
Professional Journal/Periodical Articles (not refereed/peer reviewed)
- "Shavuot in the Book of Revelation." Shabbat Shalom 56, no. 3 (2009): 25-26.
- "Shavuot in the Book of Acts." Shabbat Shalom 56, no. 3 (2009): 23-24.
- "The Torah (The Law)." Shabbat Shalom 56, no. 3 (2009): 12-17.
- "Shavuot and Shalom." Shabbat Shalom 56, no. 3 (2009): 3.
- "Hebrew Concept of the World." Shabbat Shalom 56, no. 2 (2009): 23.
- "An Ecological Ideal." Shabbat Shalom 56. no. 2 (2009): 3.
- "Death Was Not in the Plan or The 'Good' of Creation." Shabbat Shalom 56. no. I (2009) 32-33.
- "To Live. to Die, and Then? Shabbat Shalom 56. no. I (2009): 24-28"
- "Immortality of the Soul or Resurrection?" Shabbat Shalom 56. no. 1 (2009): 19-20.
- "Death." Shabbat Shalom 56. no. 1 (2009): 13-14.
- "We Will All Die." Shabbat Shalom 56. no. I (2009): 3.
- "Shalom: The Hebrew View of Peace." Shabbat Shalom 55. no. 3 (2008): 42-45.
- "The Hope of Sixty." Shabbat Shalom 55, no. 3 (2008): 3.
- "Camping with God." Shabbat Shalom 55. no. 2 (2008): 19-21 .
- "'All Is Vanity': The Message of Sukkot Through the Book of Ecclesiastes." Shabbat Shalom 55, no. 2 (2008): 18.
- "The Hallelujahs of Sukkot." Shabbat Shalom 55. no. 2 (2008): 12-13.
- "Reflecting Under the Stars." Shabbat Shalom 55. no. 2 (2008): 3.
- "Humor in the Book of Danie!'" Shabbat Shalom 55. no. I (2008): 22-23.
- "When God Makes Me Laugh." Shabbat Shalom 55, no. I (2008): 19-21.
- "Nature of Man." Shabbat Shalom 55, no. 1 (2008): 14-15.
- "From Laughter to Love." Shabbat Shalom 55. no. 1 (2008): 3.
- "Life with God: Hebraic Understanding of Life's Choices." Restore! II, no. 2 (2008): 12-15.
- "Cosmic Forgiveness: The Riddle of the Serpent in Genesis 3: 15." Shabbat Shalom 54, no. 3 (2007): 28-33.
- "Live with God." Shabbat Shalom 54. no. 3 (2007): 21-22.
- "It Is Not Forgivable!" Shabbat Shalom 54. no. 3 (2007): 3.
- "Kippur and the Akedah." Shabbat Shalom 54. no. 2 (2007): 24.
- "Kippur and Creation." Shabbat Shalom 54. no. 2 (2007): 20-22.
- "Death." Shabbat Shalom 54. no. 2 (2007): 14-15.
- "Cosmic Kippur." Shabbat Shalom 54. no. 2 (2007): 3.
- "Adventismus und Judentum: Ähnlichkeiten und Unterschiede." Advent Echo, September 2007.16-17.
- "The Threat to Religious Liberty." Shabbat Shalom 54, no. I (2007): 3
- "Prophecy and History." Shabbat Shalom 54. no. [ (2007): 17-19.
- "Cain: The First Crime to Religious Libcny." Shabbat Shalom 54. no. 1 (2007): 22-24.
- "The Sabbath and the Sanctuary." Shabbat Shalom 53, no. 3 (2006): 3.
- "Judgment." Shabbat Shalom 53. no. 3 (2006): 16-19.
- ''The Sacred Tent of the Cohen." Shabbat Shalom 53, no. 3 (2006): 10-13.
- "Heavens in the Tent." Shabbat Shalom 53, no. 3 (2006): 3.
- "Judaism and Adventism: Similarities and Differences." Shabbat Shalom 53, no. 2 (2006): 30-32.
- "The Torah: The Law of God." Shabbat Shalom 53, no. 2 (2006): 19-22.
- ''The Messiah of the Jubilee." Shabbat Shalom 53. no. 2 (2006): 6-7.
- "The Hope of Jubilee." Shabbat Shalom 53. no. 2 (2006): 3.
- "Creation," Shabbat Shalom 53, no. I (2006): 14-15.
- "'Next Year in Jerusalem." Shabbat Shalom 53. no. 1 (2006): 3.
- "Dasjlidische Gesicht des Adventismus:' Kol Nesed2. no. 6 (2006): 7.
- "Israel and the Church: A Critique of Dispensationalism." Shabbat Shalom, 52. no. 2 (2005): 23-25.
