ChashuvIts Important
Zeh HaKolThat's it
Zeh Klum!It's Nothing!
Zeh Lo MeshaneIt Doesn't Matter
Zeh Mah SheyeshThis is What There is; There is No More
Zeh Mean'yenIt's Interesting
Zeh MesukanIt's Dangerous
Zei Mir Gezunt!Be Well!
ZK"L - Acronym for Zecher Kadosh LivrachaMay the Memory of the Saintly be for Blessing; for a saintly martyr (including those murdered by enemies of the Jews)
Zmanim Moderni'imModern Times
Z"L - Acronym for Zichrono Livracha, masc.; Zichronah Livracha, fem.Of Blessed Memory; or May His/Her Memory be for Blessing (for a non-rabbinical figure)
Ziknei HaAmElders of the People
Zot OmeretIn Other Words
ZT"L / ZTz"L - Acronym for Zecher Tzaddik LivrachaMay the Memory of the Righteous be for Blessing

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Gematria - Tabela

PÁGINA PRINCIPAL                         TOC  para trabalhos em Desenvolvimento Hebrew Gematria por Bill Heidrick Copyright © por Bill Heidrick Instruções:  Para ir para entradas em um valor particular, selecione o link sobre esse valor. Blanks onde os números seriam indicam há entradas ainda para esse número. Um fundo escuro indica que as entradas são apenas referals para palavras e frases usando valores finais em letras. Intro 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 ...


© Copyright 2002 ARTISTS FOR ISRAEL INTERNATIONAL. All rights reserved. abaddon (destruction) abirei lev (stubborn of heart) ach ahuv (a beloved brother [in Moshiach]) ach'av mashtin b'kir (him that urinates against the wall, i.e. all males) Ach'av (Ahab, King Ahab of Israel) ach (brother) achad asar (Eleven, the Eleven) achai (my brethren) acharei (after) acharim (end-times things) acharit hashanim (future years) acharit hayamim (last days, [Messianic] latter days) acharit shanah (end of the year) acharit yam (the extreme end of the sea) acharit (future, end, last, final outcome, latter end, i.e., future destruction) acharon (afterward, in the future, last) acharonim (last ones) achavah (brotherhood) achayot, akhayot (sisters) Achazyahu (Ahaziah of Judah) achdus (union, unity) achdut of yichudim (unity/ harmony of unifications) achdut (unity) achei Yosef asarah (Yosef's ten brothers) achei Yosef(the brothers of Yosef) acheicha (thy brethren) acheinu (our ...


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