- "The Tongue of the Leper: A Derasha on the Parasha of Metsora (Leviticus 14:53-57)." Shabbat Shalom. 52, no. 2 (2005): 21~22.
- "God." Shabbat Shalom. 52, no. 2 (2005): 18-20.
- "Beyond the Dome of the Rock." Shabbat Shalom, 52, no. 2 (2005): 3.
- '"The Jewish Face of Adventism." Shabbat Shalom. 51, no. 3 (2004): 9-16.
- "Operation Elijah." Shabbat Shalom, 51. no. 3 (2004): 3.
- "The Sabbath as a Sign: Like a Tree in the Wilderness." Shabbat Shalom, 51. no. 2 (2004): 15-19.
- ''The Little Flame of Shabbat." Shabbat Shalom, 51. 110. 2 (2004): 3.
- "Seven Perspectives in the Book of Daniel." Shabbat Shalom, 51 no. 1 (2004): 10-13.
- "Daniel at the Jewish-Christian Crossroads." Shabbat Shalom. 51. no. 1 (2004): 3.
- "Why Would Christians Do Jewish Festivals?" Shabbat Shalom Winter 2003-2004, 22-24.
- "Sukkot, or the I'lope of Jerusalem: Reading Jewish Festivals into the Apocalypse." Shabbat Shalom, Winter 2003-2004,12-16.
- "The Joy: To Remember and Hope." Shabbat Shalom. Winter 2003-2004. 3.
- "The Mysterious Identity of the Suffering Servant: The Riddle of Isaiah 53." Shabbat Shalom, Autumn 2003. 22-27.
- "Jesus/Yeshua." Shabbat Shalom, Autumn 2003, 3.
- "Conversion Without Treason: The Call of Abraham." Shabbat Shalom. Spring 2003, 20-21.
- "Lekh, Lekha: Go!" Shabbat Shalom, Spring 2003. 14-15.
- "Abraham,the 'Friend of God'" Shabbat Shalom, Spring 2003, 3.
- "The Curse on the Jews." Shabbat Shalom, Winter 2002-03, 12-13.
- "Where is God?" Shabbat Shalom, Winter 2002-03, 3.
- "The Rejection of Israel? Lessons from an Olive Tree," Resort! 8, no. 2 (2003): 10-12.
- "How Shall We Sing?." Shabbat Shalom, Autumn 2002, 3.
- "Opposed on Sex." 5, Shabbat Shalom, Spring 2002.3.
- "Women: The Weaker Sex?" Perspective Digest 7, no. 4 (2002): 54-57.
- "Israel and the Church: After Auschwitz and Jerusalem." Restore! 7, no. 4 (2002): 10-13.
- "The Hebrew Concept of Health," Shabbat Shalom, Winter 2001, 10-14.
- "Holier than Holiness." Shabbat Shalom, Winter 2001, 3.
- "Guidelines for the Jewish-Christian Encountcr." Shabbat Shalom, Autumn 2001, 22-24.
- "The Two Witnesses." Shabbat Shalom, Autumn 2001, 13-16,
- "Shadow and Light." Shabbat Shalom, Autumn 2001, 3.
- "I due testimony" II MessAggero Avvenista, December 2001, 4-6.
- "Shalom: The Hebrew View of Peace", Shabbat Shalom. Spring 2001. 3.
- "The Fleeting Dove." Shabbat Shalom, Spring 2001, 3.
- "The Sacred Tent of the Cohen." Shabbat Shalom, Winter 2000, 11-14.
- "The Truth of the Tent." Shabbat Shalom, Winter 2000, 3.
- "Choosing Life with God." Shabbat Shalom, Autumn 2000, 11-15.
- "Life with God, Where Does It Got?" Shabbat Shalom, Autumn 2000, 3.
- "Sabbath: A Palace in Time." Restore, Spring 2000, 14-17.
- "Bereshit: The Mystery of Creation." Shabbat Shalom, Spring 2000, 14-17.
- 'The Unbelievable Belief." Shabbat Shalom, Spring 2000, 3.
- "The Genesis of Family, the Family of Genesis." Shabbat Shalom, Winter 1999, 14-17.
- "The Decomposition of Family." Shabbat Shalom, Winter 1999, 3.
- "Fear God and Worship Him!" Shabbat Shalom, Autumn 1999, 21-22.
- "Ha-Shem, The God of Israel," Shabbat Shalom, Autumn 1999. 18-20.
- "Is There Someone Else?" Shabbat Shalom, Autumn 1999.3.
- "Not Just a Matter of Taste." Shabbat Shalom, Spring-Summer 1999, 28-30.
- "Eating is Holy." Shabbat Shalom, Spring-Summer 1999, 18-22.
- "Eating and Drinking with God." Shabbat Shalom, Spring-Summer 1999, 3.
- "When Daniel Is Praying." Shabbat Shalom, Winter 1998-99, 22-24.
- "Prayer in the Bible." Shabbat Shalom Winter 1998-99, 16-18.
- "Prayer. Sign of Exilc." Shabbat Shalom, Winter 1998-99, 3.
- "Dialogue is Difficult." Shabbat Shalom. August 1998, 3.
- "Nostalgia for Dialogue." Shabbat Shalom, August 1998, 19-22.
- "The Woman or the Genesis of Man." Shabbat Shalom, April 1998, 13-15.
- "Save the Woman." Shabbat Shalom, April 1998, 3.
- "The Worship of Babel." Shabbat Shalom, December 1997, 31-32.
- "How and Why Worship." Shabbat Shalom, December 1997, 23-25.
- "Worship or the Painful Nostalgia." Shabbat Shalom, December, 1997.3.
- "To Live, to Die. and Then?" Shabbat Shalom, August 1997, 13-17.
- "Lehayyim." Shabbat Shalom, August 1997, 3.
- "Vivre. mourir et apres? L 'Olivier, April 1997, 10-17.
- "Lé Hayyim." L 'Olivier, April 1997, 3.
- Attal, Benjamin [Jacqucs Doukhan]. "The Corning of me Messiah." Shabbat Shalom, April 1997, 27-29.
- "Jesus, A Jewish Messiah?" Shabbat Shalom, April 1997, 15-17.
- "Who is the Messiah?" Shabbat Shalom, April 1997, 3.
- "All in All: The Hebrew Conception of the Human Person." Shabbat Shalom, December
- 1996, 18-20.
- "Neither Angel nor Beast." Shabbat Shalom, December 1996, 3.
- "Like a Tree in the Wilderness." Shabbat Shalom, August 1996. 19-23.
- "Shabbat Shalom" Shabbat Shalom. August 1996, 3.
- "The Law of Liberty." Shabbat Shalom, April 1996, 11-14.
- "The Law, 'A light for my path.'" Shabbat Shalom, April 1996, 3.
- "The Bible, Book of Books." Shabbat Shalom, December 1995, 15-17.
- "The Bullet of the Bible." Shabbat Shalom, December 1995, 3.
- "Guidelines for the Jewish-Christian Encounter." Shabbat Shalom, August 1995, 21-24.
- "The Two Witnesses." Shabbat Shalom, August 1995, 14-18.
- "Who is the blind one of the two?" Shabbat Shalom, August 1995, 3.
- "The Risk of Hope." Shabbat Shalom, April 1995, 17-19.
- "Hope in Question." Shabbat Shalom, April 1995, 3.
- "Abraham le nomade." L 'Olivier, April 1995, 16-19.
- "The Problem of Suffering." Shabbat Shalom, December 1994, 11-14.
- "Shut Up!" Shabbat Shalom, December 1994, 1.
- "Shalom: The Hebrew View of Peace." Shabbat Shalom, June 1994, 9-12.
- "The Wish for Peace." Shabbat Shalom, June 1994, 3.
- "Shalom. La conception hébaîque de In Paix." L 'Olivier, Revue de réflexion judéo-chrétienne, May 1994, 10-13.
- "Voeu de paix," L 'Olivier, Revue de réflexion judéo-chrétienne, May 1994, 3.
- "Tu aimeras l'etranger comme toi-même." Signes des Temps, March-April 1994, 11-12.
- "The Book of Books," Shabbat Shalom, January-March 1994, 11-12.
- "Les Juifs dans les écrits d'Ellen White." Servir 3, 1993, 61-63.
- "Dette de mission:' Servir 3, 1993, 35-36.
- "Après Auschwitz et Jérusalem." une théologie adventiste d'Israël." Servir 3, 1993, 23-34.
- "Editorial." Servir 3, 1993, 1.
- "The Problem with Pain." Shabbat Shalom, January-March 1993, 8-10.
- "The Sign of the Sabbath." Shabbat Shalom, January-March 1992, 7-9.
- "In the Beginning: The Hebrew Idea of Creation." Shabhat Shalom, October-December 1991, 7-9.
- "Midrashic Reflections on Jerusalem's Name." Shabbat Shalom, July-September 1987.
- "Shalom!" Shabbat Shalom, July-September 1986.
- "Creation et Littérature," Signes des Temp, May 1976.
- "Quand tu laboufcs ton champ." Vie et Santé, Décembre 1975.
- "Vivre sa vie avec soi-même," Vivre sa Vie, February 1974.
- "La conception de Dieu." Revue Adventiste, March 1974.
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